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How To Compliment Your Date

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How To Compliment Your Date

When you are dating someone, or even in a serious relationship, a well placed compliment will show how much you enjoy being with that special someone. Most women love being complimented, particularly by someone she might be romantically interested in.

Because giving compliments is a good way to show your date that you are paying attention to them you have to know when to use them. Don't get carried away with the compliments because you do not want to overdo it. You want them to know you are paying attention but you don't want to come off as needy or desperate. Nothing sends up the desperation flag quicker than a whole slew of cheesy compliments.

You want your compliment to put your date in the right frame of mind. You want them to be accepting of you and who you are. How you compliment should be an extension of who you are, which will help them get to know you better.

Now the question becomes, what do I compliment them on? That depends on you and your date. If you are meeting for the first time find two or three things that you are really attracted to when you first see them. Now don't just blurt these out, store them away for later on in your date. After you've spent a little time with them go ahead and compliment them on whatever you noticed first about them. It is also important that you say it like you mean it. This will show them that you are attracted to them and that you are paying attention to them.

If you have been on more than a few dates and know this person better then finding the right compliment will be easier, and sometimes harder. You can't use the same compliments over and over again; you have to notice new things about them, or something they may have changed. Say a new hair style or highlights, or how they are dressed. Let them know how good they look so they know that the time and effort they have put into whatever they have done was worth it.

Let's turn this around and look at it from the other side. When you go on a date the one thing you are really looking for is a sort of acceptance. And being complimented is something that can make you feel very good about not only yourself but also your date. It means they like what they see, and physical attraction is very important when dating. It also means that the effort you have put forth to impress them has paid off and that can be a very good feeling. That feeling is what you hope to create for the person you are going on the date with.

Remember, a good compliment can be a powerful thing if used right. Use them as needed and be sincere. A well placed compliment can be a great ice breaker and can lead to a truly wonderful date.
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BONUS : How To Create Great Online Dating Profiles

Making an unforgettable online dating profile is a lot like making an unforgettable ad. Just like that 30-second TV commercial that sells you that new brand of tooth paste, you have to 1) stand out in the middle of a sea of profiles, 2) attract their interest in the first sentence so they’re not tempted to click on to the next person on their list, 3) arouse (pun not intended) their curiosity enough so that they want to find out more, and then 4) make them email you.

Grab their Attention

Start with the photo. The eye moves faster than the mind: grab their eye, and their attention, so they’ll actually stop and read what you’ve written. Contrary to popular opinion, it’s not about how gorgeous you look, it’s how much your photo captures your personality.
For example, where should the picture be taken? If you’re an outdoors girl, then share one of yourself standing on a hiking trail. If you love animals, then choose one cuddling a kitten. Immediately, without saying a word, you attract the interest of those who probably share your interest. That’s a lot more powerful than a generic studio glamour shot!
Avoid blurry photos taken with a webcam, or overcluttered backgrounds that steal the attention from you. And in general, wearing a bright solid colored top can help catch attention. Take a look at the pictures on the covers of magazines: see how they’re carefully styled so they stand out on the news stand? Take your cues from there.

Attract their Interest

Advertisers have something called “unique selling proposition”: one value that makes them different from competition. So you have shampoos that claim to make your hair shiny, and another that claims to have a beautiful smell. They don’t try to be everything, and neither should you. Think of two or three things that are important to you (hobbies, passions, your life’s goal). Keep an upbeat tone, and show it to a trusted friend and ask him what he would think if he read it and didn’t know you.

Arouse their Curiosity

You can’t tell your life’s story in a few sentences, and you’re not supposed to. Just as ads don’t actually narrate all the product benefits but give you just enough to want to try it, your profile should just “tease” their interest. After all, if they get in touch with you, you’ll have plenty of time to get to know each other. So how do you get them to pay attention? Ask a question, give just half of an anecdote, or a teaser like “find out why I can never look at a lemon meringue pie the same way again.” (Note: this also breaks the ice and gives them something to write about in their first email.)

Make them Email You

You know how every sales pitch you read says something like, “Call this number now!” Well, your profile needs that to. Close with a friendly, unintimidating line that will boost your reader’s confidence. Even if it’s something as simple as, ‘I’d love to hear from you!” Why does that one line mean so much? Because it makes the reader feel like you’re talking to them, waiting for them, and makes writing that introductory email less intimidating.

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