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Internet Dating Service Which Online Dating Services Do You Prefer

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Internet Dating Service! Which Online Dating Services Do You Prefer?

With so many Internet dating service web sites popping up these days, it’s starting to have many online daters scratching their heads and wondering which dating service they would prefer!

Everyday there seems to be dating sites with titles such as Internet dating, dating free, dating personals, and Internet singles. Every time you do a search more pop-up like weeds in spring, but which dating site do you feel would fulfill your dating needs would be the ultimate question, and to find the answer, we have broken down some major relationship sites that offer individuals services that target certain personalities.

Yahoo Personals: This dating personals site has an appeal to singles world wide, and you can easily meet hundreds of single people from all over the globe, to many matches in your own backyard. They provide you all the tools from emailing, chatting, and photo submission, to special personality tests to find you compatible matches. Keep in mind the more services you require, the more the monthly fees will cost, but if you’re into having all the tools at your disposal, then your online dating experience could be fun and entertaining. This service targets free spirit individuals, and singles that want an experience that is more casual to start, leading up to possible longer term relationships.

TRUE: Is a site that targets online dating singles that are searching for a serious relationship, and if you’re out to have a good chat with singles only looking to have online friendships, then don’t involve yourself in this dating service. However, if you’re tired of the dating scene, and you’re ready for a quality matchmaking service that can help you find true love, you will definitely find this service to be the right one for you. Online members are screened with strict guidelines and dating policies, and any false information will not be tolerated. So don’t even think about changing your name, or using an alias! This online dating site tailors to the individual that have been dating in the community, with more date experience, and currently had enough of the head-games involved in trying to establish a connection with their soul mate.

YouCanGetMe: This unique dating and matchmaking site offered out of the UK, attracts singles world wide, and is one we had to leave for last to talk about! They have taken the next level of dating by adding leading edge technology, and cater to the singles that want more in an online dating experience. With the combination of interactive features such as audio and visual tools that allow the single men and women to view and hear who they're actually meeting online, the days are gone with this service of trying to establish if the photo your looking at, or the email you're reading is actually the person you’re communicating with. What better way than to see and hear your future match, so you can make sure you’re actually meeting the right person.

This online matchmaking service is for single individuals that are not too comfortable with the Internet dating process, or just want the additional filtering features to help in their decision making process in finding a quality match.

In the end all these dating services are online for one purpose, to find you a compatible match. What it comes down to when selecting a personals or dating site is your budget, and your specific needs in meeting someone online. Whether you’re searching for a good friendship, a long lasting relationship, or a variety of discreet encounters, one thing to keep in mind is that sourcing the most reputable dating services over the Internet will end up saving you time, money, and most of all offer you the best online personals experience that will provide hours of fun, as well as possible serious encounters.
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BONUS : Internet Matchmaking: An Unlikely Success Story

She was born in the United Kingdom in the 1970s while he was born in Fairbanks, Alaska, in the 1950s. “She was a globe-trotting journalist in China, while he was a highway construction engineer in Alaska. She was a published author, an authority on chess and fluent in Russian. He was a Tourettes syndrome sufferer and fluent in profanity.” but according to a story in the Anchorage Daily News, which in 2007 highlighted the unlikely hook-up, Sarah Hurst, 34, and Jon Savage, 52, fell in love six years ago while living 4,000 miles apart.

The pair met through a worldwide Internet dating service. Sarah, in Beijing, got in touch with Jon, in Anchorage, after scrutinizing a small amount of positive particulars in his personal outline, like his interest in reading, writing and lifelong learning, his yearning to travel, his love of cooking. In the introductory communication that developed, Sarah observed that Jon didn't try to cover or exaggerate the crucial essentials of his being, “like his job with the Department of Transportation, his tests as a single dad, his four kids, his teenage son with autism,” according to the Daily News.

Friends and family had warned her about the potential pitfalls and deceptions of Internet matchmaking. But almost immediately, Sarah says, she knew that Jon was "real." Three months later -- in the summer of 2001 -- she traveled to Alaska to meet him. “Part of the attraction back then, Sarah admits now, had been her preconceptions of a strong independent man in the wilderness of Alaska. But at least half that image began to fade the first evening when she checked into ‘one of the seediest hotels in Anchorage,’ a place on Fifth Avenue with broken floorboards and a Jacuzzi in each room.”

Jon later persuaded her to stay in his home, in spite of her English mother's concern that he still might be "an ax murderer." Later she sent her mom a semi-reassuring photo. "I had a picture taken of me typing at a computer, saying, 'It's OK, Mom. It's safe.' And in the background he's holding an ax,” Sarah told the newspaper.

"She tries real hard," Jon says, "but she's not as funny as me."

The two quickly fell into a happy pattern of road trips and food fests and social outings. They became regular trivia competitors at the weekly pub quiz at Humpy's. Jon moved on to a job as construction manager for the Alaska court system. Sarah found several freelance writing and consulting jobs -- lecturing BP employees on Azerbaijan (where she lived for a year), translating books from Russian to English, and accepting a screenwriting assignment for a PBS documentary on Alaska.

The newspaper offered the happy conclusion to the story like this:

“This month, when they got married in a small family ceremony at a friend's house, Jon and Sarah acknowledged each other's wishes in their vows -- with certain exceptions.

“Said Jon: ‘I promise to love and cherish you, to make bean soup for you, to throw my clothes all over the floor, to play Sudoku with you and to make your life interesting till death do us part.’

“Said Sarah: ‘I promise to love and cherish you, to remind you to take your medicine, to beat you at Sudoku and pool, except on rare occasions, and to hurry up and get famous so that you can bask in the glory till death do us part.’”

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