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Learn How To Deal With Women Emotional Game

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Learn How To Deal With Women Emotional Game

So you are trying to become better at the art of seducing women right? You are on the right track if you are seeking for info. Knowledge is power and not so long ago, i was just a average frustrated chump without seduction knowledge. I was what you could call a nice guy. In this article i will show you some steps you must take in order to succeed with women and be the next casanova.

The first thing you must know is that women are emotional beings. Women operate in a 20% logic and 80% emotional. So you will never hit them with your logical side. This is one of the key secrets in the seduction game. Always appeal to their emotional side. Women barely make any logical decision. And thats the good thing for us. If you could just trigger the right emotional buttons inside a woman, no matter how ugly, stupid or fat you are, you are in the game. But of course, not all of us know how to trigger these buttons.

Of course, i am not saying that you dont to take care of your looks and appearance. Thats very important, if you dont have a unique style and personality your journey will be a lot thougher. But thats only a part of the game. No matter how handsome you are, if you act nervous and weird near pretty girls, you are history. Thats it. So stick it in your mind that the inner game is much more important than your looks. I bet you can tell several cases in your city where you have seen beatiful girls hanging with you can call ugly man.

But you see, these so called ugly man have something special. If you observe them closely, you will see that they act diferently that most men. They are confident. They lead the way. They are bold and fast. they have supreme confidence. They dont get nervous around any kind of girl, because they know that he can get any girl he wants, no matter his looks. And thats the key of seduction, if you appear to be confident, every women near you will notice and will want to know you better. Its instinctive. Its withing her genes. Women always seek shelther and protection, and the most confident man, in her eyes, is the man who can provide it to her.

So, from now on, change your frameset of mind. Never think yourself again as unworthy or inferior to woman. See yourself as the alpha male among men. See yourself as the most confident man in the planet. Of course, dont forget to take care of your appearance but the most important thing is your inner game. Now come on, the girls are waiting for you....
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BONUS : Learn How Women Communicate

We all know that this world is full of women, but
all are different. It is said that it is very
hard to understand women that's why here are some
true statements about how they communicate that
you can learn from and see how it applies to your
girlfriend, wife or other woman you know.

Women don’t need to have a particular reason to
talk; they like to talk because it creates

So they always want to have near them someone who
wants to listen and talk with them. Also, women
use talking as a way to release tension. There
are a lot of conflicts inside a couple about
communication because, for women, talking
something out over and over again eventually
dissipates the stuck energy around it.

They hate being told to get over it, that you don'
t have time to listen. If rambling conversation
drives you crazy or you don’t have a lot of time
let her know what time you do have and give her
the attention. You should listen to her without
trying to find a point or solution.

Women express their thinking and feeling process
out loud. Hearing themselves talk helps women get
clear on what is going on inside of them. The
process of expressing their thoughts out loud
actually allows them to figure out what they’re
thinking and feeling. So you should be a good
listener and show that you are interested in what
she thinks and feel. They don't like the men
which enjoy having a specific purpose for the

Women communicate with details. They love details;
that’s why a woman’s interest in the details
about your life is not an attempt to interrogate
you or invade your privacy and their habit of
sharing the details of their life is not an
attempt to take up too much of your time. Rather,
they are trying to connect. If you want to
surprise her try to make some remarks using some
details for example the way she is dressed, the
color of her eyes...

Women minimize how upset they are. In order to
keep the peace, women often don’t express how
upset they really are. They don’t stand up for
themselves, and they downplay the severity of
their dissatisfaction.

When they said that are alright but still look
upset, they are still upset. If you take the time
to try to get a woman to say what she really
feels, that attempt alone will actually make her
feel better because she knows you cared enough to

They don't like the men which, in order to avoid
a confrontation take her answer literally and
leave it when she says that is fine but still
look upset. They love to insist and find out what
she really think and try to make her feel better.

Show her that you care and it is important to you
her happiness.

In general, they like to have a lot of friends (I
mean girlfriends) with whom to share all their
thoughts, dreams and secrets which a man would
never understand. Most of them don't feel secure
to have an open talk with their partner and to be
completely honest like she is with her friends.

So women are well aware that most of the time
they are a profound mystery to men.

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