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Six Steps On How To French Kiss
1. Set the scene. Make sure that the mood and time are right. Relax, take a deep breath and let go of any tension you might have. This will help a lot when your are French-kissing.
2. Dampen your lips. Dry lips do not move well together, but you do not want them to be dripping wet either. Just a light brush of your tongue over your lips will be enough to moisten them. It is always useful to have lip moisturizing when your are french-kissing
3. Head Position. If your mouths meet dead-on, your noses will get in the way, kind of awkward, and you will not be able to french-kiss smoothly or deeply for that matter. To avoid this, tilt your head slightly to one side, usually to the left. Make sure you do not both tilt your heads to the same side.
4. Close your eyes. Although this usually happens by instinct it is always best to keep it in mind. As you approach for the kiss, look into your partner's eyes, once you are close to your lovers face, close your eyes. It can be a bit of awkward and not to mention a turnoff to be french-kissing with your eyes opened, although some people prefer it that way. In any case ask your lover.
5. Start with a gentle and soft closed-mouth kiss. The French kiss is an open-mouth kiss, but do not dive in open-mouthed like you're going to eat them; instead, open your lips very slowly as you kiss your lover. Remember it is better to start a kiss with closed lips, not to mention classy.
6. Practice. French-kissing takes practice, but hey I would not mind practicing French-kissing all day.
BONUS : So You Got Their Phone Number...now What?
You meet a nice guy or girl and you hit it off. You got their phone number but how long should you wait before giving them a call?
If youve seen the movie Swingers, you know what Im talking about. Lets look at some of the possible scenarios you may find yourself in:
Call Right Away (within the first half-hour)
How you see it: Just making sure they got home safely; or you just really enjoyed their company and you wanted to talk some more
How they see it: I just talked to this person 30 minutes ago
what else could they want to talk about?
Call 3-6 Days Later
How you see it: Didnt want to seem too desperate and/or wanted them to spend a few days thinking about why you werent calling.
How they see it: They didnt call because they were trying to look cool; what do they look like again?
Call 7+ Days Later
How you see it: Been busy and havent gotten around to it
maybe the other person will want me more if I show them how little I care.
How they see it: Who are you?
The truth is, if you meet someone for the first time, how likely are they to remember you after a week? Now add drinks into the equation and youre lucky if they remember you the next day. Call the next day if you want to be safe, wait two days if you enjoy living on the edge.