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How To Get Over Being Shy

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How To Get Over Being Shy

Shyness is a problem that may lead to one missing out on all things that life offers.

Shy people are less likely to date and focus more on themselves than conversing with other people.

Chances are shy people are perceived as less friendly and boring because of his inability to speak in social undertakings. He also gives the impression of being inferior and less likely to succeed.

When you’re shy and introverted, there is a chance that you might need the help of some friends who might be able to bring you out of your shell. If you hate going to night clubs, you can perhaps attend class, find a work or go shopping. Introvert people may take a lot of effort to meet people. Having an outgoing friend may help ease the burden of shyness.

Because of their social uneasiness, women find shy men as unattractive. As a result, shy men are rarely given a chance by women to show his real self once she gets to know them.

Indeed, women will not consider continuing to spend their time with a negative and depressing person, However, a shy man faces the difficult problem of getting attention or actually even being noticed in the first place.

There are some places where shy men could actually begin casual friendships with the opposite sex. Attending groups or classes in any subject he wishes to pursue is a good place to start with.

This offers an opportunity to be in an environment of people with the same interest as you. In addition, if you do not spot someone, this is actually a win-win situation because you did something you like doing. When you see a nice girl, begin conversations with her.

Don't allow her shoo away from you. Your nice and calm approach won’t probably scare her away. Act naturally and as normal as possible. Be yourself and if she shows no interest in you, that's that. You got acquainted, you tried, try again!

Bear in mind that there are many more obstacles when you do find someone.

Question is whether it's possible for someone who is nice to develop confidence and outside assurance.

Many girls believe that they get bored of nice guys because they have no confidence, assertiveness and sexual passion, and that jerks do not know how to listen and only look for sex and act as though she was a piece of property to be used, abused and set on a shelf.

The desire to be trusted and liked for who you are is one element of shyness that may work to your advantage.
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BONUS : How To Get Respect From Women

Respecting other people is one of the basic human values. Schools and parents try to inculcate it to their children, however, it still one of the most undermined value.

Respect is one of the most neglected values maybe because it is can be viewed as a value that is that only affects other people. However, there are many things one could get by giving respect. Nobody talks much about it, but respect is one of the determining factors of a guy’s success in getting women’s attention. If a man knows how to get respect from women, he definitely possesses a quality that sets him apart from other men.

How does one get respect from women? This article tries to give some tips on how to do that task.

- Self-respect

Getting respect from other people (not only women) entails self-respect. How can one expect to be respected if he himself doesn’t know how to respect himself? Self-respect starts with having a healthy self-esteem.

Self-esteem can be put plainly as one’s view of oneself. Developing and boosting one’s self-esteem requires conscious effort. One must start with self-assessment to find out about one’s insecurities and to find out possible ways of reversing these. Self-respect transcends from one’s soul, the lack of it can never be hidden.

Self-acceptance is the first step towards having self-esteem. One must avoid comparing oneself with other people. This will only end with envy and added insecurities. Accepting oneself, including one’s weaknesses is the only true way to gaining self-respect.

-What you give is what you take

To be able to get respect, one must know how to give respect. Respecting women is a whole different thing from respecting men. Women are more sensitive in the things that one say or do.

Being a gentleman doesn’t seem to pay much these days. Nice guys are always left behind and beaten by the bad boys. The nice guys are stuck with being seen by women only as friends. Unfortunately, women really dig the bad boys, but this shouldn’t be a reason for guys to give in and join the dark side. Women may initially like the bad boys but eventually, when maturity sets in and when the long-term picture comes into play, the gentleman usually becomes women’s top choice.

Simple gestures such as proper greetings, opening doors and offering help to women will give a guy a “good” image.


The reason why most nice guys are seen by women as mediocre and are never admired by them is that they portray a very stiff and boring personality. Low self-esteem may be driving away a man from being comfortable amidst women. He might be viewing women as people whom he needs to please. In respecting women, one eventually pleases them but this is not the primary motive, he respects them because he chooses to and that is what he thinks is the right thing to do.

If one is amidst women in school or work or wherever, he should try talking with them on a deeper level. Trying to ask them about their interests, thoughts on things and hobbies can be good way to start. One will eventually find out that women think differently from men, but there is beauty which lies behind differences.

-Have fun

If a man eventually becomes comfortable with talking with women, he can then be more open to other topics which are more sensitive, such as sex. If a man asks a woman about sex, it doesn’t mean that he is disrespecting her, but this should be done in the right moment and through the right way. Men have a tendency to think about sexual thoughts all the time and this should be avoided. Men must see beyond the curves and connect with the inner soul of women.

Men don’t need to be assholes when it comes to women. Respecting women in itself is a very virtuous thing to do and gives one fulfillment in itself. Respect works through life in various levels and its benefits to the giver and the receiver are priceless. The best relationships start with respect and are maintained by respect.

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