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Ideas For An Adventurous Date

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Ideas For An Adventurous Date

At times you go out on blind dates. The blind date can be quite a nightmare if your date finds all your interests, totally uninteresting. On the other hand, if you find his/her likings completely repulsive then the date will be equally doomed. If he/she is an introvert who likes to stay indoors and you are an outdoor person, chances are you will never go on a blind date for some time to come. There is nothing more satisfying than finding a partner who shares the same interests as you. If you find such a person, you will hit it off instantly. If you both are adventure freaks, then dating will not be too tough for you. You will never be out of fun date ideas and you do not need too many tips.

The Great Outdoors
There are hundreds of things to do and an equal number of places to visit if you are an outdoor person. Hiking, rock climbing and mountain biking are a few. First of all find a place near your city which is fit for hiking. Get in touch with agencies that plan and organize such trips. You can also check for online resources which will help you find the best place to start. Opt for an amateur trail, as you are not going there for the sake of adventure only. You are on a date and that is the reason why you are there, not the other way round. Help each other during the trail. Take a number of breaks during the trip as this will give you time to talk to each other. This way you will get to share your thoughts and you will get to know each other better .Such trips help in forming a long lasting relationship.
Tip: Do not forget to carry the right gear, a first aid kit and some drinks and food.

Rock Climbing
Remember Tom Cruise in Mission Impossible? Rock Climbing is not for the amateurs. If you and your date have never done it before then you should go to an indoor rock-climbing club, which attempts to mimic the real experience but in a more controlled environment. Guides and instructors will be available to help you. After you practice on this, you will be ready for the real thing. Lend each other support. After all, you want support when you are hanging a few feet off the ground by nothing else but a rope. This again is a great team building sport that brings you together as a team. This sense of teamwork will help you in coming closer and knowing each other better.
Tip: Never head for the real thing without getting proper rock climbing lessons.

Mountain Biking
Mountain biking is not meant for the inexperienced. You and your date have to be extremely sure that you want to try this out. This is biking in its most extreme form. You need the necessary equipment and right guidance before you set out on a trip. You will definitely enjoy this trip with your date. Opt for a secluded place where you can have some privacy as well. There is nothing more relaxing than being in natural surrounding.
Tip: Make sure that you know the trail well as you do not want to get lost. Also, inform the local security in charge about your bike trip.

If these are not adventurous enough for you, you can try paragliding, surfing and snorkeling. But you have to head off to the beach for that. A beach is a different dating idea all together.

Article Written By J. Foley
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BONUS : Identifing Narcissistic People Early

Narcissistic men and women are so self centered and self indulgent that they see friends and lovers as mere extensions of themselves. They are obsessed with flattery and demand to be adored and have attention to themselves at all times.

Unfortunately, these narcissistic types are very seductive and you may at first be attracted to them without realizing what you are stepping into. Because their egos are so very fragile, they constantly crave attention which eventually puts their partner at risk of being on the loosing end of the relationship.

To help you with some tips on identifying whether or not he or she is a narcissistic type, ask yourself the following questions:

1. Does he or she loose interest when they are not the center of attention?

2. Are most conversations about them, whether you try to change the subject or not?

3. Is your partner always fishing for compliments?

4. If you criticize him or her, do they literally fall apart at that criticism, especially if it refers to their looks or their mistakes?

5. Do you catch them talking about all of their supposed 'lost loves' whom each seemed to have had major flaws in which he or she had to break up with them?

6. If he or she is not getting special treatment or constant attention do they get mad or have a temper tantrums? For example if when they are not waiting on fast enough in restaurants, or did not get the best seats at the movies, are they upset?

7. Do you find a pattern of this person using people just to get what they want and then discarding them when their own needs are met?

If the man or women you are interested in shows any number of these types of behaviors then you may want to be careful. These are not the type of people to get involved in a relationship with if you want equal attention and love.

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