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Take Some Positive Dating Steps Now

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Take Some Positive Dating Steps Now!

There’s a lot of information about online dating – how to choose a dating site; how to write your profile; how to pick a photo . . .

. . . but there’s not a lot about having the right attitude. Just like any aspect of your life, online dating requires a positive attitude. Assuming the worst makes for rotten profile writing, bad picture selection and negative responses. Instead, make life easy for yourself by taking these positive steps now:

1) Sign up – stop prevaricating and browsing and actually register. It’s fun and it’s rewarding and you’ll be amazed at how easy it is. Think about what you’re like and what you want to get out of the site and then just do it!

2) Be yourself – pretending to be someone or something you’re not backfires in the end. There are thousands of people registered on dating sites – don’t make the common mistake of assuming that there’s no-one out there who will be interested in you. Just tell it as it is; lead your readers with bits of information that might encourage them to respond and sit back to see what happens.

3) A good photo counts – every profile needs a good photo to go with it. You don’t have to be a supermodel or a hunk – just a good quality, clear photograph of yourself is all it takes – and remember you can update your profile whenever you like, so stick a new photo up after your holiday or with a new haircut – it really does matter.

4) Take control – once you get some responses, don’t rush the replies. Take the time to read what’s been written carefully and write good replies. Pick and choose the ones that you want to get back to and ditch the ones you don’t. Taking control is a really positive step and dictating how you reply and how you move forward towards an actual date can give you loads of confidence and optimism.

5) Feel good! This is a great step you’re taking. In thousands of cases, it’s led to finding a partner for life or a new best friend. Don’t have really high expectations; take things as they come and enjoy every minute.

Use these tips and the other articles in this month’s magazine to get out there and make the most of your online dating experience!
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BONUS : Taking A Risk With Online Dating

I’m sure you’ve been hearing loads and loads about online dating and so far, you’re undecided on whether online dating is a blessing in disguise or just another meeting place for perverts. Well, just in case you do decide to take a risk on online dating, here are a few tips to remember so that nothing undesirable would happen.

Don’t Give Away Everything On The First Date
This is actually a common strategy tip that you can apply to all forms of dating, whether you’re doing it in person or through the aid of a computer. Experts say that you shouldn’t be totally open during the first date. You have to act a little mysterious and intriguing. You should try your best not to give in completely and right away, even if your date is the perfect mate. When dating online, you’re basically asked to do the same thing but for different reasons. Whereas keeping a little to yourself during live dates are meant to retain the other person’s interest, when dating online, you’re advised to do the same as a precaution. Because dating online doesn’t guarantee at all that you’re talking with someone who’s really who he or she says he is, you shouldn’t be too trustful and virtually believe everything your “date” says. It’s truly better to be safe than sorry.

Take The Time To Know The Person
Again, this is a common dating tip that you can apply to all forms of dating. Don’t let yourself be blinded by a person’s superficial beauty. For a relationship to grow and work, you have to find out if you’ve got more than sexual chemistry going on for the both of you. If you take the time to know your date, you’ll know if he or she has some secret quirks that can easily make you tick or turn you off. Now, when taking the time to know a person, I’m not saying that you should spend time with them 24/7. All it takes to know a person is to talk to your date and listen to what they have to say, rather than do the talking the whole time.

Do A Little Research
One really wonderful thing about the Internet is that you can know just about anything and everything in one sitting. You can try checking on and confirming the identity of your date through a little Internet research. You may also make sure that the dating site you’ve enlisted into have employed sufficient protection to ensure that none of their members would get easily fooled, swindled or smooth-talked into believing something false.

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