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How To Find A Genuine Online Date

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How To Find A Genuine Online Date

This is definitely one of the most talked about and written about dating topics of today, considering the increasing threat to genuine date seekers.

You could avoid being trapped and abused by a fake online date if you use the following basics when you search for a date next time. You may think you have already read enough of it. But just read on 'cos you might catch something new!

· Start with a good dating service - To start with, use a reputed dating service provided by a known website. Their reputation itself makes it necessary for them to be more careful when allowing online dates.

· Longer the better - Subscribe for a reasonably paid online dating service of your choice. Do not select free or cheap dating sites. Always try to pay for at least 3 months period. You have to pay only the amount you'd spend on a two or three cheap dinners! Try to find out suitable dating or matchmaking site depending on your requirement (religious, black, ethnic, fun etc).

· Look for dating service reviews - If you are worried about your money being wasted on something of no use to you, make use of online dating services review sites where you can search and learn about dating services around the world. They provide expert guidance for you to find a dating site to suit your requirements.

One thing I must emphasis is that there are many internet dating review sites which are out of date. They have reviewed the dating services two or three years back. Always select reputed review sites that are up to date.

· Read the profiles carefully - Always look for descriptions which sound truthful. Avoid contacting too many. Limit your contacts to a few. See who is continuing for a long time. They may be the genuine ones who really want a date with you.

· Avoid superstars J - Avoid personals which sound too good to be true with photographs of handsome dudes/lovely chicks! Specially avoid overseas personals of similar kind who are all too interested in you.

· Avoid Scams - Carefully see whether you receive any pleads for financial help. If yes, first thing you should do is to avoid them at all costs. (avoid sending money for visas, air tickets etc) This is a popular scamming technique. Don't fall in to that trap.

· Don't give any numbers - If you are considering a more personal relationship with the online date of your interest, get his/her contact number. If they are reluctant to give a number, be careful. If they gave you a number, try ringing it then and there without telling him/her and see who is picking the line, always use a public phone and don't use your mobile phone by any means.

· Things about personal details - If you are confident that you have carried on long enough to confide in each other see whether he/she is willing to give out personal details. If he/she is totally unwilling to give out any information, it is better to back off.

· Be honest - Finally, be honest yourself. If you are not being truthful, you cannot expect another to be honest with you. However, always be careful of what you should reveal to a person you have not yet met personally.
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BONUS : How To Find A Good Internet Dating Site

Internet dating is so popular that I don’t know anyone who hasn't tried joining one of these sites. It seems like everywhere we surf on the Internet, various pop-up ads advertising free online personals flood our screens – it's the latest Internet gold rush. More and more people are signing up for a minimal monthly fee. What they get for their money is a place on the web where they can post their profile in order to let other people contact them.

Unfortunately, as Internet dating sites increase, more and more people are also having awful experiences, because very few dating sites screen their members. This means that a sex offenders, predators and scam artists are able to join dating websites along with genuine singles looking to find their match.

Here are some important things to consider before joining a dating site:

1. First, consider how the website looks. If it's poorly designed with unappealing graphics or jagged fonts and misaligned sections, this indicates a lack of attention to detail in the construction and layout of the site, and could mean that the rest of the site's management is in a similar state of chaos and disarray. Just think, if the webmaster can't finesse the aesthetic aspects of the site, it's logical to assume that they've done a similarly poor job with other important aspects – like security. It's possible that the site could be easily hacked, and your personal information, including your photo and contact information, aren't secure. And if you've paid for membership to the site using a credit or debit card, your credit information could be at risk. Choose Internet dating sites that are professionally constructed.

2. Try to look at some of the sample profiles on the site before you sign up. Beware of sites that use photos of models or random attractive celebrities in order to attract new members. Also check out the user profiles – if they contain gibberish characters or nonsensical phrases in the descriptions, these are bogus profiles posted on the site to artificially inflate the number of users. A little research into the profiles on a site will also let you know whether members are properly screened before they are allowed to sign up.

3. Try to determine if a site has a privacy link. You can find the privacy link at the bottom of a site’s main page. If they have one, click on it and check to make sure they don't sell members' information to anyone – you don't want to be bombarded with spam e-mails and junk mail. Also look for the site's Terms of Service page for the site's rules – check to see if they screen their profiles to disallow racist language or overly sexual material. If don’t state this, then it means anything goes within this site, which is a good reason to not sign up.

4. Check if the dating site has a links page. Click on a few to see which other sites they're affiliated with, and be careful if they're linked to sex sites and spam sites.

5. Try to search for the copyright date, usually located at the bottom of the first page. This will give you the age of the site.

6. Don’t believe everything you read. Some dating sites claim that they' been in the business for years but are actually brand new. Look for a "who’s online" link – if you're the only person currently online then their claims of having millions of users is a lie. A site with millions – or even just thousands – of members will always have a large number of people online at any given time.

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