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Online Dating Safety Tips

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Online Dating Safety Tips

There’s thrill, excitement, and nervousness when meeting someone you met over the Net for the first time. But, you must exercise caution when meeting someone you barely know.

Below are some tips to guide you safely when dating.

1. Make arrangements when meeting. Do not let the person pick you up from your house.

2. You should meet in places where there are many people or you can ask for help if your date gives you trouble. Public places such as malls or daytime parks are good places to begin with. If it is possible, you could go double or group date.

3. When you are eating in a restaurant or café, go Dutch. Pay half of the bill. In that way, you won’t feel obliged in returning the favor of treating your date if he or she gets to pay the whole bill.

4. If possible, avoid drinking alcohol while on a date. Alcohol could affect your judgment and lessen inhibitions. If you are drinking, keep the drink in your sight all the time. Do not get too drunk. You might not know what might happen later or remember what you have been doing.

5. If you have a car, use it. Make sure the gas tank is full.

6. Assuming that your date is safe just because he or she claims to be religious is wrong. For all you know, he or she may have a hidden side you still do not know.

7. Do not let any first-time date know where your house is. If you plan in seeing your date the second time, arrange for another date and assess from there if he or she should know where you live.

8. At night, avoid going to secluded, dark areas like parks or dimly lit places.

9. Listen to what your gut says. If there is something that does not feel right, then most likely, it is not. Leave immediately if you feel something isn’t quite right.

10. Tell someone whom you are with and where you will be going. You might also want to arrange a time schedule where someone could call you later and check up on you. You could also plan to meet some friends after the date.

11. Do not give your home contact number. If you really have to give contact information, give your mobile phone number.

12. Stay alert. Having good chemistry and fun the whole time does not mean you should let your guard down. Be sure you have a cell phone with you.

Online dating may be fun, but your safety should be your primary concern.
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BONUS : Online Dating Safety - What To Look Out For.

Dating online probably appears on its surface to be much safer than traditional dating; you proceed at your own pace and only as far as you feel comfortable, and you don’t have to worry about somebody slipping something into your drink. However, the relative anonymity afforded by online dating means that some measure of caution always needs to be exercised. By taking a few simple steps, you can insure that your online dating experiences will be successful and safe.

The truth is that, at least initially, you don’t really know the person that you are talking to online. All they are to you is a series of words and possibly a photograph, and with that sort of ambiguity it can be easy to create any number of different impressions or images. Detractors of online dating will always point to the extreme examples of physical meetings gone awry after online courtships. I would argue that these examples are extreme and actually more infrequent than with similar stories involving traditional dating. However, they do illustrate several basic guidelines that should be adhered to when you begin to date online.

First and foremost, never proceed at a pace that makes you feel uncomfortable. Whereas in a physical setting you can generally get a “read” or a “vibe” as to the sort of person you are speaking with, online dating makes that sort of gut impression more difficult to come by. It can take extended conversations before you feel comfortable enough to actually meet somebody, and that is perfectly acceptable. Remember that you truthfully don’t know this person at all, and if they begin to pressure you into meeting them sooner than you’re comfortable with, it may be a good idea to simply nip the relationship in the bud.

If at all possible, see if you can find out any information about the person online through mutual friends or acquaintances. One thing is true about the internet: It has made the world infinitely smaller. Chances are good that, between you and your online interest, you share at least one common relationship. Use this to your advantage! Any information that you can find out about this potential romantic prospect is bound to be beneficial, if only for your own peace of mind. If said mutual relationships don’t exist, follow the above advice and proceed at a pace that you are comfortable with.

When it does come time to meet your online interest for the first time, a little common sense goes a long way. It is probably a good idea to make your first meeting public rather than private. Until you know somebody well enough, you might forgo the seclusion of dinner and a movie at one of your homes and instead opt for a restaurant and theater. Until you know somebody well enough and are comfortable with them, having people around when you meet is beneficial. It allows you to get a better feel for the type of person you are speaking with whilst maintaining a safe amount of distance from them.

Finally, never venture out to meet somebody without first telling a friend or family member where you are going. Again, you don’t know this person very well at all, at least initially. Ere you meet them, simply tell a friend of your plans. Give them the other person’s name and phone number, and make sure that you tell your friend where you are going and at what time. Through a series of simple steps, online dating can be just as safe, if not safer, than traditional dating.

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