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Russian Scam Brides The Early Signs Of Scam And How To Protect

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Russian Scam Brides: The Early Signs Of Scam And How To Protect Yourself

'Russian scam brides' is a never ending exciting subject of online publications. In this article, the burning questions and complaints about hot Russian brides are discussed.

Are Russian brides true or scam? Russian brides are TRUE! Unfortunately, there is always someone ready to empty the pockets of men who are overly eager for romantic adventures. Keep your eyes and ears open, so to say. Here are some stats about Russian scam brides: 0.1% of all applicants submitting their information to the Russian dating services are scammers.

Who are these Russian scam brides? They are a small group of people (they may not be even women) earning money this way on the Internet. They view relationships as more of a business enterprise. They send emails to all available singles through dating services. Just like email spamming, they are searching for their victims and following the rules of the game they play.

How can Russian scam brides be recognized?
Here are the top 4 early signs of scam.

The letters a man receives are not specific. They tend to be generalized, not answering the exact needs of the given man. Direct questions about personal life are usually avoided, just some ready pieces of information.

Scammers play to man's instincts, to whatever he wants to hear and see: beautiful model - quality appearance (usually false), sexy photos, "special love" they mention after a few letters... If a given man considers this speed strange, it is. Until you met in person, any claims of love should be suspect.

The majority of scams involve money. The so called Russianwoman usually asks for financial support: terrible financial situation, telephone fees, Internet expenses, etc. Scammers are always mercenary, they usually look for the man's sympathy, for "what you can buy for me" (it is their job!).

Close attention should be paid to the huge age difference. In this case the chances of being scammed only increase. For the sake of justice it should be said that some real good girls are attracted by the older men (security, stability). However, it is not surprising that Russian scam brides are likely to be involved with much older men.

How to protect yourself from being scammed?
Here are the top 4 effective, simple and easy techniques that can help you avoid being scammed.

Never send money to strangers. The majority of scams involve money for travel to the man's country. Take common sense precautions: send her the ticket rather than money if you want her to come visit you. Keep your purse in your pocket, it's difficult to get scammed as far as you do it.

Check out the girl's incredibly beautiful appearance, the photo may be false. Ask her for more photos that are not made in the studio.

Ask for the girl's personal information (postal address, telephone, etc.) and see her reaction. Does she ask for gifts? It's wonderful! Find an agency that delivers flowers and gifts with photo confirmation. Scammers hate this, they love anonymity. This way will be verified not only her appearance but also her postal address and telephone number.

A travel to Russia should be born in mind to meet your pretty Russian girl and her family. If the intentions are serious, of course. Thus the majority of burning questions will be answered and the initial information verified. And may be even more...

Remember, 99,9% of pretty Russian girls are actual, REAL. They want to find love and build a family in spite of unfavorable demographic situation in Russia. The rewards of finding a suitable Russianwoman outweigh the risks. Use these simple precautions and you will be safe from Russian scam brides.
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BONUS : Russian Women – Their Mentality And Uniqueness

When people mention a word “woman” they usually mean something like “mother” - someone careful, loving, warm and tender. And it's considered to be a worldwide stereotype, but unfortunately, it's not. Western men (Americans, Canadians and Europeans) tell sad stories about their “local” women: it's a common knowledge that the feminism changed western ladies greatly – they became chilly and business-oriented, when Russian and Ukrainian girls still have their love and warmth.

Many men are still asumed to know that there is such a difference in attitude and mentality. In spite of the fact that every person is unique, there are certain common features of character that make Ukrainian and Russian brides the most sensitive, feminine and unique in their traits and perception of the world.

The most famous ussian and Ukrainian poets and writers devoted their works to the exceptional qualities of the FSU ladies. One of the poems devoted to Russian women calls them queenly, containing beautiful force and remaining ever beautiful despite the difficulties of life; it glorifies the ability of these women to work hard as much as their beauty. A famous quote from this literary piece says that if need be, a Russian woman will "stop a running horse, enter a burning building." And indeed, all these stories are true.

Historically, Russian women have been set apart long ago. Since the ancient days they have been known for their hard work right alongside with men. During disasters women held families and communities together. Difficulties don't scare them. Instead, challenges strengthen women's character. They have also been culturally very protective and caring for their families and become great wives and nurturing mothers. Precisely because of these qualities Russian hostesses are known to be some of the most hospitable in the world. This landlady will welcome you and feed you as if you have not had food for months, and it will all be delicious too!

Communism also influenced on the mentality of Russian women (especially of older generations). Ladies, who were raised under communism, were brought up with values of self-dedication, responsibility and giving away to the society, along with strong family values. And such mindset is still very strong in many of them. Not in the political sense, but in the fact of being very giving, sometimes to their own detriment. Helping someone else is much more important than their own well-being. And when they are doing something, the key is responsibility. Of course, such values are transferred to their children, and younger women also gain such warmth, sincerity and dedication from their mothers.

Russian men take women and their efforts for granted. They expect women to cater to all their needs. Most men here do not know how to treat women and, therefore, treat them poorly; such attitude leaves no room for romance. It is typical for most women to work from 8 to 5, come home, cook dinner, help kids with their homework, clean the house – and manage all these things on a regular basis without any help from the men's side in the regular 24 hour day, 7 days a week!!!

Since Russia, Ukraine and other FSU countries have been open to foreign influences, women have a chance to know a different attitude towards them. Many stories of our women happily living abroad have been told over and over again. Most women have a friend or a friend of a friend who is living abroad and is happy with a change in attitude from men and style of life. And once the women had a chance to see something different, compare and realize that indeed they like, want and deserve such things as romance, care and love, many of them do not want to settle for anything less. The attitude from men at home gives Russian women an opportunity to really appreciate foreign men, who treat them as ladies. Attitude of men from home also makes Russian women such that they don't always trust easily. But once they do, the gratitude of Russian women to you for being a reliable partner, who treats them with love, will have no boundaries: they will appreciate you, they will pamper you and give you all their love and emotions stored inside.

So, don't think Russian brides are too good to be true! They are real and they are incredible, and they are looking for someone who will treasure and cherish them. Give them a chance and you just might find the lady you have been missing in your life.

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