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How To Make Romantic Eye Contact

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How To Make Romantic Eye Contact

You walk into a bar. You survey the place and instantly you catch someone looking at you. So, naturally, you look at that someone too. It is only later that you find out that both of you have actually caught each other’s eyes. So what is the next best thing to do?

Do not be afraid. Having confidence in yourself will make it a lot easy for those from the opposite sex to notice and take a second look at you. Eye contact is just one of the many ways to attract an equally eager would-be friend or special friend.

It is good to take note though that direct eye contact is very important to establish that would-be initial romantic moment and spark an on-going – who knows? – romantic relationship.

Usually, the ones in boyfriend and girlfriend relationships do this during the initial period of their getting to know each other phase. Husbands and wives would also do them a lot of good if they also maintain looking at their partners. Sometimes, the bills, the children have taken off a lot of spark from married people. Romantic eye contact is a great way to ignite any lost passion and intimacy.

Looking through each other’s eyes during what seems like forever that all the other people in the room – if there are any – just seem to gradually fade away until only the two of you literally have the eyes for each other is one way to cement the fact that you have the other person in your thoughts.

Direct eye contact also speaks volumes which words sometimes cannot fully convey. It expresses self-assurance and certainty about yourself and what you could do and bring to the fore of an impending relationship or in helping maintain one.

For single people who are dating, or would like to date a potential significant other, it is important though that when establishing eye contact, you let the one you are looking at notice and look at you too. Checking someone out is a non-verbal gesture that just as similarly means: I am interested.

As much as possible, after establishing direct eye contact, spend a considerable amount of time with the person you know you are interested in. Doing so enables you to express how much you value the other person.

What should you do if you are shy? Relax, take some deep breaths. Soon you will come to realize that words will just come naturally tumbling out of your mouth.

Here is a neat trick that one could easily do if he or she is having difficulty maintaining that all important eye contact. If you simply cannot look at someone directly, try looking at the middle part of the person’s face, specifically the one between the person’s eyes and eyebrows, just a little bit above the person’s nose.

Doing so creates the illusion as well as the impression that you are intently looking at the person directly. It could prove to be a little difficult later when you realize that you seem to be having a conversation with the person’s forehead, but you will get the hang of it.

A rewarding and new would-be relationship is in the works if you try to make an effort of seeing people eye to eye.

Believe it or not, besides the eyes, there are other parts of the face which could be utilized to establish a potential romantic relationship. And just like the eyes, it does not have to be specifically physical. Try making use of your lips, especially if you are a female.

Applying lip gloss and occasionally biting your lower lip in certain points during your conversation – this is after it is assumed that you were able to establish eye contact and through that you are now on casual speaking terms - may attract further attention. It also helps if you are in a light mood. Let a few fun, witty and light jokes loose. This to help establish that more than your eyes, your personality is just as great a magnet.

All in all, romantic eye contact is just a tip in the relationship ice berg. It is not the be all and end all of a would be relationship. For the unattached, it is a good place to start though when reeling in those prized catch. For the already married, it is one good and effective way to maintain the fire of your long-term relationship.
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BONUS : How To Make Yourself Irresistible.

At first glance, online dating may seem to be the easiest way to getting yourself a guy but it’s harder than it looks. Because online dating is open to anyone and everyone, competition can be sometimes fiercer than fights between gladiators in the older times. If you want to make yourself irresistible without lying about anything, here are some things that you could do.

Improve Your Profile – If you join any online dating website, the first thing they’ll ask you after registering as a member is to create a profile for yourself. This would include listing your contact details, your hobbies, your favorite books and so on. In short, everything would be about you! These profiles are open to public viewing and if a person likes what’s he reading then he’ll be inclined to send you a message.

The contents of your profile would always basis of people’s first impressions on you so it’s essential that you write the best things about you. When creating a profile for yourself, make sure that you don’t give everything away because that might make people think you’re desperate for attention.

Also, it’s good to keep a little mystery about one’s self as it’s sexier. Secondly, don’t lie about anything, even your age, because it’s just a sure way to make things more complicated later on. Lastly, some online dating websites allow you to customize the look and feel of your profile page. If this is allowed in the online dating website you’ve joined then do make sure that you design your profile page to the best of your capabilities.

If you’re not familiar with designing tools such as Adobe Photoshop or MS Frontpage then do ask for someone’s help. A beautifully designed profile page has better chances of grabbing people’s attentions than one with an ordinary layout.

It’s Time To Come Out Of Your Shell – If you’re the type of person who usually takes years of getting to know a person before you fully loosen up then online dating definitely what you need. During dates, I bet you found it very hard to let the person get to know the real you because you felt very self-conscious and shy.

With online dating, however, problems like that are immediately negated! You can be as bold as you want! Simply remind yourself that the person you’re talking to can’t see you – unless you’re using a webcam – so let loose of your inhibitions, start having fun and acting irresistible!

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