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What Is Love

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What Is Love

What is love? This looks a very simple question. Is it that simple? We all talk so much about love, read so much about love and use the word love so carelessly. What is love? Think for a minute? What is love? Is it a relationship? Is it an emotion? What is it?

Let us explore. Let us first examine what it means to fall in love, or what happens to a lover who falls in love. Then we can carry on from there. A look at the face, and you can detect if someone is in love? The eyes look dreamy, the smile comes on many times, sometimes you will hear a giggle, all while the lover is alone. It may be some recollection of days gone by. Or you will observe the excitement of meeting the beloved. The work is finished fast, or postponed, eyes shine bright and look excited thinking of the time ahead, the pulse visibly goes up, and the walk is very fast, in a hurry to meet the beloved. To meet, share and walk hand in hand. Why? Love. But what is love?

Ask someone to explain, and you will get an answer such as he/she is dearest to my heart. I feel heavenly. He/she is absolutely great. We cannot think of life without each other. If anything happens to my beloved, I will die. Oh, I feel so good when I am with my partner, I cannot describe. You will hear all these and many more such rambling answers. But nothing specific about what precisely is love. Is this making sense?

Let me try answering this query. Love is an emotion that binds one person to another in a relationship that cannot be described. Lovers are worried only about making their beloved happy. Those in deep love cannot stay away even for a small time. They are ready to forget and sacrifice most of their other relationships for the sake of their love. They are ready to die for each other, and history tells us that sometimes it really happens. Love is an emotional relationship that can never be described, but can only be experienced. Try explaining the taste of sugar, to someone who has never tasted anything sweet. You will never be able to do it. For that the other person has to eat sugar. Similarly, love can never be explained. One has to fall in love to know of its bliss. Please do so at the earliest opportunity.
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BONUS : What Is Speed Dating?

Dating has been the oldest form of meeting singles. However, the ways did change with passage of time. In the beginning era of newspapers and magazines, people used to search other singles or they some time publish their own ads, showing willingness to meet someone. Once the telephone became popular as great mode of communication, phone dating took place.

Invention of Internet is, perhaps one of the greatest one in late twentieth century. Internet has connected people of any part of the world together. Now, online dating has over-taken all previous means of dating. Needless to say, you can find thousands, even millions of singles of same age, location, language who are equally eager to find mates.

Speed dating is nothing but the fastest way of meeting many available singles in person quickly in one time. In Speed Date event, singles get together at the reserved place such as restaurant, bar, hall and spend fixed time to spend for “speed dating” with someone before moving to meet the next.

Speed dating is getting very popular among singles for many reasons. The great advantage of Speed Dating is it is fast, it is fun. By spending few minutes with someone you can know if you can get along with whom you are chatting. Speed dating provides lots of opportunity to meet various singles at one time, hence choice is tremendous. You can sit and chat with the person you like and find out if your chemistry matches or not. Meeting someone face to face makes lots of difference in your dating life. Speed dating reduces the chances of trials as all singles who come to attend Speed Date even have already decided to meet you.

Speed dating, in fact, is a great fun for daters. This is also useful for people having less or no time to meet singles otherwise. There is nothing better opportunity of meeting singles than attending such speed dating events. Even one meeting could bring the love in your life you are looking for so many years. Many online dating services occasionally arrange Speed Dating events for their members. It is a great opportunity for singles to become members and reap the benefit of attending Speed Dating, whenever it occurs.

You may visit at to know more about dating.

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