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Some Guidelines To Online Dating

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Some Guidelines To Online Dating

Online dating is fun. You could meet new friends and expand your social circle. Better yet, you might have the match you have been looking for.

If you haven’t tried online dating, there are some things you could keep in mind.

1. Start slow

Try searching on reputable online dating sites. You should look out for someone who is too good to be true on the first time. Your should trust your instincts.

2. Protect yourself

You should not reveal your true identity until you feel that you can reveal it to the other person and feel comfortable about doing so. Do not instantly give your full name, contact numbers, home address, and other details where others can check your profile.

3. Exercise common sense and caution

Practice caution in easily trusting other people. Use common sense in making decisions. Take your time in determining the person’s integrity and motives. Pay attention every time you communicate.

4. Ask for a photo

Ask for a photo of a prospective match, not just because you want to see if he or she is good-looking. If possible, ask for several photos in different settings: Formal, casual, outdoors, and indoors. In that way you would have an idea of what he or she looks like.

5. Do not just chat via online

An electronic chat would not suffice. Do phone conversations with him or her, as these would show social and communication skills. Avoid calling at home. Try calling from a cell phone or a telephone booth. Only when you are completely comfortable should you give your home number.

6. Meet only when you are completely ready

Meet only when you feel secure and ready to meet your online date. Do not feel obliged or persuaded to meet the other person even if he or she insists, if you are not yet ready.

7. Check for danger

If you decided to finally meet him or her, pay close attention to any violent displays, intense frustration, or moves to control or pressure you.

8. Meet only in a secured place

When meeting your date, especially for the first time, meet him or her in a safe place. Tell a friend or someone who your date is and your plans for tonight. Set a time during your date where your friend can call you and ask if everything is okay.

It is better to be safe than sorry. Online dating has some perks, but it also has its pitfalls.
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BONUS : Some Quick And Easy Ways For Guys To Start Enjoying Valentines Day Again

Oh, no, it’s Valentine’s Day again. Every man out there is wondering how in the world they will be able to express their feelings and tell their loved one just how much they really do love her. It’s not easy and when you just do not know what to buy or say, it can be very frustrating. To help all of the guys out there to have a memorable and fun way of spending the day, here are some tips to help you.

First, start off by knowing what she likes. If you don’t know this, take the time to find out through watching her. What are her favorite colors, scents books, anything that would help you. If you can’t figure it out, give her friend a call and ask. Make sure that you know what it is that she enjoys; her clothing size and anything else that will help you to find the perfect give.


* Make a meal. Send her to the store or anywhere to give yourself enough time to prepare a good meal for her. Make sure to dress up the table with candles and a beautiful table cloth. Put flowers into a vase and then clean yourself up too.

* Do you like the outdoors? If you both do, take a trip out to a nicely secluded area and watch the sunset. Make sure you preplan the evening including the location, bring some wine, maybe a basket with dinner in it and a blanket for cuddling.

* Go ice-skating. Enjoy a cup of hot cocoa afterwards.

* Build a snow couple in the middle of your front yard. Place a cute sign next to it that reads that you love her on it.


* Gift the gift of relaxation. Does she get her nails done or enjoy a spa? Give a gift certificate to her favorite location.

* For the loved one who loves to cook, give her a personalized apron and plan a special meal together.

* Luxury will get your far. Give her a luxurious bath robe, massage oils, and bath and body products for her to enjoy. You’ll find them right online to purchase too.

* If she loves to dance but you have two left feet, visit a dance lesson several times and learn how. Surprise her with an evening out dancing.

* Purchase something that she would love to go with one of her collections, make sure she doesn’t have it but would love it.

* Have her car detail cleaned, adding in a pair of driving gloves and perhaps some flowers to go with it.

* Time together. Probably the most amazing way for you two to make Valentine’s Day special is through a special day together. Visit a museum, see a live show or find another way to spend time together. A nice meal at your favorite restaurant and time together can be the best way to enjoy the day.

Find a way that you two can get back to connecting with each other. This way, you can make it a much more personal day. Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to be difficult and frustrating.

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