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The Perfect Date

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The Perfect Date

Ask a woman what the perfect date is and the answer will probably run along the lines of a nice evening out with a leisurely dinner and good conversation. Maybe followed by a nice moonlit walk hand in hand with her handsome man. Stopping for a drink or desert and more conversation/flirting. In other words a slow romantic build up that may or may not lead to something more intimate.

Ask a guy that same question and the answer is pretty obvious, particularly when he's talking to his friends. Did he get to do the horizontal tango.

Which just goes to show that a man and a woman at the same place and time sharing the same experience are thinking two different things.

So then the question becomes does the perfect date exist exist? Probably only in our minds as we map out how we would like it to go, but reality has a way of screwing with even the best laid plans.

But that doesn't mean we can't try to have the perfect date. And it doesn't have to be a one time thing because lets face it, the whole purpose of a first date (unless things go horribly wrong) is to have a second date and many after that. And while not every date will be perfect or as good as the one before it, with a little planning and advice there's no reason we can't shoot for that high a standard every time.

There are a whole lot of guides to dating and dating ideas out there. And that's a good thing, particularly for men. Because you men know how hard it is to come up with original ideas, and that in and of itself is what makes a perfect date. ORIGINAL IDEAS! You have to change it up, you can't be doing the same thing, going to the same place every time. That's not a date, that's repetition. And nothing sets off the boring meter better than repetition.

One other thing to remember is you don't have to use any dating ideas word for word. In other words, don't try to copy exactly what the date guru has put forth. Take that idea and give it your own personal twist. What that is is up to you, but your date wants you to be you. So get your date ideas, even if they aren't yours originally adding your own personality to the idea will make it yours and that makes it as close to perfect as you can get.
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BONUS : The Pick Up Artist And One Night Stands

Let's talk about One Night Stands.

It wasn't until I had a couple solid pickups that I started to really understand how easy all this really could be.

Looking back, I realize now that those initial successes were the start of a major "bad belief overhaul."

I began to believe that women wanted me and wants to get in bed.

I also started to think of myself as an attractive, desirable guy (even though I'm far from what's typically considered good-looking).

Now about 75% of my students come to me with one main goal - they want to sleep with more women.

The other half are looking for someone special. As I've said before, I don't think these goals are mutually exclusive.

You see, if you're looking for one special girl, you're gonna have to meet a good amount of woman so you can make the best choice.

And if you don't know how to meet women, this can be a daunting task.

There's a very common phase that every good pickup artist goes through when he gets started.

He begins learning new ways of thinking and behaving, and lo and behold, he starts meeting and sleeping with a LOT OF WOMEN.

He's like a kid in a candy store, taking full advantage of his new powers!

This period of learning is necessary, or at least it was for me in order to snap out of my old way of thinking, and internalize my new reality - that I am attractive and woman want to sleep with me.

So it's important that you have a few really fast, casual sensual encounters, in order to get the ball rolling on forming new beliefs.

I'm talking about one-night stands, same day lays, whatever you want to call it.

Now if you've never had a one night stand, or maybe got lucky a couple of times when you were drunk, having a one-night 'stands at-will' can seem just as out-of-reach as having a great girlfriend.

But it's actually pretty easy, if you know what you are doing.

The crappy thing is, a lot of guys make it WAY too hard on themselves, and never get those initial sexual experiences that help them to really feel like a "natural."

If you're reading this, then you are interested in getting not only BETTER with woman, but you want to MASTER THE GAME.

Mastery comes from within - it starts with a mindset, and leads to external results, which then form NEW BELIEFS in your mind.

These new beliefs become the foundation for your new reality, where you naturally attract women without even thinking about it.

First of all, if you're going for a one-night stand, there's one thing you need to know -- You won't always be able to get the hottest girl in the venue to go home with you.

You can get a solid number from her, but whether or not a woman is open to going home with a guy on a particular night varies widely.

However, in any bar, club, or even a day-time situation, there are LOTS of horny women who would be open to getting down with you that same day or night. You just have to know how to spot these women.

I look for a few things - first, I notice how they are dressed, how much makeup they have on, etc. If they look like they put a lot of work in to being pretty, it was for a reason.

They want to be approached. This of course, isn't always true, but is generally the case.

I also look for women who are being loud and animated. They are subconsciously looking for attention
from men.

Lastly, I look for women who are looking around the room more than the other girls in their group. A lot of times, you'll see groups of two or three women all standing around with blank expressions, scoping the room.

They are basically putting themselves out there, waiting for someone to approach them.

Now when you approach, take it easy - don't go in full-steam running your clever routines and your cocky frame control stuff.

Just be light, social, and let them know you are interested in meeting them. A simple "hey, you guys look great tonight. Special occasion?" is enough.

The key here is not to openly discuss getting in sensual or that you are looking to take her home. You see, if you talk about that, you'll put her on the spot and make her agree to bang with you, implicitly.

Instead you want to build sensual tension, as we discuss heavily in our workshops.

This is against her "rules" and will force her to keep you at a distance. You're also going to need logistical information, so that you can figure out how to get her back to your place when the time comes.

The real key to all this is subtracting any overt sensual intention, and not trying to pick her up.

You have to be willing to let go of controlling the situation, and just enjoy yourself, while escalating appropriately.

It may sound counter intuitive, but that's how it works.

You have to trust that women wants to get in bed, and that a lot of the women in the venue wants to lay NOW.

Some won't, but some will, and that's why it's key that you get a sense of what to look for, and how to proceed.

You don't want to invest a bunch of time with the wrong girl, or worse, to pick the RIGHT girl, and then mess it up after a lengthy interaction.

That's a HUGE waste of time.

"Comment le Rencontrer et le SĂ©duire sur Internet"

"Séduire et conquérir un homme"

"Comment s'attacher un homme par les sens"

"Comment Garder Son Homme"

"Comment Grossir ses Fesses Naturellement"

"Obtenir la complÚte loyauté de son homme"

"Comment les hommes tombent-ils amoureux ?"

"Comment Grossir Des Seins Naturellement"

"37 Secrets de Star pour rester Jeune et Belle"

"Eveillez votre Féminité"

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