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Top 5 Dating Tips For Women

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Top 5 Dating Tips for Women

Are you trying to land the perfect guy? Are you looking for someone who will truly commit to you? If so, follow these 5 dating tips for women.

#1 – Don’t bring up an ex on an early date.

Ignore this dating tip at your own peril. If you talk about an ex on one of your first dates, he is going to conclude that you either are not over your last boyfriend or that you are bitter. In either case, he is not likely to want to get involved with someone who still talks about an ex.

Instead, focus on the man you are with. Find out what he is interested in and what makes him tick. Men are very selfish. They want to talk about themselves, not the last guy you were with.

#2 – Be yourself

Too many women try to “impress” a guy by being someone they are not. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to keep up the façade. Instead, you are likely to revert to being yourself. But if you have led him to believe that you are someone else, he will feel tricked. While you want to put your best face forward, you ultimately have to be comfortable in your own skin.

#3 – Don’t talk about the future too soon

One of the biggest dating tips for women is to not project a guy you are just getting to know into the future. You shouldn’t bring up your desire for marriage and children on a first date! Beyond that, don’t start fantasizing about “happily ever after,” because you will soon work these dreams into your conversations with the new guy. Instead, have fun and enjoy the guy’s company. If things seem compatible after a length of time, you still have time to work on the “relationship.”

#4 – Accept compliments

This scenario happens over an over. A man meets a woman and says the first thing on his mind, “you look nice.” The woman blushes and starts to explain just how much is wrong with the way she looks. The hairdresser messed up the cut, the blouse she wanted to wear was at the drycleaner, and so on.

Guess what? He doesn’t care! He just thinks you look nice.

The only proper response to a compliment is “thank you.”

#5 – Have opinions

Too many dating tips for women stress that you should always agree with your date. Nothing could be farther from the truth. It doesn’t bode well to fall for a guy who only wants a sycophant. In the long run, you are going to want to be with a man who is strong enough to accept your opinions. In fact, you want someone who will value your opinions and look to you for advice. If you don’t have this, the relationship will be unsatisfactory to you. So, don’t start the relationship by pretending that you don’t have any opinions.

So, those are my top five dating tips for women. Keep them in mind the next time you go out with a man you are attracted to.
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BONUS : Top Four Ways To Get Lover Back

If you’re dealing with a breakup right after the holidays, undoubtedly one of the main things on your mind is how to get lover back. While it may seem impossible, there is good news! Even if you think that all hope is lost, there are proven ways that have helped thousands of people reunite with their lost loves and even improve their relationships so that they never have to go through the pain of a breakup again.

If you’re ready to try to get lover back, here are four easy steps that you can put into motion that will help you achieve your goals. While every person’s situation will be different, these four proven methods will get you started on reconciliation and will help smooth the road back to togetherness. Even if you think the relationship is past fixing, thousands of people just like you have utilized these tips to achieve happiness.

Tip #1 - Leave the Past Behind – One of the biggest obstacles that most people face when they want to get lover back is that they cannot leave the past behind. If you want to forge ahead and start over, this is the first step you’re going to have to take. That means forgiveness, and while it’s not the easiest thing to do, if you can accomplish this step, the rest will be a breeze.

Tip #2 – Make the First Move – If you are waiting for your ex to come crawling back, you may end up waiting a long time. Sometimes, you need to take that initiative, even if you are not sure that it will end up in your favor. Most times, a broken relationship can be easily fixed if at least one person can make that first move and say those three little words, “I am sorry.”

Tip #3 – Don’t Go Overboard – If you are trying to get lover back, it’s only normal to want to do everything in your power to make it happen. For many, this means calling their ex many times a day, driving by, or generally becoming a nuisance. Unfortunately, this has the opposite effect and may drive your ex further away. Limit yourself to one call a day – or even every three days. The next tip goes into more detail on how to use this strategy to your advantage.

Tip #4 – Become Desirable – It’s only human nature to want what we can’t have, and this is the absolutely key to get lover back if you have failed with all of the above tips. Instead of sitting around, calling your ex constantly and moping, you need to get out there and have some fun. Schedule a girl or boys night out, and don’t be afraid to bump into your ex. When they see how vibrant and fun you are, they’ll start to wonder if maybe they wrong.

If you consistently use these tips, you’ll be on the right road to healing that relationship and you will be able to get lover back.

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