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The Most Intimate Feeling That Cause Love?
Jealousy is a fear of losing power. Actually all the people have always been striving for some power. However, finally you have to pay for everything you get in life. In the same fashion fear of losing power is the price you have to pay for your domination. This is why jealousy is familiar to most of the people who somehow or other are seeking domination over others.
Jealousy can be compared to cowardness: it is not an elevated feeling being a proof of love, but rather a permanent diffidence and fear of being unable to maintain domination over the object of love. Some people try to protect themselves from jealousy by choosing an originally intimidated, humble and useless person as a match. They prefer him or her to possess all of the above properties, only to be sure that it would prevent them from the fear of loss. Anyway, even this precaution doesnÂt prevent them from experiencing a feeling of jealousy, as this feeling is an unconscious reflection of their own weakness. The more the perception of his or her own inferiority, the stronger is the potential jealousy.
Psychologists have noted that very often men tormenting their wives with jealousy are not faithful themselves. However, their own unfaithfulness is of no importance to them, and they regard love affairs with other women as potential parallel relationships along with their marriage bonds.
A husband or a wife displaying jealousy often raises rows, trying to restrict all possible contacts of a spouse with other people. Such environment makes all family members suffer, therefore, it is in each otherÂs interests to help to create a climate of good will in the family and get rid of jealousy. Jealousy mostly prevails in those families where neither words nor matters are straightforward. Very often it is a result of such recommendations as ÂFull openness does only harm to a family. DonÂt tell your husband.Â
Jealousy beyond measure is abnormal. For a person suffering of this disease any suspicious look would be enough to accuse the spouse of unfaithfulness. He (she) will be looking for any signs of unfaithfulness everywhere: in unwillingness for intimacy, in a gaze at an unknown man (woman), in a persistent wish for intimacy (to conceal unfaithfulness). Such jealousy may turn into madmanÂs ravings based on no real ground. A jealous spouse makes up various situations, develops them and lives by them. In medical terms it is called a Âsyndrome of a third personÂ. ItÂs useless to influence such a person by means of common sense. In such a case one should seek psychologistÂs assistance.
On the other hand, a reasonable jealousy may add variety into the family life. However if it gets excessive, it becomes a sheer nightmare. Abnormal jealousy destroys heart bond between husband and wife and even affects work.
BONUS : The Odds Are In Your Favor With Online Dating
According to one recently-published survey, there are currently upwards of 40 million people in the United States that regularly visit online dating websites. Another 7 to 10 million users in Canada do the same. While these numbers do include people that log onto sites to assuage their curiosity or to see what theyÂre like, they nonetheless remain impressive. Nearly 50 million people using online dating sites mean that the number of potential matches that you are likely to find is quite high.
In order to fully appreciate this statistic, think about the scene that you experienced the last time you spent a night out at a bar. Even on a busy weekend night, it is a good bet that only a handful of people there were what you might deem Âworthy to talk to. ItÂs not likely that this determination was based off of anything terribly deep; rather, the three or four people that caught your eye were probably physically attractive and thus drew your attention. Moreover, it is doubtful that you were the only person in the bar or club that felt the same way. By the time you saw them from across the room, chances are that the other person or people had already been approached several times during the course of the night, and the likelihood of them being slightly irritable was good.
As this scenario demonstrates, the odds are not necessarily stacked in your favor in a bar or nightclub-type setting. The proverbial pickings are relatively slim, and what is there is fought for tirelessly by the other singles at the locale. All of this for the chance to simply talk with another person, let alone hit it off with them. Remember, there always exists the chance that the man or woman that seems perfect from a distance will turn into a nightmare once they open their mouth.
Needless to say, the odds are slightly better when it comes to online dating. With the sheer number of people frequenting the websites, there is a strong likelihood that you will find an intriguing person near your area. Additionally, casual correspondence via email means that you ultimately stand a better chance of being heard by the person; letters are far less obtrusive than hastily-shouted greetings at a club, and there is little direct competition with your line of communication.
And what of the possibility that the person who initially seems so attractive to you becomes exponentially less so once you learn about their personality? Happily, online dating allows you to learn a bit more about the person in question before you even begin correspondence. No more crossing your fingers and hoping for success: with online dating, youÂll have a fairly good gauge as to the likelihood of a successful relationship before you even begin speaking with the person.
Regardless of the type of match or relationship that youÂre searching for, you are far more apt to find it via an online dating website than during a random trip to the bar. Ere you dismiss it as a technological fad, youÂd do well to see what online dating can do for you.