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The Hottest London Venues For Marriage Proposals

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The Hottest London Venues For Marriage Proposals

If you are living in London and looking to propose you will be pleased to hear there is no shortage of hot venues to choose from. Below we have a look at some of the most popular.

If desert beaches and mountain tops are beyond your reach, there are plenty of unusual places that will provide the perfect backdrop for the big question. The following suggestions are all based in London, but you can adapt the ideas to somewhere near you.

The London Eye

A capsule on the London Eye is fast becoming one of the most popular places to propose. With stunning views over the city and thirty minutes to complete the journey, it’s the perfect place to start your celebrations. The London Eye has special offers for Valentine’s Day itself, which include champagne, roses, chocolates and a private capsule, but if you want to propose at a different time, call the company to see if you can make special arrangements.

The Serpentine – Hyde Park

In a recent survey, hotel concierges said that a rowing boat on the Serpentine Lake in Hyde Park is currently a fashionable place to propose. Check out the weather, hire a rowing boat or pedallo, bring the ring, the champagne and prepare for a truly romantic proposal.

Hampton Court Maze

Possibly the most famous maze in the world, Hampton Court Maze is a great place for a romantic proposal. Set in the beautiful gardens of Hampton Court Palace alongside the River Thames, the yew hedges are a perfect backdrop for the occasion. Get deliberately lost and then drink champagne when you get to the middle!

A Boutique Hotel

London has many famous hotels, but a new type of hotel is coming of age in the city – the Boutique Hotel. These are small, individually decorated and quirky hotels that pride themselves on personal service. They are also, compared with many London hotels, good value for money. Take a room or visit the restaurant for a proposal to remember.
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BONUS : The Hottest Trend In Dating: Speed Dating

Let’s start by explaining what is it exactly Speed Dating. This can be arranged individually or by an organization as a Speed Dating Party with many people. The principle is the same, You participate in a fast round of short (few minutes per date) but with as many as 25 partners per session. This Fast Dating method is quiet efficient and rewarding alike.

Usually in few minutes, sometimes only three minutes you get to see your potential date, get a short impression from his/her looks, voice, accent, dress, self confidence and self esteem, few background information, enough for you and for them to make a go, no go quick decision which you can discreetly mark on a small card according to their tag identification Number.

Usually these speed dating sessions are taken place at a cool fun bars. Arranged with tables for two, ready for these multi mini dates sessions. Each participant is seated in front of his date and when the host is blowing the whistle it is the signal it is time to move on to the next date. It goes on and on until you finish all your mini dates.

When you get home, you input the codes names of the partners you liked into the online dating system, you get a second chance to see their pictures and refresh your memory. After each participant inputted his selections the system makes the final matching of the preferences of all participants. Hopefully, at the end of this computerized process you get a list of potential dates you liked and like wise were interested in you.

Now, it’s up to you to send an email to a partner and set a real quality date. This time there is no stress as you both acknowledged your mutual attraction for each other.

It’s no wonder this method is a hit as it has some notable advantages over some other ways to meet people, like blind dates and pick-up bars. Just imagine, you arrive to a blind date with high hopes only to discover in as little as 15 seconds you are not attracted at all to the date partner. Since you are such a good hearted boy and you don’t want to disappoint your date you go out together to a movie and spend some more time and money in a cafĂ© when you know it has no future what so ever. Not only that, think about it, you would have spent that time and money 25 times!

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