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How To Get A Girl To Have Sex With You

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How To Get A Girl To Have Sex With You

Without this powerful tool, even the most attractive men won’t be able to take women home – seduction. The average-looking man who knows how to seduce a woman will win every time over an extremely attractive man who doesn’t know how. It is important that you know how to seduce, once you do, you’ll have the luxury of asking, “My place or your?”

When attracting a woman, it is important that you bring seduction to seal the deal. Just by having great looks will not invite a woman to sleep with you; you have to show her that you are really interested and can’t leave without her. It’s not a good idea to beat around the bush and try tricking the woman to sleep with you. Cheesy pickup lines will send you home to an empty bed every time.

A real player is honest and straightforward without being rude. By lying everything out for full view allows you to lure her in successfully. The thrill of the hunt comes from letting women know exactly what you want; how hard the woman plays will determine how hard he has to hunt. The use of seduction is a technique that can be used to get just about any woman into bed with you. The results of seduction are much more effective than any pickup line or beating around bushes. Follow these tips:

• Physical attraction is very well needed. Be clean cut, fresh and well dressed.

• Appear harmless. When a woman sees you are friendly and not attacking her, she will let her guard down, which will be easier for you to penetrate the fortress.

• Be charming. This is done by showing her that you are genuinely interested in her and only her.

• Be intellectual. Engage in important conversations about politics or current affairs. By showing your intellect will make her value you and your opinion more.

• Seduce her emotionally. Women are emotional creatures. Give her a warm and fuzzy feeling. Show her spontaneity and excitement; that rush will addict her to you.

• Show chivalry isn’t dead. Women like to be treated like their special, so show the princess you can be a prince.

• Essence. By having it means mixing all of the tips together. This will turn you into an irresistible seduction machine. You must be genuine or women will reject you for being fake or trying too hard.

After you seduce the woman you’re after you will need to keep her interested by:

• Make her feel beautiful. Score major points by making her feel like the most beautiful woman that has ever entered the earth, let alone your life.

• Put her pleasures first. Don’t show her that you are only interested in satisfying your own needs; cater to hers as well.

• Provide her with lots of pleasure. Giving her all the pleasure she needs will encourage her to return the favor.

• Deliver orgasms. Explore her body to see how you can do so; even if it means going downtown.
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BONUS : How To Get A Girlfriend Easily

Ever wondered why it is easier for some guys to get a girlfriend and harder for others to get one? With all things equal, looks, status, intelligence, attitude and personality make the difference. In fact, most girls even go for the personality than for anything else.

It is actually quite easy if you just overcome the initial fear and anxiety. Here are some tips on how to get a girlfriend in the easiest, most pain-free way possible.

Get out there
One of the most basic tips on how to get a girlfriend is to go out there and make yourself available. You will not get a girlfriend sitting around in front of the television set on Saturday nights or burying your head in a book when you should be going out with your friends or joining organizations. The more people you meet, the more likely you will meet someone who you like and who likes you.

Be approachable
Walking around with a forbidding expression on your face will not get you a girlfriend anytime soon. Nor will constantly wearing a frown on your face. Smile, experts say, is the number one rule in how to get a girlfriend. Look approachable. Talk to people. Of course, do not overdo it. There is a difference between being friendly and being a psycho. Trust me, the latter will not get you a girlfriend.

Be yourself and like what you are
The term “be yourself” may be so clichéd, it wouldn’t be cool to even think it but it is a sound advice. To get a girlfriend who will like you for who you are, make sure that you do not pretend to be someone you are not. Put your best qualities into the forefront. If you are good in the Arts, develop your talent. Girls like guys who have their things going on.

Fix the body language
Whether you believe it or not, communication is 25 percent verbal and 75 percent nonverbal. Your body talks more than your mouth does. This can help you get a girlfriend, that is if you have your signals right. Sometimes, you might be saying one thing but your body is showing another. On how to get a girlfriend, guys should know how their bodies talk.

Know the body language
Just as you are sending body signals, so does your potential girlfriend. One of the few things that you should master in how to get a girlfriend is a woman’s body language. Know when a girl is interested or not. Study their body language, how their eyes meet yours and how they lean towards you.

You will never get to know the person and will never get a girlfriend if you open that mouth and strike a conversation. Make an effort to talk to her. One good conversation starter is probably an assignment in your class or a book review that you both have.

Find a common ground
Getting along with another person will be easier if you two share something in common, be it a TV show or something that you enjoy doing. At the risk of being a stalker, observe what she likes doing. Is she into sports? What kind of books does she read? What does she do with her free time?

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