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Is Online Dating Safe For Women

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Is Online Dating Safe For Women?

Online dating has grown in popularity over the years as the internet becomes a way of life for many. With online dating becoming more mainstream and accepted, some women are still doubtful whether it is a safe way to make friends. Some of the questions that pop up in women’s minds include, ‘How do I know if he is not a wacko or serial killer?’ or ‘How do I protect myself if my date does not turn out the way I want it to?’ or ‘What do I have to do to ensure that I only meet the right type of people?’ or ‘How do I know if my date is not pretending to be someone that he is not?’ These are the types of questions that frequently pop up in women’s minds when they contemplate the viability of online dating.

Online dating can a fun and secure way to meet other people if you take the necessary precautions. It can be a great place to build loving and trusting friendships that lead to lasting, offline relationships. However, whether you decide to correspond online or meet members offline, sound judgment and common sense should be exercised. In both the virtual and real worlds, making an effort to find out more about your date is the best safety tool. The following are some online dating tips for women:

Do not meet up physically for a date immediately when you are at the beginning of the relationship. Take time to find out more about your new found friend first, by communicating solely via email. Then, observe if there are inconsistencies about age, interests, appearance, marital status, profession, employment, etc.

Stay anonymous until you have checked out other person and are comfortable with them. Never reveal your real name, email address, personal web site URL, home address, phone number, place of work, or any other personal information during the initial stages of the relationship. Stop communicating with anyone who pressures you for personal information or attempts in any way to trick you into revealing it.

Request for photos - Asking for photos is a great way to check out the appearance and get a general impression of the other person. If you are asked for your photo in return, do not give one. Some people make the mistake of posting pictures of themselves in a sexy thong or exotic lingerie, just to provoke a response. This is a definite no no!

Chat on the phone. Once you are fairly comfortable with the other person, the next step is to communicate by phone. Communicating by phone is a great way for you to evaluate a person as it allows spontaneous communication rather than planned replies. From the phone calls, you will also know whether there is any chemistry between you and the other person.

Meet up only when you are ready. The good thing about online dating is that you are not pressured to meet anyone until you are ready. Once you are ready to meet up physically and go out on a real date, remember to always meet in a public area where there are lots of people. Never go out on a first date in a secluded area no matter how well the date is going. Also remember to tell someone close to you where you are going and with whom. If you are flying in from another area, always pre-arrange for your own transport and hotel room. Do not disclose where you are staying and never allow your date to make the arrangements for you.

Dress appropriately on the first date. Do not wear any revealing or ‘see-thru’ clothes that show off your lingerie or any low-cut pants that show off your sexy thong. If you want to wear something more provocative, do so only after the relationship is more established and only if you wish to pursue the relationship further.

For more tips on dating and romantic dating ideas, visit
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BONUS : Is She Interested In Me: How To Decode Her Body Language

Women are generally known to be very talkative. Give them a chance to start talking and they will definitely shoot the breeze, unloading several months’ worth of hormonal challenges unto your simple yes-or-no questions.

Hence, you would tend to think that with their knack in lip fluttering, they would find the other mediums of communication completely useless.

However, man’s fine female friends are a “bilingual” to a certain extent, and she is as articulate in body language as she is in the words on paper.

Therefore, when it comes to feelings and relationships, women would use other forms to convey their message. They would use such tools to convey their message without going into trouble. They would literally try to do it on their own little way.

According to some experts, the only problem is that even if women have their own set of language, it is still hard for the amateurs to decode the body language. In fact, body languages are only seen clearly in about 1 out of 1,000 contacts with men.

Hence, the only way to succeed in analyzing if the woman really likes you is to decode the body language that they may have been projecting but were taken for granted because you do not understand its meaning.

So to make certain you do not make a hash of translation, here is a list of definitions that would identify the most common moves that would literally tell you that she is interested in you an dhow to react on the actions.


You are talking to a chick at a bar, and you notice her slowly running her hand up and down her forearm. It is a rash! It is a twitch!

No! It is a tactile woman!

She loves the feel of things on her hand, and most probably the rest of her body. A simple movement like that speaks pages. It is like telling you, “Look at my hand, pretend it is yours.”

What to do: “Look but do not touch” does not apply here. Give her a few strokes but keep your hands on neutral territory.

A touch on the shoulder, a tap on the top of her hand would be enough. If she is telling you what you hope she is telling you, she will easily focus her tactile fixation on you.

The Hair-Behind-Ear Tuck

Most women have this technique down pat. It may be an affection of the typical and much sought-after demure lady.

For the most part, it shows that your girl is a preneer. She likes to have every strand of hair to be in place; and a single one of them is out of line. That is the ear tuck power.

What to do: Pay her a compliment. Any compliment will do, but a “I like your hair like that” may just be the ticket that she has been waiting from you.

Of course, you have heard that flattery would not get you anywhere, but it will be a good start. Do not start off with it, though, because it is just a damn lame line. But throw it into a crucial part of the conversation, and hopefully, she will soon be doing her preening for you.

Puppy Dog Eyes

Awww! She is so cute. Those big doe eyes are practically begging for assistance. She needs your help and you must willingly give it.


Although this tactic is used mostly for flat tires and bus seats, it works quite well in the flirting and pick-up scene as well.

What to do: When the puppy dog’s eyes come on, jump into action. Snap your fingers and order a drink for her. Offer her a chair. Do not overdo it though, because women are totally capable of themselves, and the only reason why she appears like a damsel in distress is the fact that she likes you and she is interested to know you better.

The Laugh and Touch Combo

At an appropriate time in the conversation, you whip out your favorite gay bar joke to seal the deal with your date. She laughs unabashedly, leans towards you, and plants an unassuming hand on your thigh, arm, or shoulder.

So she thinks you are funny, right? Wrong. The upside down, though, is that she is into you, downright interested in you, despite the lame-ass joke. This is her way of showing you that she is easy to get along with and open to possibilities that involve you.

What to do: Talk about things that border on the intimate, but end with a self-deprecating joke. This will keep you from going too heavy but at the same time, it sends out the signal that you like her too and that you are comfortable with her.

The bottom line is that men should not be more focused on decoding the body language alone. Trigger the quest by providing appropriate responses in return. That would surely end you both in such an exciting world of “getting-to-know-you-better” stage.

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