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Put Laugh In Your Love Life Make Women Laugh And Attract Them

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Put Laugh In Your Love Life: Make Women Laugh And Attract Them

Would you like to attract women in your life? Then make them laugh. This is part of a Chinese quote and it is true. Women love to laugh and will do anything to have some fun one or the other way. Women will kill for someone who makes them laugh. Laughter is the key to attract them. But how do you do that?

Laughter is really important in a woman's life. If you can go to a cafe, club or a park and start a conversation with a woman you can ask her what are the three most important characteristics she likes in man. 90% of them will tell you that they would die for someone who would make them laugh or someone who has a great sense of humor. And indeed it is true. Laughter is the number one key component in a successful relationship.

Laughter is a psychological effect of humor. When you laugh changes occur in various parts of your body. In your brain, in your heart and stomach and even in your legs and arms. That is a time when your defenses are down and you become more receptive and sensitive to everything.

When you make a woman laugh, apart from feeling good yourself, you give the impression that you are a sociable, attractive, humorous human being. No woman wants someone who is boring and serious all the time. Think of a person who never smiles and is always in a bad mood (e.g. your boss). How do you feel about a person who is that serious and has no idea how to laugh and feel good?

Why do you think celebrities and stars are always laughing and look like they are in a great mood. Because they know that laugh attracts and reflects positive energy. And they have practiced a lot to laugh and look attractive.

Not all people have a strong sense of humor. Not all people can make others laugh, but it's definitely something you can develop and apply to your advantage. So what it takes to capture this technique and move you to the top of the list for most women? Practice..

The technique of making women laugh is so effective that it can change your entire life. You can start by laughing at bad situations or by laughing at simple things and even at yourself. By time you will realize that the women you talk with will laugh with you. That will boost your self-confidence to top levels and soon you will become a woman magnet. It's up to you.

Ask a friend to help you at the beginning of your practice. It's not easy to start applying the laughing technique. You need some time and a good friend can support you and motivate you when you need moral backing.

Try to imagine a picture of yourself laughing at different situations and things. Before you go to bed spend some time thinking what has happened to you during the day. Try to laugh at the funny things that have happened to you (conversations, funny sounds or other funny incidents).

Take a walk and do something that you know it will make you laugh. Watch a funny movie for example. Try to laugh out loud at jokes. What's important here is to get used to laughing. Feel your belly shake when you laugh. Use your heart and your brain. The more you practice, the better the results. By time you will develop a unique ability to attract people and especially women. The more women you can make laugh the more of them you will attract.

So start practicing! Laugh using all your senses. Listen to the sounds of your laughter. Feel the emotion. Everybody smiles every now and then. Do not just smile. Instead try to laugh as loud as possible. Turn your smile into laughter. You will eventually build a magnetism that will reflect to your great personality. You will notice that the women around you will start having positive opinion about you.
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BONUS : Quiz- Are You Romancing In Love?

Have you experienced romantic love when you have sent flowers for no reason? When you sent hundreds of ecards in a single day. When you wrote poetry for your beloved and he/she heard it as if it was a piece of great art? When you search around for love quotes on the Internet like mad? When you wanted all that you could do to make your sweetheart happy? This is a phase of romantic love that is not gifted by God to everyone. Very few lucky ones fall in such love. Let us talk about the passion of this romance.

When we talk of history, we come across instances when wars were fought for women. The wars were fought when the lovers were in this romantic phase. In this phase, both the girl and the boy defy every convention, break all the norms and think only of their beloved. The passion of this love is incomparable. In this passion, if somebody hurts the beloved, the lovers may even kill that person. What we read about romance is this phase when all logic is thrown to the wind and heart rules over the head completely.

During this phase, lovers do not even imagine that a day will come when they would lose this love. Not only that, but they may also break-up. That thought is beyond their wildest imagination. That is why if some one advises them that both of you are not alike each other, or please reconsider your love, they revolt against that person.

If you experience this phase, you will never forget it. If you manage your relationship after this phase in such a way that it survives against all the odds and you continue without any break-up, you are one of the lucky ones. Please enjoy the romance.

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