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Times Have Changed The Automobile Social Values And Dating

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Times Have Changed: The Automobile, Social Values And Dating

Have you ever looked closely at historic images of cities, say from the 1930's? The social atmosphere is very different. The fronts of buildings were positioned close to the sidewalk, families lived close to the center of town with a place to sit outside to greet the passersby, and the traffic was chiefly pedestrian. As a result, dating has drastically been affected by modern changes in the past 50 years.

The pedestrian and social enemy, the automobile: Since the invention of the automobile, designers and builders had to make space for parking. Well, this was a challenge at best as each automobile requires around one hundred square feet. A person requires approximately four square feet of space. Vehicular lanes had to be accommodated, restricting space for pedestrians, and adding vehicular and pedestrian conflict. Moreover, the vehicle is now regarded as the most important component of our transportation infrastructure with regard to safety and efficiency. What does this do to our social space? After the engineers design a street, and the builders accommodate the parking at the front of the buildings, the once social space turns into dead, vehicular only, depressing places. Imagine walking next to the parking lot of a shopping mall, next to a six lane arterial highway. Not much chance that you will find another pedestrian with which to rub shoulders. Conversely, a historic place such as Boston, is packed with life, and very little suburbs. In suburbia, the place to find your next date, the Circle K convenience store.

Prior to the proliferation of the automobile, people met on the streets. Pedestrians filled the streets with life that we can easily imagine, and is demonstrated in most historic cities around the world. In the historic town of Ybor City in Tampa, an old Cuban cigar manufacturing city, the workers had little houses called "casitas" which exhibited high ceilings, raised floor for air convection, and a quaint and approachable front porch. Every Saturday, the family would walk to the center of town to meet the neighbors, rub shoulders with others, and do the weekly shopping. Vehicles were not necessary, neither were large houses. The outside public spaces served as an extension of the interior space of their homes. This experience is still shared in many towns in Europe.

How are we easily able to meet new people during these modern times of suburbs, proliferation of the automobile, and a new understanding of an internal world. Computers and cell phones have been the crutch for the absence of social places. It would be nice to revive the values we once had, on the safe pedestrian filled streets and plazas.
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BONUS : Tips For Creating Great Profile On Online Dating Site

Dating undoubtedly is becoming rising trend especially among youngsters. Most of us are using online dating service for finding a true love, companion, flirting or just to hang around with someone you like. Online dating sites are keeping the huge database of members. If you would like to search profiles, you need to register yourself with it. After initial sign-up, you are required to create your own profile, which will be added in your chosen online dating site’s database. In fact, profile creation is the integral part of registration process with almost all the leading online dating services.

Writing a profile is an art and it becomes too special if you gonna make it for online dating purpose. Profile needs to be very catchy, it must also reflect your personality in the first place. Profile should arouse temptation for other members to look at your profile and interest to contact you. That’s why you are at online dating site, right?

”Blond gorgeous, blue-eyed, widely traveled, nature loving, God fearing, benevolent and fun loving independent entrepreneur for an advertising firm looking mate for the same.” Perhaps these few lines could add spice to your profile.

Following few tips could help you making your profile more genuine and creative in leading online dating service

1. Be positive
Since your profile reflects your personality, you must take precautions while creation. It must reflect positive side of your personality. Nobody likes negative shades in you. Hence, you need to be very positive.

2. Create excitement
Make profile exciting. Why someone should take interest in you if you do not sound exciting? This excitement can be created by presenting list of your interests and hobbies. Be specific and avoid making it too lengthy. Mention interests which you think would be exciting to opposite sex. Remember, simple and boring profiles are over-looked many times.

3. Be upbeat
Make sure you sound like dream person who would be fun to know. You should be the person everyone is waiting for.

4. Reveal facts
Mention the facts that matter most to you, so are for your dating partner. Hence, stick to facts and not hype. Be genuine in disclosing facts. Giving any false information could minimize your chances of getting good responses.

5. Honesty is the best policy
While filling up the columns for your personal habits and marital status, be honest in disclosing about your height, body type, smoking and drinking habits, and marital status. You are also required to upload true photo of yourself.

6. Realistic approach
While dating online, keep in mind that you must find someone who is also looking for dating. Creating profiles for whom you think won’t be responsive, is just waste of time.

7. Accessibility
Your profile should be accessible and open for others to approach. This will open the whole new world of contacts for you.

8. Upload photo
Profile with photos has 15 times more chances for getting responses quickly than those without ones. In fact, profiles with photos produce great search results in online dating site’s databases. It is a fact that people prefer to read profiles having fascinating photos and contact them, hence do not lose the opportunity of finding mate just for being negligent in uploading your photo. Some online dating services provide options of uploading more than one photograph, therefore, you have better chances to upload your good photos in different poses. Make it well-focused, close-up shots and then no eyes could escape seeing your profile.

To know much more about online dating, please do visit at

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