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What Questions Should You Be Sure To Ask Your Online Dating

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What Questions Should You Be Sure To Ask Your Online Dating E-friend?

Online dating can be very entertaining and gratifying.

Since its inception, online dating had continuously brought two people together in spite of the fact that they are worlds apart, with lands and waters separating them. Online dating made bridges to connect people together, enjoy each other, and build dreams together.

However, there are instances wherein people do not just connect to an online dating site and instantly find somebody whom they can share the rest of their lives with.

Online dating is a continuous, systematic process. It entails careful selection of words, pictures, and representations of the person involved in order to get the best results. Moreover, from the time they get to find somebody they think they are compatible with, the process continues as they get to know each other through a series of messages, chats, and other forms of communication.

Along with this comes the careful selection of words used and messages conveyed in order to establish natural, free-flowing, yet enlightening conversations. These are not just mere exchange of words and phrases but more on the verge of getting to know each other.

Hence, it is extremely important to know which questions to ask so that the person can get a better sense of who the other person is on the other side of the virtual screen.

Here are some of the questions that one should ask to his or her online dating e-friend in order to assess the personality and the attitude of the other person. These questions are specifically inclined to provide the necessary information regarding an individual’s personal conviction on certain matters and his or her own preferences on things.

Those who are involved in online dating just have to keep in mind that when asking these questions, they should make it appear very natural so that they will not sound like they are being confrontational.

In addition, those who will ask these questions should be sure that they are also prepared to answer the same.

1. What is the major error that people make when online dating for the first time?

This question will illustrate some idea about how the other person views the opposite sex. In this way, one could get an insight on the attitude of the other person and his or her personal beliefs on some important matters like dating and relationships.

2. What are you looking for in a guy/girl?

With this question, an individual can get hold of the qualities that the other person is looking for in a companion.

However, one should take note of how the other person tries to answer the question. If in the event that he or she replies with the usual “sense of humor,” chances are, the other person has not yet thought about the answer.

3. What is a really successful relationship?

One could get a good view on how the other person values relationship. It would be better to hear the other person provide an answer regarding how the two persons who are involved in the relationship should work together as they grow and have a better sense of personality.

4. What is your view on online dating services?

Through this question, a person will be able to know if the other person had some serious negative experience concerning online dating or the other way around. In addition, through the answers of the other person, one could guess if he or she is still willing to consider online dating or not.

5. Did you fail on your last relationship?

Most people would certainly blame the other person in the relationship. Others blame their selves too much. It would be better to hear some answers like they (the couple) equally share the blame and that it is just time to part ways.

The point in asking these questions is to establish a solid foundation on the kind of personality and attitude the other person has. It is when keeping the communication line open that matters most.

The problem with a lot of people involved in online dating is that most of them do not have any idea how to carry the conversation and how to keep the lines burning. They do not know what questions to ask and how to assess the answers that they get.

Boiled down, asking some reliable questions will give the person an edge over a lot of things. Hence, he or she will be able to assert that when the time comes that they have to meet personally, the concerned person will be ready to face his or her online date.
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BONUS : What Should I Not Tell My Date About Myself?

Yes, some things you shouldn’t tell the person you’re dating because it’s really not important! Some things are best left unsaid. You wouldn’t want to turn off the person you’re dating to the point they determine they’re really not interested in you after all! So, here are some tips that may assist you in not discussing certain topics with your date that you don’t need to:

1) Never discuss with your date your past boyfriend, girlfriend or former spouse! This is a definite no, no. Noone wants to hear about how great or bad your past girlfriend, boyfriend, or former spouse was! Don’t dwell on the past. Your new date might think you’re trying to make them like your past date or spouse, and this may be a turn off for them!

2) Don’t talk about how much money you have or lack of it. This may come across to your date as your way of telling them that money is the most important thing to you in a relationship. This could be a relationship ender for you.

3) Gossip about your past dates, friends, family or whomever is not a good idea. It’s really not important for you to discuss this with your date. Some people see others that gossip as busy bodies who have to be involved in everyone elses business but their own! This may be a turnoff for your date who could be a person that values their privacy and is a non gossiper.

4) Don’t discuss your past intimate relationships! This is a definite no for discussion. This may make your date very uncomfortable and put them in an awkward position as to what you may or may not expect from them. So don’t discuss your past intimacies! Steer far away from this topic. Don’t even talk about it! This would be your best bet in your new relationship if you don’t want to create waves.

5) If you cheated on your previous date, don’t even think about talking about this in your new relationship! Noone wants to hear about you cheating in a past relationship. If you decide to talk about this subject, be prepared for your date to possibly tell you to take a hike! They may decide that they don’t want to risk the chance of you cheating on them, since you have a history of doing this! You do have a preexisting history of cheating, remember you told them so. Get the picture, don’t talk about it!

6) Anything else that you believe would not be something important that you’d want to tell your date about you. Don’t tell it, if it’s not important!

Well, you’ve probably got a good idea on what you should not tell your date. After all, do you want to keep dating the person you’re with, or do you want to keep looking for someone new? You’re possibly saying to yourself, I really would like to continue dating the person I’m with. Then, if this is the case, don’t scare them away from you! Remember, some things are best left unsaid if the information is not important to the relationship.

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