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The Dating Game Rules For Fixing Up Friends

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The Dating-game: Rules For Fixing Up Friends

We all know how great it feels to find the mate of your dreams and sharing your life and all its special moments with someone special that we can’t wait to share our good news and our good "fortune" with others.

In fact, we can't wait for all our friends to share in the same happiness we've found and frequently can't help playing the "Good Samaritan" or should I say Cupid.

But playing matchmaker for someone or someones you care about can be a risky challenge, especially if things don't work out (as planned).

1. Define Your Motives: Ask yourself "why" you want to set the couple up. Do you really think they’d be a good match or is it that you want to keep your girlfriend around for company (but she doesn't feel comfortable as the "third wheel") or that you secretly have an attraction to the guy/gal and want a convenient way of keeping them frequently hanging around.

2. Use Their Judgment NOT (necessarily) Yours: Before introducing your two associates or friends, put yourself inside their minds and shoes. Determine beforehand and before getting either of their hopes up if THEY will feel they are compatible. Do they like the same things, do you think they'll be physically attracted to one another, do they have the same set of ethics or sense of humor. While nothing is "perfect", you should at least get a good sense about their compatibility.

3. Keep Some Things To Yourself: Allow for some "intrigue" and "mystery" and eliminate any potential for "negativity". While it's important to be specific about some things, like the fact that your friend is a vegetarian or that he's short and has an earring, there's no need to reveal intimate details that may damage their chances before they have a chance to meet.

4. Offer Your Support: Whether you suggest hosting a dinner or having you and your date or mate join then to ease the tension and break the ice, let each know you are there "IF" they want you to be. But, if they are more comfortable on their own, respect their wishes. Remember, your enthusiasm combined with your presence may only serve to make the situation more tense and awkward.

5. Call It A Night: If you "do" join your friends and things (seem) to be going well, know that after dinner is your cue to leave. After all, three can be a crowd. And, remember, once you do your part let "nature" takes it's course, so avoid acting as the go-between.

6. Be Prepared: Chances are you are more excited about this than either of your friends. In fact, unless they already know and have hinted at liking each other, they are entering the date with caution and trepidation. Expect things NOT to work out, and if they do you'll be in for a pleasant surprise. And, don't forget to NOT let this affect your efforts or your relationship with either of them.
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BONUS : The Dating Revolution

The Information and Technology Revolution has geared the net savvy to tap into internet resources that offers much promise. The ability to connect in an instant and the amount of information you can access at a click on the mouse is amazing. Activities of every kind are now available online and this includes the popular indulgence of online dating. This option offers people of all ages the ability to interact with persons of the opposite sex. This enables the possibility of dating, great relationship building and even marriage.

Online dating sites offer access to a number of prospects that are matched up to your personality via the information you provide while signing in as a member of the site. Once you sign in, you can take your pick and experiment. However, it is important to note that the people you interact with online are complete strangers. You have to use your discretion and never reveal all just because you think the person is perfect for you. For online dating to be a success, you need to follow the rules. If you are careful, the interactions via online dating could culminate in good and lasting relationships via the information shared in the chat rooms.

When your profile is matched, always initially indulge in some very casual enquiries and sum up the person from day 1. If you feel that the profile simply builds on the basics in good time, by the time you share ‘how you spend your weekends’ and ‘your dream holiday destination’, you should be ready to meet. The meeting should always be in a social setting and amidst other friends of both. If you feel drawn to the person for the extended warmth and the conversation online, you can plan another meeting. Look for signs like unexpected and purposeful show of intimacy and the incessant need for another private meeting soon expressed by the person. These are warning signals. A relationship, a good one at that, is always based on compatibility and trust and a great comfort level. The moment you sense that one of you is causing the other to feel stifled, you should reconsider.

Online dating offers people from around the world opportunities to interact with others beyond any geographical constraints. This unveils a whole world of opportunity for anyone including loners and the older singles. If the connectivity is put to good use, it can optimize your chances of getting into a relationship that has the elements of mystery, charm and trust, depending on how far you want to go. The adventure aspect of such a proposition is very alluring and the do’s and don’ts are clear for any level headed individual to see and act by. Online dating sites enable you to upload the information you wish to share and strike contact almost instantaneously in the chat rooms. There are many people who swear by the success ratio of online dating because of the healthy relationships they enjoy. There are a few upsets as well, but if you weigh the pros and cons, you realize that discretion and caution are the two magic mantras of online dating.

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