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Saving Money With Online Dating

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Saving Money With Online Dating

These days, it costs a great deal of money to maintain a presence on the dating scene. Bars and nightclubs routinely charge covers simply for admission, and everything inside will set you back quite a bit. You can find cheaper drinks at certain hours of the day, sure, but the odds of finding a romantic prospect between the hours of 3:00 and 6:00 PM are pretty slim, to say the least. More accurately, establishments will actually raise the price of drinks as the crowd grows; after all, what other options do the people have? By the time you factor in the various costs associated with simply going to a bar or club and buying drinks for yourself, let alone buying drinks for other people that pique your interest, it’s not unheard of to spend well over a hundred dollars in a single evening. All of that, and there is still no guarantee that your time, effort, or money will translate into romantic success.

One of the key advantages of online dating versus traditional dating is that you don’t have to spend any money in order to simply participate or to achieve success. Creating an online personal ad or profile requires very little time and effort, and only rarely will a company charge you for the actual hosting of your profile. If there is any fee associated with such a service, it is generally nominal. Simply having a profile available online is the best way to increase your odds of finding a romantic partner; just as you are searching online for potential matches, so too are others looking for somebody just like you. Browsing through available online personal ads is generally free, as well. Occasionally, websites will allow you to browse through the front pages of online personals but will require a paid membership in order to actually contact the person. Often, however, this cost is rolled into the price of personal ad hosting. Regardless of how the fee structure, if any, is structured, it still represents a significantly lower cost than a night on the town with high aspirations and uncertain results.

Not even when you find a romantic prospect and actually connect with them are you required to spend money unnecessarily. A simple exchange of emails and telephone calls costs nothing, and by the time the relationship progresses to the point where the two of you go out, it is generally assumed that there is sufficient mutual interest to warrant such a decision. Because of this, a night out will not be a matter of throwing money around in hopes of finding romantic success; as there is already interest, any money spent will go towards fostering the development of a relationship. Furthermore, getting to know somebody online and by telephone before actually going out with them gives you the opportunity to explore interests and discover what the two of you have in common. Because of this, there is no “testing the waters” to see what the two of you can enjoy doing together. In all aspects, online dating is a more economically feasible option than traditional settings.
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BONUS : Saving Marriage in a Culture of Throw Away Relationships

How do you go about saving marriage in a culture which values throw away relationships?

There was a time, not too long ago, that marriage was considered a lifetime commitment. While there were some downsides to this such as people having to endure a lifetime of physical and emotional abuse, there were also some benefits. Marriage was a serious endeavor. Marriage created stable families. It was the foundation of society.

Now, every state except New York has some form of no fault divorce. If one spouse wants out, all he or she has to do is say the word. In most states, the partners are not even required to get counseling. How do you go about saving marriage in this kind of environment?

First, you need to realize that a marriage can be saved, even if only one partner wants it. However, if you are the one who wants to save the marriage, you need to realize that you are going to have to do most of the work.

I liken this to house cleaning. Single women do more house work than single men. That’s probably because women, in general, have a higher aversion to messiness. So, when people get married, the woman is more likely to do the bulk of the house work. That isn’t because it is her “job.” It’s because she has the lower tolerance for the mess.

So, if you are the one who wants to save the marriage, you are going to have to do the heavy lifting. Here’s how to go about saving marriage when yours is on the rocks:

1.) Recognize that your spouse had valid concerns when he or she asked for the divorce. Work on addressing those concerns.

2.) Know that your spouse has a lot invested in the relationship. Use that investment to rebuild the marriage. Your spouse will probably have second thoughts about leaving from time to time. Give him or her every reason to stay.

3.) Monitor your reaction. Too many times, the spouse who doesn’t want to leave will badger the divorcing spouse to talk about the issues in the relationship. But, sometimes your spouse needs emotional space. If this is the case, respect his or her wishes.

4.) Lower your expectations. Saving marriage requires that you don’t look for perfection in everything. If he or she has flaws, now is not the time to point them out. If they do things that get on your nerves, live with it.

5.) Have fun. Saving marriage is a serious business. But, if you make the repair process too intense, you will scare your spouse away. Instead, suggest that you together do the things you both find fun. When you can reconnect in the small ways, the big things will take care of themselves.

Finally, recognize that we live in a culture where saving marriage is not considered sophisticated. But, you know deep down, that your marriage is the most important thing in your life and it is well worth saving.

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