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Understand All You Need To Know About Women Body Language

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Understand All You Need To Know About Women Body Language

When you were a young child, have you ever tried to decode what your parents' facial expressions mean when you ask them to buy you a new toy or to take you to Disneyland? A frown would likely be a "No!" But a nod would make you jump with joy. As you grow older, it has become a necessity to be able to detect if other people will agree with your decision or proposal. It's especially important to for men to be able to asses a woman's body language in dating situations. This is an ability that will truly help negotiators, employees, and even lovers to succeed in their ventures because they would be able to change their approach early enough to adjust to a specific situation.

When trying to attract women, you must be aware of different actions that indicate what she's thinking about. A quick general look at what body language cues will help you understand her better. These are some indicators of thought:

Positive Body Language

She moves closer to you when you say something interesting
She locks eyes with you and ignores everyone around her
She looks for opportunities to touch you

Negative Body Language

She moves farther away from you during the course of the conversation
When you're talking to her, she's looking around the room
Her arms are folded and she has closed body language

Theres also a couple more signs:

They're stroking their chin. This means they are assessing the advantages and disadvantages of the proposal/idea being presented.

• They take their glasses off, after which they may either (1) clean them, or (2) put the tip of the frame in their mouth. They are buying themselves some time to think things over. A frame in the mouth would also likely indicate that they need more details and they are willing to listen.

• They are pinching the bridge of the nose most likely with eyes closed. People doing this are engaged in very deep thought. They may be involved in a difficult situation, where they are aware of the consequences that may occur as a result of making crucial decisions.

• They put a palm below the chin, index finger pointed and extended along the cheek, while other fingers placed beneath the mouth. This gesture more likely indicates thoughts that are criticizing or antagonizing other people.

• They walk with the head down and hands behind the back. People who walk this way are probably worried about their problems, and they are thinking of ways to solve them.
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BONUS : Unique Valentine's Day Gift: Top Five Valentine Gifts For Her

For Valentine's Day this year, give that special someone the gift of a lifetime. Women love the concept of falling in love. Remember how Adam Sandler made Drew Barrymore fall in love with him everyday in the movie 50 First Dates. Adam Sandler has to come up with something new everyday, to make the same girl fall in love with him again. So, perhaps the traditional bouquet of flowers and a box of chocolates are no longer enough to make the woman in your life fall in-love with you again. Well, you can try these top five unique gift ideas guaranteed to make her melt this valentine.

First Date Memorabilia

That first date will be the one they always remember. Even though you can not repeat the date, you can relive it. Framing the menu from the restaurant you first ate at together, is a brilliant way to show someone you care. To make the gift even more special, present it while eating dinner at the same place (even if it was fast food).

A slight variation of this is to have a favorite photo of the two of you framed in a nice decorative picture frame. For a more extravagant and sentimental Valentine’s Day gift, you can have your favorite photo converted into a CrystalScribe(TM), where you photo is engraved inside a crystal shape of your choice.

Star Light Star Bright

If you have ever taken a look at the sky and wondered how many stars there really are, rest assured, there are enough to name one for the person of your dreams. Through an online search, you will be able to find a great company that will sell you a star. You get to give it a name and forever change the sky. This gift will only be special if you name the star after the one you love. Please try and refrain from naming it after yourself, no matter how tempting.

Tell Them With Words

While the story of your romance may not be what you would call incredible, others may think differently. This Valentine's Day, try writing a concise version of your courtship and publish the story. Give your loved one a copy of the published work and watch their face turn as red as that rose you left behind.

Give Back Adult Time

As time moves on in a relationship and courtship moves to marriage, it seems every waking moment is spent with the kids. Free time is given away, day after day. Homework, plays, soccer practice and dinner make breathing a cherished commodity. More than any monetary gift in the world, many would simply love the gift of time. Offering to watch the kids while your love spends a day, night or weekend away will not only present the perfect gift, but offer a refreshing change sure to last many moons.

Clean Things Up

Many hours, from Valentine's Day to Valentine's Day are spent in the midst of cleaning. This year, take that chore away. A maid service for a month, is a great gift for the entire family. Imagine all of the free time you will gain when someone else has to do all the cleaning.

Valentine's Day gifts do not have to consist of roses, chocolates and expensive dinners. This year give a gift your loved one will be sure to love and a memory to last longer than any edible or perishable treat.

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