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How To Score A Second Date

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How To Score A Second Date?

Does he look like your dream guy? If there is a blush on your face and you are nodding your head in a positive direction, then girl, you are definitely desiring to fix dates. Meeting once would leave you craving for a second date.

Just follow these moves to win over your man's heart at the very first date, which would definitely drive him to ask you for a second date.


Give him encouragement

Say something like "I had a great time tonight" before you part ways. A guy is far more likely to ask you out again if you leave him with some clear indication that you're interested.

Know when to bite your tongue

We live in a confess-all culture where telling everyone everything has become okay. But on first dates, guys are super-sensitive to a few topics that really turn them off. Some examples: anything to do with personal hygiene, why your last relationship failed, your thoughts on commitment, and current body hang-ups.

Hold off on hitting the sack

Sure he's putting the moves on you, but most guys would rather have you make them wait beyond your first meeting. Fact is, men love a challenge, so give him something to chase.

Make him work around you

Of course you want to see him again as soon as you can, but don't be available for marathon text messaging sessions every time. It sends the message that you have a life beyond this potential romance... which men love.

So Good luck ladies! Hope you get a more sizzling date next time.
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BONUS : How To Seduce Her And Get Her To Trust You - Online!

Before you start looking for the woman that you want, make a clear idea of the type of woman you are after in your mind.

Now you can set some specific details, which are more important for you, like: she has to be a good mother, a sexy blonde or a smart brunet, the housekeeper type of woman or a career woman... and don't forget the age and the relation type you're after.

This will allow you to choose the right online dating site for you ( is a new one and might work well for you). Then, you will have to make your profile as complete and realistic as you can. Take time to view some women profiles that contain the specific details you have fixed and pick one, maximum two of them.

If you are interested in more than two women, never, but never talk online with more of them in the same time. Women can feel if you don't give them your complete attention.

Now cames the hard part, and the most important: the approach part: Don't forget! In online dating the most important thing is to GET HER TO TRUST YOU!

If you selected a site that gives you the possibility to contact women by e-mail, your first e-mail is the most important. Introduce yourself and say something specific, that is special about HER (you should read her profile carefully for this).

Tell her the location on the web where she can find your profile, and be direct and ask for an online talk (date) to get to know you each other better. Don't write a long email.

If you have fixed an online date, do not be late! By doing this you will lose her from the very begining.

When you're approaching her online, after you break the ice with an open question, the very next thing you should say or do is to introduce yourself. Just use your first name then allow the woman you're talking to to offer you her name (if she is using a nickname in her profile). Pause for a moment. If she doesn't offer it, ask her what her name is. Then, and this is very important, use her name in the very next sentence you are writing to her. Using her name works like magic to make her more interested in you.

Never talk about your ex in the first dates and don't forget the women don't want to be a shoulder for you to cry on. Be positive and enthusiastic. Make her laugh and feel good about spending time talking with you.

The next thing you want to say or do is compliment her. Call attention to some detail about her, and flatter her in a totally positive way. Be sure to avoid obvious compliments at all costs.

Also, always find ways to agree with her. Never disagree with a woman when you first meet her. One exception, which works all the time is if she initiates a conversation about sex with you.

One time when I was talking with a women online she started to tell me that she would like to see me only with a towell on me and I said to her that “Hey.. don't you think things are moving a little too fast in this relationship?” :). At the first time we date she confesed me that she only came to the date because I have impressed her with that line. Imagine that. :)

Keep in mind that if a woman likes you or would like to know you better, she will give you free information to follow up on. If she's not attracted to you, she won't give you much of anything and it will be very difficult to maintain a decent conversation with her.

At first time, don't talk more then one hour or one hour and a half, then pretend that you have to go, but don't forget to tell her that you have a great time talking to her and never be shy about asking her for her phone number. Be direct. You can say something like, "I have to be going now. But I'd love to hear your voice, sometime. Can I call you?" Without the all important phone number, you will never get anywhere with a woman.

Do not call her in the same day you have talk with her online, suspans can be healty sometimes. :)

Good luck, and be smart! She will be “on fire” just to get to know you better.

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