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The Lattest Ternd In Dating: Speed Dating!
Lets begin by clearing up what is it exactly Speed Dating. It's a multi session of as much as 25 simultaneous mini dates of couple minutes eachand so forth It may be orgenized individually or by an organization as a Speed Dating Party with a lot of people. The principle is the same, You participate in a speedy round of limited time (few minutes per date) but with as many as 25 singles per session. This Fast Dating method is pretty effective and rewarding alike.
Normally in couple minutes, occasionally just three minutes you get to look at your possible date, get a short impression of his/her appearance, voice, accent, dress, self confidence and self esteem, couple background information, enough for you and for them to make a go, no go speedy decision which you may secretly mark on a compact piece of paper their tag identification Number.
Typically these speed dating sessions are arranged at a cool and special bars. Arranged with tables for two, to be used during these multi mini dates sessions. Each participant is seated in front of his date and when the host is blowing the whistle it is the sign it is time to move on to the next date. It continues until you finish all your mini dates.
Once you arrive home, you input the codes names of the partners you liked into the online dating system, you get another opportunity to see their pictures and refresh your recollection. When each participant entered his selections the system makes the final matching of the preferences of all participants. Hopefully, at the end of this process you get the names of potential dates you liked and like wise were interested in you.
Now, its up to you to send an email to a partner and arrange a real date. This time there exists no stress as you mutually acknowledged your fascinational attraction for each other.
It Is no wonder this system is a hit as it has numerous notable benefits comparing to many additional ways to get to know people, like blind dates, online dating services and pick-up bars. Just imagine, you arrive to a blind date with high expectations just to discover in as little as 15 seconds you are not fascinated at all to the date indevidual. Since you are such a good hearted boy and you dont want to disappoint your date, you go out together to the movies and spend some more time and money in a cafe When you understand it has no future at all. not only that, think of it, you would have spent that time and money 25 times!
BONUS : The Man's Way To Finding True Love
Every one of us is looking for an ideal partner, the person who fulfils our need to love and be loved. The problem is there are so many people who can pass the first-glance test that you can be looking your whole life and not know who to select. So how can you end up with an ideal partner wholl love you with all her heart? This article leads the way.
(In the Garden of Eden)
Eve: Adam, do you love me?
Adam: Who else?
Every day you go out, you see hundreds of attractive people. A hot-blooded male in his younger days may think, I can go with her
or her
or her. Arrgh! How do I decide? As a man grows older, if he is fortunate enough, he learns how to look beyond exterior beauty because all women are beautiful nowadays, arent they? So it can give a man one big headache to identify a woman who is truly compatible with him in mind, body, and soul. Women understand that men are born to think with their smaller heads. So being the intelligent creatures they are they use visual stimulus to appeal to the male instinct. Thus a man, who does not make fine distinctions into character and personality, may find that many women appeal to him. But if he learns to go a step further and say, Yes, shes attractive to me. But whats she all about? Then he goes beyond seeing women as visual objects, and more as people.
*Desire is bad for you?*
The attraction between men and women is biological, its inherited and its unstoppable. You dont need to make an excuse for your desire. One reason why we do not approach those who are attractive to us is because we are religiously and culturally programmed to believe desire is baaaad. A pious man who has the opportunity to meet an attractive woman may tell himself, No! I must not give in to temptation! The desire is too strong! But really, its just an excuse for himself because hes afraid of rejection. And unless he can come to terms with his desire see it as a guiding force, rather than an urge to be suppressed he may never end up with a woman he truly wants. Members of the opposite sex, who are more genetically compatible with you, will spur a greater sense of desire in you. Its natural. If you suppress the biological instinct when selecting a partner
you probably wont have a happy sex life.
*Men and Women: Not So Different *
People like to believe that men and women are really different, but by nature they arent. We grow up imagining the opposite sex is some great mystery because everything about them seems different, and so we think its difficult to talk to the opposite sex. But really, men and women are very similar. They are anatomically different, but its not that big a difference. The human sexual organs are simply the inverse of each other. Penis and clitoris are made from the same embryological tissue. Male seeds hang outside (testicles), while female seeds are kept inside (ovaries). Its just one big reversal. What forces the difference is the action of testosterone.
Okay then, you say. What about the difference in the way men and women think? They dont like the same things; they dont talk the same, walk the same or wear the same clothes! (Well
actually some do.)
