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Online Dating My First Time

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Online Dating – My First Time

Okay. I’ll take a look, but I’m not saying that I’m going to participate in online dating just yet. I’ve heard the success stories and the horror stories about online dating, but I do not have any first hand experience to share with you on the topic.

What I plan to do in this article is take you with me while I explore the different online dating services available on the web. Brace yourself and buckle your seatbelt, I’m going to try something I saw in a cartoon.

Just kidding. That’s something I like to say to the passengers in my car just before I start to drive. Maybe that’s part of the reason I’m having dating problems in the first place.

Okay, the first website I discovered says it’s a “free” online dating service. Online, red flags always go up for me when someone says that magic word, “free”. But, let’s take a closer look.

Well, it sounds good. It says it is, “an internet dating service that provides a comfortable and intimate environment where you can safely and conveniently search and find your perfect soul mate, while having lots of fun. Thousands of dating ads of singles that are looking for dating romance, intimacy and friendship is available for you to browse through. Your ideal companion might be among them. (site name deleted) brings dating to new frontiers, making impossible, possible!”

I’m having a little trouble with the comfortable and intimate environment thing. They haven’t seen the room my computer sits in. Safe and convenient sounds nice though. But if the website is just a lot of personal ads, can’t I just get something like that at my local news stand or in my local newspaper?

I think I’ll move on and take a look to see if there are online dating services that provide more than dating advice and personal ads.

Hmm, now I find myself on an online dating website that claims to be the biggest online dating service on the web. It has a big picture of Dr. Phil on the front. Almost scared me away, but I’ll tough it out and stay to see what they offer.

Here is what they say, “Looking for more in a relationship and a dating site? With over 10 years of experience in online dating and relationships, (site name deleted) is the worldwide leader in online dating and relationships. Where else can you find millions of singles looking for love, just like you? We don't offer just online personals, we are personal in our offerings - to help you find a date, a relationship, a marriage.

Whoa! Marriage? I said I might try online dating. I never said anything about marriage! And now I have the mental image of “millions of singles looking for love”. Wow! Millions. Okay, so they sound big, but what do they actually offer?

Well, first off, they don’t really tell you much about the services they provide. Just a lot of information about the millions who have gotten married through their online dating service. So I bit the bullet and went to the sign up form to learn more.

Now comes the money question. $29.95 for a month or I can get discounts for longer memberships. Then there is the Dr. Phil MindFindBind program that costs more. Now I’m laughing because since I am checking the online dating service out while typing this article, I evidently have waited too long to make my decision because a popup just came up to offer me assistance with making up my mind.

They do have some free services, but those are basically, create a profile, look at profiles, etc. That’s just like the free services on the first online dating website. You have to pay for the ability to actually respond to any emails sent to you by other members or block members or to see which members have taken a peek at your profile. That all sounds okay, but if you go for the whole Dr. Phil package you get an online dating tutorial, a video about online dating, online dating workshops, and online dating advice. Wow!

Well, as I said, I haven’t decided just yet, so we are going to check out one more online dating website together. Okay, this one is free. They have a patent pending on their matchmaking idea. They calculate your matchability in percentages.

The online dating method they use goes like this, “When you answer a question in our improve matches area we learn: (1) your answer, (2) how you'd like someone else to answer, and (3) how important the question is to you. We collect these three values for all users.

Your match percentage with a given person on (site name deleted), let's call him b, is based on the values of (1), (2),and (3) for questions you've both answered. We'll call that set S later in this explanation:” Wow! I thought that just regular dating was complicated.

I think I’m going to keep checking out more online dating websites until I find the one that is right for me. So far, the ones we just toured have been too much like personal ads, too expensive, too Dr. Phillish for my tastes, or too complicated. I’m sure though, just like finding the right date, there is an online dating website out there for me and one for you too!

I encourage you to at least try online dating. But don’t stop at the first online dating service you find, just like hopefully you wouldn’t stop at the first singles bar you saw. Check out as many as you need to in order to find the online dating service that is right for you.
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BONUS : Online Dating – Options For Whatever You Desire

As the proliferation of internet access across the country reaches an all-time high, it has become increasingly evident that, regardless of what it is that you’re searching for, you can probably find it online. Products and services of all shapes and sizes can be found online, and even things that are not easily obtainable locally can be found with minimal effort on the internet. Ease and convenience has reached a new high, one unimaginable even ten years ago.

While not exactly a “consumer product,” per se, the dating scene has seen a similar benefit from the influx of online access. One key aspect that has been aided by online dating is the specification, so to speak, of dating options. Regardless of what it is that you’re looking for from a mate, chances are good that you will be able to find it online.

Perhaps you have heard commercials on the radio or seen several on TV about some of the more “serious” dating service websites. They highlight several individuals and couples who have experienced success and even marriage whilst using the website, and they promise to do the same for you. Whether or not the services offered actually work is up for debate, but the more important aspect of them lies elsewhere. The message that is conveyed by the commercials is that, for many people, the uncertainty and casualness of the bar and the nightclub scene has lost its draw, and that people are genuinely searching for solutions elsewhere. There are a myriad of websites out there that promise to find you the perfect mate, but more importantly they evidence that more and more people are seeing the internet as a legitimate serious dating channel.

Obviously, not everybody interested in online dating is looking for their future spouse. Even for those searching for much more casual relationships, it is probably that online dating offers a solution for them. A quick search online will find countless casual dating sites, and further inspection of the sites reveals that they can be quite specialized, indeed. Whatever your preference, be it orientation, fetishes, or simply specific interests, there is somebody else out there that shares it. In this respect, the internet has succeeded in making the world much smaller; whereas you might not have been able to find a person that shared certain interests in a lifetime twenty years ago, today they are easily located with a few clicks of the mouse.

While online dating may have been viewed as a “last resort” several years ago, it has recently become an increasingly viable option for many people. The truth is that much of the populace is simply fed up, disheartened, or frustrated by traditional dating channels. The bar and the nightclub scenes are simply not for everybody, and the places that people frequent are often not the ones in which they can the type of partner that they are looking for. Online dating has succeeded in offering more viable romantic options than people have ever had previously.

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