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The Rebound An Emotional Hazard

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The Rebound: An Emotional Hazard

A relationship is one of life’s greatest gifts and pleasures. The break up of a relationship is one of life’s greatest disappointments and heartaches. Getting over that break up is definitely a lot easier said than done. Many people fall into the trap of trying to get over an ex by starting to date someone new. This is what is called in the dating world a rebound. For several reasons a rebound is not a good idea, as a general rule. The first reason is that usually when people date someone on the rebound, they are trying to replace their ex. The next reason is that if you realize you are not over your ex, you can end up hurting the person you just started dating. Another reason is that moving on with a new person right away doesn’t allow you to truly heal.

The first reason that dating on the rebound is not usually a good idea is that when you find someone new, you have a tendency to try to replace your ex right away, rather than just find someone to spend time with. You could unwittingly be mistaking residual feelings about your ex for feelings toward a new person. Many times, a rebound relationship will go too far too quickly. You might find yourself in a serious relationship before you realize what is going on. A quick and immediate serious relationship right after the demise of a serious relationship is definitely not a good thing.

Another reason rebound relationships are an emotional hazard is because if you realize that you are not over your ex and want to end your new relationship, it can wreak havoc with the feelings of the new person you are dating. You have thus proceeded to, whether intentionally or not, break the heart of your new companion. Leading someone on when you are still hooked on or hurt from another relationship is definitely not a nice thing to do.

One more reason to take your time getting back into the dating scene is that most people need time to heal after a long term relationship ends. Moving on immediately can be emotionally unhealthy. It is always a good idea to immerse yourself in spending time with friends and family that care about you, but moving on to a different dating partner may not be the best thing. Besides spending time around people who care about you, get to know yourself as a single person. You may have been part of a couple for a long time. Get to know who you are as an individual again.

For these reasons, it is clear that dating on the rebound is not a bright idea. There are many things that can go wrong when you jump straight from one relationship immediately into another. Instead of rebounding into a relationship that may not be healthy, stop, take a deep breath, and spend some quality time with yourself. Think about when you think you will feel comfortable in a new relationship. Think about whether you even want another serious relationship in the near future or whether you want to spend time with many different people for awhile. Think about the kind of person you would want to be in a relationship with. Just take time out for you instead of getting trapped into the emotion hazard of rebounding.
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BONUS : The Risks Of Online Dating

There is no question that the popularity of online dating has revolutionized the way potential couples meet each other. These days, it is not uncommon for the average single person to participate in an online dating service. In fact, this trend is fast becoming the norm. In 2004, it was estimated that residents in the U.S. spent more than $460 million on online dating services.

It goes without saying that online dating is big business in America. There are many reasons why people find this method of meeting new people so appealing. For one thing, everyone is doing it! The number of online dating services on the internet is so abundant, many of which offer services, absolutely for free.

The combination of curiosity and the desire to meet new, exciting people is what usually lure individuals to be a part of an online dating service community. But this new activity doesn't come without a price.

Sure it doesn't happen all the time, but just every now and then horror stories about online dating services would arise. Some of them are scary enough to send casual observers away from these online dating services for good.

One of the problems facing the industry of online dating service is that its participants often misrepresent themselves in the profiles that they create. Not everyone tells the truth. People have been known to lie about everything, including their marital status. Some married individuals try to pass themselves off as single; while others lie about their physical appearance, age, economic status, and even gender.

For an inexperienced online dater, the danger lurks at every corner. But there are some safety measures prospective participants can take to help guide them through a safe online dating experience.

Rule of the thumb: most online dating services the offer subscription are relatively safer than those individuals that can be accessed for free. Those sites that require membership offer a set of requirements, and guidelines that aspiring members would have to meet before they become subscribers.

There are even some sites that are so exclusive, that anyone who wants to join has to undergo an intensive screening process first. Background checks are done on aspiring members to make sure that the information they have given checks out.

Some more safety tips when it comes to online dating:

1. Participants should pay attention to the consistency of the information given to them by the persons they are corresponding with. This way, they'd be able to detect if they're lying.

2. Online daters should protect their identity. One of the greatest things about online dating is that it offers participants anonymity. Personal information like: address, last name, phone number, is not revealed until the participant decides to do so. Participants should be extremely careful about divulging personal information that will make it possible for the people they are communicating with to directly locate them.

3. Participants should abruptly cease communication with people who are obsessed with acquiring personal information about them.

4. Participants should always keep a look out for warning signs when they are talking to people, such as: the use of foul language, signs of anger for no apparent reason, elusiveness in answering direct questions, makes disrespectful remarks, etc. These are some of the symptoms that spell something could terribly go wrong. The person that is exhibiting these types of behavior may not be trustworthy, and may lead others to danger.

5. Once an online dater has decided to meet his or her date, they should agree to have a meeting place. Individuals should never allow their dates to meet them at home.

Online dating is similar to real life dating in the sense that individuals should always practice common sense and caution, whenever they meet someone new. Even though, the interaction takes place online, once people have revealed personal information about them to others, they won't be able to take them back.

It is best to always use one's instincts and logic when it comes to dealing with other people, even when it comes to online dating. This is where some people fall prey to cheaters, deceivers, and even sexual offenders. They go against their better judgment. If something feels amiss, like there is something not quite right, then this is probably a sign that something can go terribly wrong.

It is best to get out of this situation whenever this occurs. As the saying goes: "Better be safe than be sorry". A saying that online dating service participant should always remember.

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