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Tools For Picking Up Girls

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"tools" For Picking-up Girls

We all know that approaching woman isn't easy. It
can be embarrassing and downright difficult. But,
if you know what you are doing and have faith in
your own forces you can get the one you like.

Impressing a woman is not an easy task,
especially if you don’t have a lot of experience
with females. There are many components that go
into impressing a woman.

If you want to learn how to impress a girl, then
you should do your best to be positive. Keep in
mind that smiles and jokes are great bonding
mechanisms that you can use to impress a girl.

There is a charm and seductive attraction that
some guys have, so they have all the girls they
want. This magnet is called charisma, and it is
very important if you want to attract the woman
of your life. But, if this is a problem for you,
you must try some tricks to pick-up the woman you

For example, use your dog to pick-up girls. You
have a dog? Now its your chance. Take a walk with
your dog on the place where you know your special
one passes by every day. Any girl likes dogs.
Small ones are very cute and the big ones make
you look hot.

So, if you are with your dog out and suddenly
your girl pass over. Make sure that she sees you.
If it happens that your dog had a bad behavior
and starts barking at her you might apologize and
tell her to not take it personally. So, you can
discus with her. Show her that your dog know some
tricks and while your dog is sitting and rolling
over you' re getting to know the girl.

Babies. Every woman love babies. Your friend is
married and has a baby? Join your friend when he
goes out with the baby and show interest by
playing with the kid when she passes by you. Next
day you can offer to watch out the baby for your
friend and take him to a walk to show her you
like kids. But make sure she has saw you in the
day before with your friend to not think that the
baby is yours. If the baby is crying when she
passes by you, you might be lucky and she might
offer her help to make the baby stop crying. So,
you get to talk with her and may ask her for a

Use some magic tricks to attract her. You are
seeing her every day and you don't have the
courage to talk to her. First of all, relax. One
of the biggest turnoffs for women is a guy who’s
uptight. Just relax and you’ll be fine. After you
start talking with her use some magic tricks to
impress her and attract her. You may say that you
are good at magick and you are offering to guess
her future by reading her hand. She'll definitely
laugh but if she's ok with this you may tell her
that she will have a glorious future.

Don't forget to make her laugh. Laughter is all
you need to attract women easily and quickly. If
you are able to make her laugh any time and any
places it will be easier to you to get the woman
you are looking after for some long time.
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BONUS : Top 5 Questions To Ask An Online Date

Online dating services are on the rise, especially special feature websites, like teen online dating, gay online dating, and senior online dating.

The drawback to online dating, certainly for these special interest groups, is the validity of the person on the other end of cyber space. Cyber stalking is up 55% in the last two years, and meeting someone on the outside after meeting them online in a chat room or through an online dating service can be risky business.

Here are the top five questions and online dating tips. The questions are designed so that you may be able to get a better sense of who the person is outside the monitor.

But just to be safe, be sure to meet your date in a public area and stay in a public space for the first date. Do not let them know where you live and be aware of giving leading information out while in a chat room.

• What is the biggest mistake people make when first dating? (This will give you an idea as to how the other person really feels about the opposite sex.)

• What do you look for in a guy/girl? (Be aware of canned banter. If they come off with the usual "sense of humor, nice personality," they probably haven't thought much about a real answer.)

• Define a truly successful relationship. (This one is my favorite, listen for blaming of others. Hint: A truly successful relationship is where both get a better sense of self, whether they stay together or not.)

• What happened with your last relationship? (Again, listen for blaming. Do they take responsibility for the breakup? If they're willing to share equally, great, if they take all of the blame they probably have low self esteem and are needy. If they won't take any of the blame they are control freaks and probably cruel.)

• What do you really think about online dating services? (Will let you know if they are desperate, open, or controlling.)

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