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Safety Tips For Online Dating

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Safety Tips For Online Dating

When you are looking to give online dating a try, you must know from the beginning that online dating, just as a traditional dating, does carry with it a few risks. However you like to do it, dating is a dangerous game.

While Internet dating can open many doors for daters, you need to be smart and safe when meeting people online. Most of people online are honest and sincere people who are looking for a partner, but there are also people with ill intentions. When getting to know people online you should follow some basic safety rules.

To make the online dating experience a great one, you should keep in mind some safety tips such as:

- you have to be patient; online dating requires a lot of patience; even if you are anxious to meet new people, don't rush into meeting with strangers; you should take time to know the person before you meet in real life

-one of the most important rules is that you should keep your personal information private; if you don't know who you are dealing with, do not provide personal information about yourself; don't share your real name, phone number, place of work, address, or any other identify information while chatting or emailing until you are comfortable doing so; this information may fall into wrong hands

-also never give out personal financial details of wages, salaries, savings, investments, bank credits or card details

-even if you decide to make a date, you should not give personal information about yourself until you know the person better

-if you decided to meet the person face to face, you better choose a meeting during the day and in a public place

- but you shouldn't jump from online chats to a face to face meeting; first you have to collect some information about that person; it is better to talk on the phone, and use it as an additional checkpoint; a phone can reveal much about a person's communication and social skills; in this way you can protect your security

-ask for a photo, this will give you a good idea of the person's appearance; it she comes with excuses, it means that she has something to hide

-also it is important that you use a recent picture and be truthful in your description about yourself; think about the fact that maybe someday you will have to meet her face to face and then she will get angry to see that you have lied from the beginning; so you can end a possible relationship before it begins

-don't be afraid to flirt a little if that's how you feel, but don't be too flirtations as it could be taken the wrong way

-wait until you find your soul mate, don't fall in love with the first girl who is chatting with you; make carefully choices about the information you provide to a date and also be conservative regarding choices of physical and emotional intimacy

-take all the time you need to test a person to see if she is lying and pay carefully attention along the way; if you think she is lying, act accordingly; move on to someone you can eventually trust

-if you feel something is not right, listen to your gut and get out the situation; use common sense to make good decisions; trust your instincts and immediately quit corresponding when you feel unsure; if she is not your type let her know politely by proposing her to be just friends

-so if anything makes you feel uncomfortable and if you have some doubts about that person, walk away for your own safety and protection

-watch out for someone who seems too good to be true because may not be who she says

-stop communicating with anyone who pressures you for giving your private information

-you can ask a lot of questions and make sure you are satisfied with the answers you get

-only meet when you are ready, and when you consider that you have all the information you need about that person

-never meet someone who argues against your instincts or pressures you in any way

-it is better to stick reputable and honest online dating services for your safety

I wish you good luck in finding your soul mate and it is up to you now to keep your own safety and protection.
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BONUS : Same Ol’ Same Ol

So, you have a HOT date! Want to really electrify him? Then you gotta do something out of the ordinary, something thrilling. How about dinner and a movie? Huh? Hey, wait just a minute. That’s exactly what you did on your last date, and the one before that, and the one before that.

Ok, some movies really are entertaining and dinner, for the most part, can be a, uh, a fulfilling experience. But the whole dinner-and-a-movie thing is not a knock-yer-socks off kinda date - about as electrifying as a Sunday dinner at mom’s house.

Want to impress a first-time date or add some zing to your current relationship? Here are a few ideas. If these don’t strike the right cord, use your imagination and come up with something on your own, something that expresses who you are!

Don’t go out to dinner, stay in. Read a cookbook and make something sumptuous for just the two of you. No roommates allowed. By them tickets to the movies and kick their lazy butts out for the evening.

When was the last time you packed a picnic and ate lunch on the steps of St Patrick’s or on the shore of the Columbia River? Pack up a basket of goodies, a chilled bottle of your favorite beverage and really get to know your date.

Instead of traipsing to a movie try a theme park. Big or small, just about everybody loves a day at a theme park. From the roller coasters to the bumper cars, the attractions can help make a date more genuine and enjoyable. Or, if that sounds like too much excitement, try a visit to the zoo, a stroll through a local museum or an art gallery.

For the hard-core thrill-seeking daters, you might want to consider taking a jump out of a perfectly good airplane at 13,000 feet. More and more, there are companies that offer training, equipment and flight diving packages. I’ve seen a couple starting in the neighborhood of $250. I can’t think of a better way to show your date you care by placing their life in hands of a professional skydiver. If they just can’t jump out of the plane by themselves hook them up with a tandem dive. In a tandem dive the novice is harnessed onto the front of a professional diver. The professional carry’s a parachute built for two people. When the plane reaches 13,000 feet both people jump together. Whew - nearly 60 seconds of free-falling! Now that’s thrilling!
Can you recall the name of the last movie you saw with ol’ what’s her name? And what was that slimy stuff you ate the last time you went out with ol’ what’s his name? While jumping out of an airplane is not for everyone, I guarantee your date will never forget you or the experience of bailing out at 13,000 feet!

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