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American Singles Online

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American Singles Online

Do you think that as you get older it seems harder to find the right man or women? Your less open to alternative ideas and perhaps limiting the chances of you actually meeting new people. However, it is still possible, and very real.

Recent studies have shown that AmericanSingles which is one of the top 2 personals websites which are currently receiving the highest satisfaction ranking from online consumers. is a free site to create your profile, upload photos, and search for other members. The site is constantly changing its looks, which keeps it interesting and fresh. Its new features include one click options making the process faster and a gallery view option for members to view large numbers of profiles all at once, audio and video, chat rooms, hot list menu so you can keep track of people you find interesting. However, the catch is that if you want full access you must upgrade your membership. This is billed on a monthly basis.. However, that’s for you to decide. For all its worth, it might just land you with the right person.

This is the internet, and there are more options that are available to you than you’ll ever know what to do with it.

At, there are no catches. They went about it in a different way. They were sick and tired of seeing corporations go after people looking for love online. Finding love shouldn’t have to be about handing over a monthly fee to someone.

Others such as will offer you free dating services. This primary goal of this service is to create an international dating community. Not only to find romance but to find online buddies. Its an international dating service in English, Spanish, and Russian.

So go out there and explore the world. Have fun, don’t get caught up in all your daily activities.

American Sinlges
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BONUS : American Singles

The American single is a big thing. Living in America and being single is not fun. The world is too beautiful and life is just simply too short to live it all alone. The Mr. or Mrs. American single needs to get out their and find the right one for them selves. Someone whom they may share this wonderful life with and have some fun.

Busy legitimate singles are with limited time on their hands can readily meet other American singles with similar interests for friendship, dating, or commitment purposes while being online. By the same token, their are singles out their that prey on other singles for one sole purpose, and that is to take advantage of them.

Online dating can be fun, and you can meet people on online dating websites, chat rooms, and other sites that will help you get connected with the right person.

I would, however like to offer some sound advice on ways to keep you safe from the fraudulent few that surf the net looking for whom they can devour.

First and foremost, protect yourself by guarding your personal details such as phone numbers, email address, home address, your place of work, your bank, and your income, etc.

As in the real world, be prudent with whom you trust with all your personal details with, and online it is even more important. This is common sense since you have no idea who the person on the other end really is.

When seeking online dating websites, do take note of their guidelines and what you should and shouldn't do. These sites have such guidelines for your safety.

Your personal details should only be given to those persons that you really trust, and even then, that trust should be slowly built over time and you should still exercise caution.

Stop communication with anyone pressuring you for personal details and with anyone that makes you feel uncomfortable.

The all American single should always share with their family and friends those that they are in contact with over the internet and for those thinking of building a good long term friendship. Also let this American single know that your friends and family are aware of them. However, be smooth about it. You also don't want to push anyone away.

As the all American single that you are, be smart about it and don't just fall in love at a click of a mouse just like that. It will probably also push them away from you. True intimacy and love develops over time. And stay away from the slick ones that will whisk you away to a private chat room in the hopes of trying to have some cyber sex with you. I assure you that you are not the only one they are doing that to.

Also, as the all American single that you are, be suspicious of those that send you photos and make sure that they don’t look like that just stepped out of a cosmopolitan magazine, or that the photo isn't taken of the person sitting behind the wheel of a brand new red Ferrari. Make sure that the American single that you meet is in fact the person that you are really communicating with.

For all you know, 'Tom' or 'Mary' may be twice your age, a complete slob and overweight. Be smart. Don’t let the cupid get you with a few good pickup lines and some flashy phrases.

If you are going to give out your number, be sure to get their number first and use the block caller ID on your phone so that your number doesn't show up when you call them. There is a lot that you can tell about a person from a simple phone call. How is their tone of voice? Do they speak fast or slow, do they answer you quickly, are they good listeners, do they sound sexy, or are they nervous, and are they polite? These are some things to think about.

Is this person only going to give you a cellular phone number and not their home phone number. If they are not willing to give you a home number, it could mean that they either don't have a home, or they are married or already in a relationship.

Being the all American single is careful and check that no red flags go of and that you are dealing with a complete all American bozo or even worse. There has been more than one nightmare stalking that resulted from the online quickie.

When you are ready to meet them, because you have done all of the private emails, phone calls, and chatting, make sure that you meet in a public place as opposed to having them come by and pick you up. If you are a female make sure that you have a cellular phone on you in your purse in case you need it.

Let your close friends and family know of your date and their name, phone number, and exactly where you are going to be, and when you expect to be home. Better yet, if you are a female, meet him with some of your other friends, so that this will warn him that your friends have seen him and he wont do any funky business.

Common sense and slow and easy is the name of the game when it comes to online dating so take is easy and be cautious. Now go and have some fun!

American Singles

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