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The First Steps To Dating Online
For many newcomers taking the first step into online dating may be daunting. With all the online dating services that are available now, how do you choose which is best for you? How do you get started? What's the best approach for messaging? What do you put in a profile? How do you guarantee your own safety? What are the best strategies for successful online dating? These are just a few of the questions new online daters face all the time. But with a bit of advice, practically everyone can find success in online dating. Here are a few brief tips:
One of the most important things for newcomers to dating online is which service to use. The first step in making this decision is to determine the specific needs that should be met by the dating service, and find websites that cater to those needs. For example, while some dating services cater specifically to casual encounters, some are designed to make matches for serious relationships only, while a few target people who are looking specifically for someone to start an affair with. Other important things to look for are price. For many people just starting out, free sites can be a good introduction to the online dating world that doesn't involve a financial commitment. It's also a good idea to browse around and see if the members who are already signed up for the site share similar tastes and interests.
Once an online dating service is selected, it's time to get started on creating a profile. Needless to say, profiles are a very important part of online dating. Members of online dating services find out about each other, and decide if they want to introduce themselves, based on the information in a profile. Because of this, its important to make a positive, truthful impression by keeping the information light and inviting. A good rule of thumb is to avoid any negative information in a profile whatsoever. The most important thing to include in a profile is a clear, smiling picture that focuses on the member's face.
After completing a profile, users can start messaging other members. The key to messaging is to make messages personable, friendly, and make it evident that the profile of the person being sent the message has been read. It's crucial to make the recipient feel as though the message sender is actually interested in them, rather than being one of many people who has been messaged. Respond to specific aspects of their profile and keep the message light and friendly. Also, remember to ask a question in the message to give the person something to respond to.
Finally, safety is one of the most important issues in online dating. It's crucial to remember not to include any personal or private information in the profile. Never divulge personal information like credit card numbers to anyone, and keep information like home address, email address and phone numbers confidential until you're completely comfortable and ready to. Meeting someone in person should also only be done with caution. Meetings should take place in public spaces, with all necessary precautions taken.
With these guidelines and tips, online dating can be a safe and successful endeavor for anyone. Most importantly, how you decide to proceed with online dating is completely dependent on personal comfort levels. Go at your own pace, never do anything you're not comfortable with, and remember to have fun!
BONUS : The Five Killer Mistakes Men Make Dating Online!
“The Five Killer Mistakes Men
Make With Online Dating!”
By Mick Jones;
Author of 'How To Meet Women on the Internet.'
Here are the top five mistakes men make when they start to date onlineÂ…and how to avoid them!
Having a Boring, Average Profile!
You have to put some real effort into your profile to make it shine above the masses.
Creating a unique, well-thought-out profile will instantly give you an advantage over 90% of the other men.
Tip one.
Create an interesting / different profile with some humor.
Be sure to have nothing negative in your profileÂ…
Tip two.
Have a good, recently taken photo!
Try a head and shoulders shot and smiling to begin with.
Placing Too High a Value on a Potential Date!
This is another instinctive mistake when first starting out.
Your mind plays tricks on you and you put the lady on a pedestal before even meeting her!
Especially if you havenÂ’t had a date for a whileÂ…
Tip one.
Treat every potential date as an opportunity for YOU to check HER out and see if you fancy her!
Tip two.
NEVER expect to meet the love of your life on a first date.
This way you will never be disappointed and sometimes very pleased.
Not Meeting Her Quickly Enough!
I did this myself for far too long.
The longer you leave it before you meet, the less likely it is to happen.
So forget about emailing for months and getting all worked up over email.
As soon as possible, meet for coffee and a chat to see if you like each other.
This will save you a lot of time and energyÂ…and disappointments.
Tip one. Ask for a coffee date in the first two weeks of emails.
Tip two. If she doesnÂ’t agree to meet, move on and donÂ’t worry about it.
There are plenty moreÂ… :-)
Emailing Interstate and Overseas Profiles!
I did this a lot when I first started dating online.
ItÂ’s tempting to do but is a complete waste of your time, energy and focus.
Unless you are rich and have a lot of spare time, donÂ’t bother with interstate and overseas profiles.
What are the odds of you two ever hooking up?
Very little chance of itÂ…
Why would someone interstate or overseas be better than someone local?
Tip one.
Only focus on and contact women in your immediate area.
Tip two.
Keep it down to 100 km radius from your home. This will keep your expenses and time travels downÂ…
Not Choosing the Meeting Café.
This is more important than it sounds. Women like to be led by a decisive man. So decide/suggest the café, time and date.
If she canÂ’t make it when you suggest, reschedule to suit herÂ…within reason.
She will get the impression you are not timid and are comfortable making decisionsÂ…this is good.
Tip one. Make the first date during a week night. This will suggest you have a life and are busy on the weekend.
Tip two. Be relaxed at the coffee date. DonÂ’t mention past partners or that you havenÂ’t been dating for a long time. Just have some fun and BE happyÂ…
Avoiding these five mistakes will save you a lot of time, money, energy and focus with online dating. This will prevent you from quitting before you get the results you desire and deserve.
Have fun and many happy seductionsÂ…
Mick Jones