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Meeting And Dating Asian Women 3 Myths Exposed

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Meeting And Dating Asian Women, 3 Myths Exposed

If you’re a man who’d like to meet and date Asian women for friendship or marriage, you’re definitely not alone. The Asian woman, with her beauty and traditional values is very desirable, especially to a society that seems to be losing its way with happiness in relationships. Not many will argue this fact as divorce rates go through the roof, and men seem to be more miserable than ever.

It’s a fact of life, men love beautiful women. No matter how certain groups like to slice that up and hold it against us, the fact remains…we love’em. It’s our nature.

As you can imagine I constantly get emails from the feminazi types who love to tell me how I should be living my life. They find it deplorable that I’m happy and have showed many men how to be happy too. They find it just appalling that a man is attracted to the beauty of a gorgeous Asian woman. They ask, why does it have to be an Asian woman? Well…why do these Femi Nazi’s always like bon-bons and not rice cakes? It’s just a matter of preference.

It Worked for Me
Whether it’s their beautiful figures, silk-like hair, exotic features or traditional values, Asian women rank at the top of the worlds most gorgeous women. Below are some of the most common myths that can hold you back from meeting the Asian woman of your dreams.

Meeting and Dating Asian Women Myth 1 – You’re too old for her. Age is a huge barrier to dating beautiful younger women in the western world, but it has very little significance in the eastern way of life. It’s known in the east that with age comes:
· Wisdom
· Knowledge
· Resources
· Experience

It’s nothing for a 45-year-old man to have a beautiful Asian girlfriend in her 20’s. I knew a Chinese woman who was 24 and had a 19-year-old boyfriend. Her parents were pissed something fierce. What possibly could a 19-year-old kid offer their daughter? They wanted her to be with a mature, older man who was more stable and could provide a future for her.

There are those in society that will always pass judgment on you (usually those miserable “married to the wrong partner” type), but hey, men love beautiful women. Being upset at a man who loves beautiful exotic Asian women is like getting mad at a bird for flying.

Meeting and Dating Asian Women Myth 2 - you’d like to meet a traditional Asian Woman for love and possible marriage, but you’ve been convinced you need to go the mail order bride route. Believe me, nothing could be further from the truth. Of course you can go that way if you like, but there’s really no need to as there are an incredible amount of Asian women right in your own backyard, you just need to know how to meet them.

With the tools available today, there’s no need of spending thousands of dollars to date or marry a woman you’ve never met unless you want to. Even if you decide to go to Asia, you really don’t need to spend thousands on an introduction service, if you know what you’re doing.

Meeting and Dating Asian Women Myth 3: I can’t go out with an Asian woman, I just don’t know any. The problem many men make is not seeing the big picture. They see a gorgeous woman and think the way to go is to run right up to her and hit on her. Although this can work, it’s a low percentage game. The best approach is to know how to meet them in a “you’re suppose to be their” circumstance. It’s a numbers game, and you want to play a high-percentage game at that.

Getting What You Deserve
So many men have soured on relationships. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard “I’ll never get married again”. Of course this is normal if you’ve lived a miserable existence for so long. The truth is, everyone deserves to be happy. You must first learn to like yourself, and then all will fall into place.

I speak from experience when I relay to you the joy so many men have found when finding the Asian woman of their dreams. It’s a beautiful thing.

Many Asian women have been raised to fully understand the truly important things in life, not those things that TV commercials tell us are important. So many relationships fail due to the “always searching for the next best thing” syndrome, and never really being a good match in the first place

Think about what you really want from a woman, I think you may be surprised by the journey it may take you on.

Best of luck on your quest for happiness,
Richard Brower
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BONUS : Meeting Others Through Online Dating Services

Dating services, especially those online, are a good way to connect with other persons for friendship and dating purposes. Through a dating online service you are immediately able to network with hundreds of persons via e-mails, chat rooms, video and audio recordings, and later – telephone.

Keep the Date Simple

Once you’ve found someone through a dating service that you would like to meet in person, setting up a first date might be in order. Because this will be your first meeting, keep the date short and simple. One or two hours in duration, at the most.

If the two of you hit it off, you can always extend your time together. However, if sparks don’t fly you avoid the uncomfortable situation of having to suffer through a longer, more involved date. For instance, instead of eating out and going to see a movie, choose one or the other.

Your first date should be one where the two of you have the opportunity to talk and get to know each other better. A noisy, distracting environment such as a party or dance might not be the best choice.

Instead, make plans to meet at a restaurant, or even a coffee house like Starbucks. Trendy and fun, with a casual atmosphere that is relaxing and conducive to easy conversation.

Until you know for sure whether the two of you like each other in person as much as you did online, avoid sharing your address or personal information such as where you work, etc. Arrange to meet at a public place, each providing your own transportation.

Take Precautions

There is always the chance that the person you came to know online misrepresented themselves. Therefore, inform friends and family members about your dating plans.

Tell them who you are meeting, and where. Also mention the name of the dating online service where the two of you met, the person’s e-mail address, telephone number, etc.

Reputable web site dating services such as All provide restrictions and guidelines for your benefit online. But when it comes to meeting someone in person, it is your responsibility to be prudent.

While chances are the date will be enjoyable, the need to ensure personal safety make taking precautions essential. You may have been honest in representing yourself online through the dating service. But you won’t know for sure if your date did, until after the two of you have met.

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