Although men and women act differently, thats not so much a biological instinct as it is a cultural role they are taught to play. Men dont automatically love soccer, beer drinking, or going to the gym they are culturally programmed to adopt these behaviours because it brings them greater social approval.
A man who does not watch soccer is not one of the boys; a man who does not drink beer is not real man; a man whos muscular earns the respect of his peers and is more attractive to women.
These are beliefs so deeply ingrained into us that people might tell you its a fact, just like how women learn about the importance of being beautiful from magazines, television, and friends. What creates such a great difference in thinking and behaviour is not nature, but the enculturation of newborns into their gender roles. Blue for boys, pink for girls; toss the boys around, but be gentle with the girls. From young, everything about our culture teaches the sexes to differentiate themselves. From the clothes we wear to whether we can fart in public.
Being too focused on the exterior of a person, you only see the physical and cultural difference the accessories and behaviours created to differentiate the sexes. But look past the surface and youll see that each person, male or female, is subject to the same laws of emotion, logic, reason, and motivation. They have wants and desires, dislikes and hates; they communicate through language; they have two eyes, one nose, one mouth, two ears, ten fingers and ten toes. They have much more in common than they do in difference. So it is a folly to believe it is difficult to relate to the opposite sex. Just talk to them as you would any casual person, and youll see that even the most attractive person is easy to chat with.
*Being Worthy*
Women will choose the men they want to be with. And if a guy doesnt believe that, he might as well bury his head in the sand (hide from reality). A man should not worry about trying to get a woman she will choose the man she wants. What he should worry about, and it is his business to focus on this
is becoming the best that he can be in mind, body, spirit; socially, financially, and emotionally. In raising his standard of himself, he will naturally attract the kind of woman hes been looking for. Understand that these women are also looking for him, but not that old sloppy version of him, they want the new well-groomed, emotionally and financially secure, entertaining and warm-hearted man, where they can lie safely in his arms, protected from a harsh and crazy world. This makes women seem superficial, but understand that their biological instinct is to select a male who can protect, nurture, and entertain at the same time.
*Love is a commitment*
To sustain love, two people have to choose each other. If either partner defaults or is unsure, the whole relationship falls apart. It doesnt matter how much you love the other person, if they do not return your love. This reminds me of those Chinese drama serials where they are so fond of saying, Ai Qing Shi Bu Neng Mian Qiang De translated it means you cant force love. And this will be the time when the male suitor will grip his head and cry, Why! Why?!! Then he has no alternative, but to drown his sorrows in drink, and maybe get knocked down by a truck. Then the girl will visit him in hospital, where with his dying breath he whispers his last words of undying love
then he dies.
A great love relationship is not something you find, but something you build and commit yourself to. There are tons of beautiful people in the world and many who will seem more attractive to you than your partner. To some people, the grass is always greener on the other side. So what do they do? They hop over to the neighbours lawn! But then the lawn doesnt seem so green anymore
but it looks like theres a greener one next door, so they hop again! They do their partner hopping, dating and exchanging, in search of the greenest lawn, but theyll never find it because a beautiful relationship, like a beautiful garden, must be tended to and cared for. You can have happily forever after with the girl you choose, but you must commit yourself to it. Without commitment, nothing lasts.
*An Uncommitted Partner*
Sometimes you might find that although you are ready to commit, your partner doesnt seem to want to settle. Women have commitment problems too, you know? She may be on the lookout for the ideal guy who can fulfil her whims and fantasies
some idealistic vision of what a man should be. What you can do in this case, is not to give up hope yet, but put your full effort into convincing her youre the man of her dreams. Pull out your Ferrari, your 5Cs, your love potion everything and anything. If all else fails, then step back and realize that she has her own dreams and ideals. And as a man who still cares for her, the best you can do is allow her to follow her dreams. Gracefully step aside and wish her well. The right girl will come along for you one day.
If you want to find an ideal partner, you first have to be an ideal partner. A man does not have to worry about chasing women if hes focused on being the best he can be. By turning himself into an attractor rather than an attacker, he lifts himself above the neediness and hunger most men portray. Women are naturally attracted to him because he fulfils what they want in a man. Hes not afraid to talk to women because he sees them as people rather than sexual objects. When he feels a woman fits his ideal, he chases her with everything hes got. If she loves him and will commit to him, they stay together. If she wants someone else, he lets her go and carries on with his life knowing that hes doing whats best for both of them. The best partner is not one you win over, but one who chooses you and loves you with all her heart. Remember that.