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Power Tips For That Magnet Of A Online Dating Profile

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Power Tips For That Magnet Of A Online Dating Profile

When you are dating online, you don’t get to meet people face to face. Here comes your profile to fill the void, which “introduces” you to people who are most likely to share your interests.
Typically online dating profile is just like your mother who never gets tired talking about just how wonderful you are. Let’s be honest, just about everyone could use such cheerleading! That is why it is important to have a profile that showcases you in the best possible light.

Tips to create that perfect profile:

• Grab attention! Write a catchy headline.Your profile headline is your chance to quickly tell other members exactly who you are, what you're looking for, or why you'd be great for them.

Your headline is the first thing people read about you. If the entry of a profile is catchy and attention catching, you have just promoted yourself to the head of the queue.

• Honesty is the Best Policy! Being honest goes a long way in making your profile successful. Like if you smoke, say so. If you mention yourself a non smoker, things might turn sour when in the longer run your sweetheart gets to know otherwise.

• Be yourself. Your online dating profile should give the reader a glimpse into your personality. Don’t imitate others. You might attract people initially but in the long run you will lose because your credibility will be lost.

• Use your current photograph. People want to know how you look like now. If you use your older photograph it would seem that you are hiding something.

• Write for the reader. If you go through other profiles aka competition, you will find people using ‘I’ more often than not, such as: I like to swim or I live to cook etc.

Be different, be innovative. Compare ‘I like to cook.’ to ‘Do you like your man to cook for you?’ or compare 'I love going to the beach for a swim.' to 'Do you enjoy going to the beach for a walk and a swim?'

Getting the drift? Involve the reader, talk to him/her individually. So instead of writing ‘I,’ rephrase the sentence and use the word ‘you.’

• Use correct spelling and grammar. I know this one would make many of you groan, but if someone can’t understand what you are seeking in a date, they aren’t going to respond.

So when editing or making up your profile, pretend you are a copywriter. You have been given this work, and you have to excel to be paid for it. Write on word processing program and run the spell check.

Don’t worry about someone you know seeing your profile. Remember that person is also using the service to look for someone or to post his or her own profile.

Go and explore the cyberspace and find yourself just that someone you have been waiting for.

I hope these tips help you do just that.

Happy dating!
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BONUS : Preserving Values Through Christian Dating

When it comes to matters of the heart, everyone, in spite of race, sexual preference or religion has the right to be happy and find the one person that will make their life feel more complete. Since times are indeed changing and people are starting to get more and more forward, liberal views tend to win over how most people today think. Fortunately, there are still those who believe that the road to true love shouldn’t be so cheap or so easy. Slowly, the former silent minority are trying to promote better dating values.

1. Dating Tips:

- When a guy tells you that you are hot, politely remind him that God made you hot

- If a guy you just met or don’t really feel very comfortable with tries to hold your hand, just politely hand him your Bible instead

- When a guy tries to get close to you, tell him to be close with God

- If a guy offers to pay for everything, politely remind him that Jesus paid for a debt that he did not owe

- When a guy tries to put his arms around you, politely tell him that nobody can ever replace Jesus as the one who’ll always be closest to you

2. Place God Before Earthly Passions:

When it comes to earthly passions, having someone tell you they love you may be flattering but just smile. A proper gentleman should always know in his heart that he should never get angry with a proper Christian girl if she doesn't agree with his sinful desires. When faced with such a lusty predicament, ask him what Jesus would do. If all doesn’t go so well between you and him, you must admit to yourself that it simply wasn’t meant to be (at least, maybe not this time). If he persists, you may wish to dump him, but remind him that Jesus will always be with him.

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