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The Power Allure Of Man S True Strength Dating Advice For Men

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The Power & Allure Of Man’s True Strength – Dating Advice For Men

A man is known not only by his character, but the strength of his character; because looks and outer appearance may wither with age – not his core self. And when it comes to dating – it is this integrity that acts as a guide and helps you segregate the right from the wrong.

The strength of your bearing, your values and beliefs will even help you glide over difficult periods of your life. During any emotional upheaval, can you stand up to your virtues and hold your head high? Or will you break down, and become an emotional wreck or a psychic recluse? As they say, it takes nothing to dream but courage to make that dream come true!

Before you even venture out, looking for a dating partner or a soul mate – remember, life is all about marketing the right product to the right market at the right time! Before you market a product, you must look at the product’s positive and negative features and benefits; and its position vis-à-vis competition. Likewise, imagine you are the product targeting yourself to the market, who are women.

Before starting to do that, assess your own plus and minus points carefully. What are your strengths and weaknesses? What are other competitors (men) doing? What extra should you do to score over competition? Because the market (the women) consists of discerning choosers – who will choose very carefully.

Here is a list of character traits that I admire and I have made for myself. I carry it with me all the time to check and review. It reminds me that the option to stay or go is entirely mine and if I ever meet a woman who can not realize or appreciate these, is the true LOSER and I have not lost anything, by not being with her. Go through the list yourself and put them in your own perspective, if you wish to emerge a WINNER in any relationship:

• Sharp, Quick-witted, Knowledgeable
• Leadership
• Attentive listener
• Confident
• Witty, good-humored, controlled, balanced
• Creative thinking
• Progressive
• Spontaneous
• Adventurous
• Emotionally stable
• Possess sound health
• Courteous, gallant, polite and down-to-earth romantic
• Generous, loving
• Fine sartorial sense
• Not rigid
• Strong character
• Immaculate personal hygiene
• Have money, will spend/prosperous
• Poised and steady
• Optimistic, die-hard
• Confident about women, their anatomy
• Trustworthy
• Responsible
• Refined, polished, superior taste

This article may be re-published with appropriate attribution to the author including name and website © Copyright.
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BONUS : The Pro’s Of Online Dating

Dating, these days, is far different from how it was back then. People usually met at a party or were hooked up by friends then in time, the couple would realize whether the friendship could go on to the next level or it was never meant to be.

Meeting people online is similar to having friends doing all the work looking for that special someone. Recently, more people have had higher success rates in getting a date online than the conventional method.

To know more, here are some benefits which are interesting to know about online dating;

1. Safety

By personally signing up on an online dating service, the person can meet many people without the risk of revealing one’s personal information. The only time that such details can be revealed will be done voluntarily by the searcher to the potential partner when a level of trust has been established.

2. Security

Dating online is supposed to help people who have difficulty meeting that special someone. Some people take advantage of that and pry on innocent people so most dating sites have made a system that allows one to report a user and have that person blocked for malicious conduct and prevent this from happening to other people.

3. Affordable

Dating people is costly especially since one goes out on more than one date. By getting to know many people online, one will be able to save a lot of money since the same information that one gathers online can be done just like going out on an actual date.

4. No more rejection and unwanted people

For men, dating online avoids the embarrassing experience of going up to meet a girl and getting rejected. By signing up on an online service and just chatting online, one can easily forget about this person and meet someone new.

For women, dating online helps avoid meeting the wrong person. It saves the person the time and effort of giving love to someone more deserving like that potential partner.

5. Openness

Most people find it difficult being honest talking to a stranger for the first time because there is the fear that the other person will not appreciate what is shown.

Since dating online provides a buffer by talking to someone via the computer and not face to face, another benefit is that one can be as open as one wants to be without fear of showing any sign of emotional attachment.

Online dating can be fun. Be it just to meet new friends or meet that potential partner. A person will never know unless one tries.

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