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Should I Get Someone S Phone Number For A Possible Date

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Should I Get Someone’s Phone Number For A Possible Date?

Maybe yes, maybe no. That depends on if you’re interested in going on a date with that person. You may not be sure at the time you meet the person whether or not you want to go on a date. If this is the case, you may want to consider taking their phone number for future reference. However, if you don’t think you would be interested, then don’t take their number! Some of these tips may help you decide whether or not you should take someone’s phone number:

1) You want to call the person so you can talk with them and consider going on a date.

2) If you’re not sure about whether or not you want to call the person, take their phone number if you’re not totally sure! This may be your only opportunity.

3) Consider giving the person your telephone number. You may have the option of providing your home, cell phone or work number to the person you may consider dating. This may make the other person more comfortable and less pressured that they are not being asked to give out their phone number to you. By giving them your telephone number, the person has an option of whether or not they want to contact you.

4) After deciding to get a person’s telephone number, remember men and women are different when it comes to calling each other. Men may want a longer period of time to call a woman than the woman may expect it to take. Women may expect that when a man receives their telephone number they should call them soon after meeting them. It’s okay for the woman to call the man after initially meeting him instead of waiting for him to do so!

5) Make sure if you’re not interested in the person, don’t give out your telephone number, you may regret it later! Just say no, in a polite way if you’re not interested in the person. That’s okay! That gives that person and you the opportunity to move on to someone else they may be interested in.

Getting a person’s telephone number may or may not be easy. It just depends on whether or not you or that person may be interested in each other. It is important to remember that collecting a telephone number of no substance is totally different that obtaining a telephone number from someone special that you may be able to have a future connection with. So make sure when you get their phone number, you really want it, and the person giving it to you wants you to have it!
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BONUS : Should You Take A Break From Web Site Dating Services?

Have you met a lot of people from one or two dating web sites recently? Are you feeling a bit out of sorts, burned out, or just generally unhappy with the results?

If so, it may be time for a break, or hiatus, from any web site dating services. This article will discuss how you know it's time to focus on other things for a while, when to take that step and what to do in the meantime.

Break Those Bad Habits
NowTake a look at what you are doing right now with respect to any web site dating services. Are you beating your head against the wall, because you just can't seem to find the person you are looking for? Is your negative attitude towards dating affecting other parts of your life, or are you dating a lot of people, but nothing ever seems to go anywhere?

When what you are doing isn't working, it only makes sense that change is inevitable. STOP DATING. Break the cycle that you're in at the moment, and don't visit a dating web site for a while. Try a week for starters, but realize that this process may take a lot longer than that.

Think about what you have been doing related to dating, and meeting people through web sites. Now, take those patterns, and DO THE EXACT OPPOSITE. Stop trying to meet someone, and focus on YOU for a bit.

Making the Break
Once you've made the decision to stop dating for a while, go on the various web sites you have subscribed to, and put your account on hold. Just this act alone should take a huge weight off your shoulders.

Then, make a list of the things you've wanted to do for a while, but just haven't had the time to because of your web dating habits. Focus on your needs, your interests, your desires for a while. Learn how to make yourself happy, without needing the reassurance from someone you are dating through a web site to do so. Take a course, hit the library, reconnect with old friends. It doesn't matter what exactly you do, as long as you do something important for yourself.

Implement Changes
After a week or so of this process, take some time to think about your past relationships, and how they have affected you emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Are you still holding any bitterness or anger towards someone? Perhaps focusing on these feelings can release some of the pent-up emotions that were holding you back previously from being successful in the web site dating world. Do the work required to release these negative feelings, and you'll be ready to start dating using a web site service again in no time.

Once you've taken the necessary steps to heal yourself, take inventory again. Are you happy with your life? Are you pursuing things that you enjoy? How do you feel about yourself? Are you ready to bring someone new into your life through a web dating site, now?

Time Frame?
For some people, this process could take six months, or even a couple of years. Others could work through their issues in as little as three months, but that's probably pushing it a bit.

This may sound like a long time for someone not to date, and it is. But remember how miserable dating has made you? It may not be an easy situation to face, but without taking the time to deal with your issues, you'll just be spinning your wheels forever.

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