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Be Warned About Internet Dating

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Be Warned About Internet Dating

I hear people talking about internet dating all the time. I have a large number of friends and co-workers that are obsessed with finding the right person online. It has almost become comical to me the way a person will go home after work at night and spend their entire evening looking for someone to love online when they live in a city full of great people. Isn't it a bit ironic to stay out of society in order to find the right person in society to spend your life with?

I'll admit, I do know people that have met through internet dating that are now enjoying amazing marriages, but I'd like to suggest that the success rates are far less than we'd like to believe. Most people that look to internet dating as their only source of hope are still looking weeks, months and often years later for that special someone. You and I both know that life is far too short to be spent online wishing and hoping that your perfect match will somehow sign up for the same internet dating service that you have signed up for.

My desire is simply to warn anyone who feels like jumping into the internet dating scene and signing up. At least take some time to really ask yourself why internet dating seems to be your only option right now. If you are too busy to meet people, then do you really think you'll have time to build and maintain an online dating relationship? That is doubtful I think. Or if you're afraid to get out and meet strangers, then is it really a good solution to jump online and meet strangers? I didn't think so. It is vital that you know your reasons and your goals for internet dating before you begin the process.

If you have checked your goals and motivations and still feel like you want to head in the direction of internet dating, then do it with caution. Be aware that not everyone online has the same integrity or the same intentions. So be careful about who you are meeting and about what you're expectations are in the process. Don't make any rash decisions and decide to fly around the world to meet someone that you haven't even seen a photo of online. Just be wise, go slowly, and be yourself! One of the biggest problems with internet dating is that people are able to hide online and never have to fully be themselves.
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BONUS : Behind Thebadge: New Jersey Police Officer Forms Single’s Website

An officer employed as a full-time police officer in New Jersey, is rushing to the rescue of single emergency service workers across the country.

Officer Ken Bachman, an eight-year veteran, launched earlier this year. Currently the only dating site on the Web catering exclusively to emergency service workers, is free to users and offers a number of useful features.

"I first developed the idea for the website by listening to co-workers telling me horror stories of broken-down relationships and failing marriages," Bachman said. "Much of this was due to the odd shift work and job stress the police officer was bringing home."

Bachman tells the story of a Camden, New Jersey, police officer whose job in the most violent city in the United States took its toll on his marriage.

“This guy can relate to how stress on the job can ruin a relationship,” Bachman said. “His fiancĂ© left because she could not stand the odd shift work and wasn't there when he wanted someone to talk to.”

Though there are hundreds of local, national and international dating sites catering to singles of various ages, religions and ethnicities, few take into account the role one's occupation can play in a relationship. Bachman hopes will change that.

"There is a brotherhood among the emergency service workers," Bachman said. "They feel very comfortable talking to others in the same line of work."

Hundreds of emergency workers have been logging on to each week to do just that. Utilizing the site's free chat and public forum features, emergency service workers can cyber-flirt with other singles or simply vent their frustrations after a difficult day on the job.

"The forum offers various topics for the emergency service workers to discuss,” Bachman said.” For the single guys and gals that are stuck on the night shift, the Internet is available 24-7."

And Officer Bachman knows a thing or two about the benefits of online dating: in 2005 he married a woman he met online four years prior.

"It was very interesting, but expensive," Bachman said. "$19.95 per month. My website is 100% free."

Although the site is geared toward emergency service workers, it is open to the general public. As such, the site is attractive to those who may prefer to date men or women in uniform.

Currently boasting over 300 members, the site is gaining popularity as word spreads throughout the emergency service community.

"There is a wide variety of people to choose from and you control the environment," Bachman said.

Bachman hopes the site continues to grow and serve as a useful escape valve in the lives of those for whom putting themselves in harm's way is simply part of the job.

"This project is important to me because I think we need to give back to those who risk their lives everyday to protect this nation," Bachman said.

Bachman and Shore Network Connections, LLC plan to offer speed dating, cuddle parties and singles cruises in the future.

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