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6 Tips To Jewish Dating Online

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6 Tips To Jewish Dating Online

Copyright 2006 Jeffrey Betman

Not too sure how to go about dating online? Does it feel like you shouldn’t have to do this?

Well, too bad. Online dating is one of the most effective ways to date these days. It’s cost efficient, you can reach many more people, you can change your ad as many times as you want, and you can browse others who are looking.

So, how about a few tips to get you started online, particularly for the Jewish dating sites.

Free sites are OK to browse, but not for serious shoppers.

You get what you pay for. Free is free. Any bozo can log on and sign up for a free account. Want to find quality dates? Pay for it. Look at it this way: the cost of a monthly fee is about the cost of a dinner out. To me, this is a no-brainer.

Upload a photo of you. Really.

First of all, you must have a photo. Would you buy a car online without a photo? I’m sure you wouldn’t buy something off ebay without a photo. Why should dating be any different? In fact, its even more important to include your photo-this is your life we are talking about. Most people search online by photos. And don’t even think of putting a picture of Tom Cruise up there saying it is you. Forget it.

Go online-often.

One of the worst things you can do is sign up for a membership, post your profile, then forget it. Suppose you get the girl of your dreams responding to you, but you aren’t online to say hi. If she left you a text or voicemail, you’d answer right? Go online, be active, chat with folks. Think of it as mingling. You can’t do too much of this.

Be yourself.

I’ve seen too many people go online and become something they are not. Fine, if you want to spend your whole life online. But if you actually plan on meeting somebody in person, you better be yourself. We don’t want surprises on either end. If you are expecting Julia Roberts and she doesn’t show up, you’d be pissed.

Enjoy the process.

Sure, this is serious business. But, it should be fun. If you’re stressed out, how can you be yourself? Try and look at the bigger picture here. If you’re posting and chatting online, its better than sucking down another beer in front of the tube.

Decide how important religion is to you.

This is a personal decision. Online, you will discover the entire range of how “Jewish” somebody really is. Decide what your real priorities are. How important is it that the person is as religious as you? Or not? Make a decision before going online, so you can search for those who are as religious as you prefer.

To your success,

Jeffrey Betman
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BONUS : 7 Funny Replies That Work Online!

If you have spend some time talking online, you know there are some question that women ask you all the time. How to answer to these question to make sure that you are getting her attention and interest? Just try using next lines:

1.When she is questioning you about your marital status just say:
“Well, my dog hates the way I do coffee, it hopes I will find someone else that will make him a coffee every morning”

2. What is your age?
“I am a little child... when I am sleeping, a mature man when I am making decisions and an exploring teenager when I have the opportunity to talk with an interesting woman”

3. Do you have children?
It is a simple question to reply but you can say more than yes/no, and earn some points. So..
If you Do Have Kids you can answer “Oh yes, I have...(a 2 years old boy), he is a nice kid, and he is very responsible for my haircut.” :)
If you don't have kids: “No, I don't have kids yet. I'm still looking for the woman willing to take the risk of having good looking kids, like me. :))“

4.What happened with your ex ?
This is a hard question, don't give specific details, be serious and pass quickly over this subject. You can say something like : “I never joke about my love life. We just didn't match with each other/We couldn't pass over some problems together. and decided to go on on separate ways.”

5. What are you doing for living? What is your job?
Now, maybe you are hating your job but don't let her know that. Be enthusiastic and positive: “I am working in (domain) and I really like to wake up every morning with such a job. Sometime I forget putting my socks on in my hurry to reach at work”.

6. What kind of relationship are you after?
“I really want to find someone that can take me as I am, someone that can accept how gorgeous I am. :) “.

7. What are you doing in your spare time?
“I haven't to much spare time but I rely like to... (read GOOD books / watch GOOD TV Shows / listen GOOD music / share GREAT time with my friends).” You have to be selective and a little demanding... make her understand that you are not just wasting your time anyhow and with anybody available. So she will feel good that you are spending YOUR time with her.

The idea is that you have to be funny but serious at the same time. Make her curious, with every question you are answering her you have to make her want to know more about you. Just be different, be original.

Good luck and have fun!

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