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Men Do You Attract Women

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Men- Do You Attract Women?

For many men, attracting women looks very difficult. For few men, it is very simple. The women get attracted to them automatically. There is some magnetism in them or so it seems. It is their personality, their confidence and their talking style that attracts women of a certain type to such men. Now we are talking sense, because to ask the question to a man - Do you attract women? Sounds foolish to some extent. Every man is different and so is every woman. The attraction can never be universal. Let us discuss this further.

You may be an introvert person - More of a thinker and an intellectual. You will find it difficult to attract outgoing and extrovert women. It is said that opposites attract, but that attraction will not last long. When your beloved wants to go for hiking, you would like to go for a poetry recital session. So this attraction may occur at times, but will not last. Similarly, if you are a extrovert man, masculine and in love with adventures and risks, you can not attract women of opposite nature. You will attract women who find lot common between them and you.

It is not difficult to attract women, because they are looking for good partners. The problem arises when we try to attract women who have nothing in common with us. These women ill not are able to understand us and communicate with us. How can you talk of tennis with a woman who loves only reading Shakespeare? The solution lies in first looking for women with common nature and common goals. Once you find some of them, talk to them normally and tell them about your liking for them. Success generally comes with simple approach.
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BONUS : Men's Killer Online Dating Profile Tip!

Men’s Killer Online Dating
Profile Tip!

Are you dating online and not meeting the women you crave and would like to meet?

I know what you are going through and it can be a lonely place when you aren't getting the results you desire. In this situation you have to hang in there and never give up!

Tip #1
Test your replies from what you write in your first and second emails. Save your emails in a file and use the ones that get the most replies as templates...everyone is unique though.

You must comment on personal things she has written in her profile. To show you have made the effort to find out something about her.

And remember, nothing works 100% of the time.

I still scratch my head when a profile ignores my interest...and I match her criteria well...go figure.

I've just finished dating a lady and am back in the internet dating game...

And loving thing about using online dating sites is that whenever you find yourself single, you can be comfortable in the knowledge that it is only a matter of time before you meet someone else.

Or just enjoy dating a few different ladies until you do...

It's the most efficient / effective way to date that I'm aware of...

There is a LOT of women using online dating sites. This is good news for us healthy single men who don’t like hanging out in smoky bars and clubs.

I'm about to reveal a killer profile tip which I'm certain I've never revealed before.

I was aware of it but never really made the effort to use it.

As I was preparing a new profile name, photo and text to go back online, I decided to make the effort.

The results have been pretty darn good, and I've only been back online for four weeks or so!

It’s got the type of women I'm interested in meeting, to contact me straight away.

No messing about with virtual kisses and then me having to pay for the contact.

They contacted me and sent their mobile number with the email!

Yehaa! I like that… :-)

Are you ready, let’s look at it,

Here it is;

Men’s Killer Profile Tip!

When editing or making up your profile, pretend you are a copywriter.

By this I mean imagine you have been paid by a company to write a profile convincing a client to be interested in that company’s goods.

So to do that you need to tell the reader this;


Read profiles of men in your area and age group to scope out the competition.

Notice how often they use the word ' I.'

So you’ll see they are focusing on themselves, instead of the reader.

This is good for you, so that your profile will stand out from the crowd.

For example;

Instead of writing, 'I love going to the beach for a swim.'

Write it this way, 'Do you enjoy going to the beach for a walk and a swim?'

Subtle difference, but it works!

Instead of this, 'I like to cook.'

Write it, 'Do you like your man to cook for you while having a glass of wine together.’

Get the idea?

So why not edit your profile and delete as many ' I's ' as you can.

Or set up a new one on a different site and see the results...

You will notice the difference quickly.

Focus on what you think the type of women that interests YOU, would like to read and do.

I think you get the picture with this and I won't bother with endless examples.

This truly is a KILLER tip!

Try it out and good luck to you!

So instead of writing the word ‘I,’ rephrase it and use the word ‘you.’

Simple but effective and gets good results…

Until next time and more dating tips, keep smiling...

This articles quote;
‘There is always a way to succeed, if you are committed.'

All the best…
Mick Jones

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