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The Elusive Power Of Drawing Your Own Boundaries  Dating Advice For Men
Tired of being taken for granted? Sick of being taken for a ride? Well, the fault could begin in the way you interact with people. It could well be possible that you start any interaction appearing to be meek, over-polite and faint-hearted; giving the impression to others that this guy can easily be trod upon.
Its time you learn how, where and when to draw the line. ItÂs always good to appear tough on the outside with a soft core, rather than the opposite. Start firm; loosen later, so that people are abundantly clear that you are truly a no-nonsense person.
Set your own standards of expectations from people. How much of what do you exactly want from people? One of manÂs biggest fears in interacting with others is the Âfear of rejectionÂ. But once you make it clear about what values you stand for and what you expect, people start taking you seriously.
They stop messing around with you, your privacy and you life in general. For instance, when a woman hurts your sentiments, say firmly or let her know in as many words that you are ready for such nonsense. Either she amends her ways or letÂs call it quits. Even if she quits, she will regard you and leave in grace.
Next important thing in life is to have a mission. An objective, an aim, that you live for, you work towards. This focus in life really sets the balance and does not let even a moment of your life go waste. Imagine the lives of some great men who walked this planet.
How is it that they did not have problems with women? Simply because they were adding value to their own lives and to the world at large, everyday of their lives, through their sole mission. And this focus and aim, truly attract worthy women.
Take some time off for yourself and do a recap of the past, your present and where you want to go. What this life means to you. What are you going to leave behind, when you are no longer there? ItÂs not difficult to imagine.
You need not climb the Mount Everest, or take a solo engine flight across Atlantic, or for that matter be a great philanthropic soul  create hundreds of hospitals for the poor; its far more simpler than that  like creating a stable and loving family, or taking a step towards eradication of social abuse in your own neighborhood! Believe me; these attributes in a man are simply irresistible to women.
This article may be re-published with appropriate attribution to the author including name and website © Copyright.
BONUS : The Essential Gay Dating Tips
Whether you are gay, bisexual or bi-curious, finding that perfect date can be a daunting task, especially if you are stepping out for the first time. How should you dress? Where should you go? What should you say or not to say? One thing is for sure, remember to be yourself and be relaxed. Below are a series of gay dating tips aimed at helping you make that date a real success.
The top gay dating tips:
1. Location, location, location! Choosing a meeting place is extremely important. Agree to meet at a place that is neutral, not too far from your dwellings and be familiar with the area. You would want to also choose a place that is not too noisy or rowdy, more like a quiet bar where you can both communicate and be heard effectively.
2. Concentrate my dear! Dating can always be extremely tense and nerve racking, especially if you are the quiet or shy type. One point to remember is to listen carefully to what your date has to say, this will enable you to relate and connect more easily.
3. A little bit of give and take: Share the conversation, ask as many questions as you like, feel free to talk about yourself, but also be courteous and listen to what the other person has to say.
4. What was in the past is better left in the past: Do not dwell in the past and absolutely refrain from mentioning your past relationships and negative experiences. Remember, every first date is a new beginning and should be treated like one. So, feel confident and be optimistic, stick to the present and the future. Show your date that his time is now and that you have no left over baggage.
5. Radiate: Show your inner glow and be positive. There is nothing like a positive and optimistic person. It shows a good level of confidence, which is definitely attractive in many peopleÂs eyes. Bury your negative thoughts and think positive.
6. To hump or not to hump? It has been proven time and time again that one night stands or Âhi how are you, letÂs have sex encounters do not last the test of time or more than 24 hours for that matter. If that is what you are seeking, fine, but just play it SAFE, otherwise you may want to concentrate further on the conversation and leave sex for another time. This will show that you are genuinely interested in your date and wish to take matters further.
7. Easy come, easy go: There is no need to rush the situation. Take your time, give yourself and the other person time to breath and discover how you truly feel about each other. It is not advisable to become too serious too quickly at an early stage in the dating process. This might easily scare off the other person who may not feel ready for a relationship or commitment.
8. Honesty shall set you free: There is no point in beating around the bush. Be true to yourself and your feelings towards this person. If you feel you are not getting the attention you deserve, let yourself be heard. If your interest is not reciprocated, direct your attention on somebody that will appreciated it. Like wise, if you grow dissatisfied or lose interest in the person, let it be known.
9. R.E.S.P.E.C.T: One of the most important gay dating tips is to treat the other person with the same level of respect as you feel you deserve. There is no point in wasting time and playing games, return their phone calls and speak to them. If you are not interested, have the decency of letting the person know rather than taking them on a roller coaster ride of uncertainty.
Meeting someone new is never easy, let alone dating them. We hope these gay dating tips have given you a valuable insight into etiquettes involved with dating. We wish you the very best of luck and hope that you keep these gay dating tips in mind.