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How To Approach Women 3 Actions To Remove Your Fear

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How To Approach Women – 3 Actions To Remove Your Fear

The market is flooded with how to approach women books. The 5 signs she’s ready to talk to you. The 33 ways to get her out on a date. The 1.5 billion ways to seduce women.

I don’t know about you, but I used to read this stuff and feel intimidated to even think about using it to approach women. Sure, I wanted to know HOW to approach women. But it in reality it wasn’t the HOW that was a problem. It was having the ‘guts’ to do it! Getting over the fear. That was my block.

I remember back when I was 16. I was out with 4 mates in a bar, up in York. Sorry, did I say 16? I meant 18!

There was loud music pumping out – conversation was nigh on impossible (I was old before my time really!). A few of my friends were out dancing on the floor, while I just skulked around the edges. To be honest, pubs and clubs weren’t my scene, but I felt like I had to go regularly just to have any chance of finding a girlfriend.

Like I said, I was mooching around on the side of the dance floor, trying to look cool and casual, sipping my drink just a bit too often.

Then my eye was caught.

A really stunning women, up on the balcony was staring straight at me. You know how it is; instinctively you know when someone is looking at you. I looked, our eyes met… and we lived happily ever after J Er, no! Not a chance.

In fact our eyes met, and faster than forked lightening my eyes darted off, my cheeks redened and I got all exicited. Wow – she was hot though. And she was looking at me!

To cut a long story short – she spent the next 5 minutes looking over at me. I’d pluck up the courage to look back, but our eyes were like opposing magnets, every time she looked at me, I just couldn’t hold my gaze back at her. Finally, she got fed up and moved on. I couldn’t blame her really. I spent the rest of the night, scanning round trying to catch a glimpse of her – simultaneously kicking myself because I was such a putz.

This wasn’t an isolated event either. In fact it could describe almost any evening I went out. It played out virtually every weekend, often once or twice a night. Sometimes more!

Finally, I’d had it. I was beginning to hate myself for it. I just had to change, because I was never going to find a beautiful girlfriend, let alone a partner if I couldn’t even introduce myself to the women I wanted to approach.

So what did I do?

I bought and read virtually every book I could to do with dating and talking to women. And you know what? It still didn’t help.

The bottom line was – it wasn’t that I didn’t know HOW to talk to women. I just didn’t have the guts to. I was too afraid of being rejected. I was too afraid of what it meant if they got bored and left me after 5 minutes. I didn’t feel like I could get with anyone as beautiful as some of the women that were flirting with me.

I didn’t need 101 ‘techniques’ to seduce women. I just needed to get over my fears of approaching women. I needed to stop making a big deal out of this very first part of dating, but I didn’t know how.

Happily, it all ended well. Partly because of my frustration with my shyness/fear, call it what you will, I forged my career becoming an expert on dating and relationships.

What I learnt allowed me to break through my fears and learn how to approach women and actually enjoy it! Yes, ENJOY IT! Unbelievable!

But what did I learn, that you can use to break your fear of approaching women?

3 Actions To Eliminate Your Fears

Here’s 3 actions to take to help you start to eliminate your fears of approaching women.

1. Answer this question

What does it mean if a women rejects you? What does it mean to you? Your answer to this question is likely to be something significant. Maybe it’s saying you’re not a fun /nice person, or you’re boring. What does it mean for you? Note that for those who don’t have a problem with rejection, it probably means nothing. Literally, ask them the same question and they say, it doesn’t mean anything. Spot the difference there?

2. Fear is a signal

A signal that you’re not fully prepared. If you don’t know at least a few decent opening lines for a conversation that you can say easily, then you’re not prepared enough – and you have every right to feel fear. Or if you know that your conversational skills aren’t up to holding an exciting and engaging conversation, then maybe your fears are appropriate and are preventing you from getting hurt. What are you not fully prepared for in this situation? What’s your plan to do something about it?

3. Get a basic knowledge of flirting

You can learn 100 flirting signals – if you want to do a doctorate in flirting. In the real world though, you only need to know nine. The most important nine. Master them and you will be able to tell with 90% certainty whether your approach will be successful or not. If you could know with 90% certainty your approach would be successful each time, and you’d proved it to yourself for a few months, would you have the same fear approaching women any more? No. So learn the top flirting signs, practice recognising them and use them to your advantage.

Find out what the single most important flirting sign is along with 5 other lessons on how to approach women and actually enjoy the experience! Visit to get your free course now.
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BONUS : How To Approach Your Crush At The Gym

Every man would like to have a beautiful, sexy
girlfriend with a perfect body, with whom to be
very proud and start the envy of all his friends.
Let's face it: there is no man on the street that
will not look after an athletic body of a
beautiful, attractive lady. But for many of them
this remains only a dream because they don't know
where to meet this kind of woman and how to do it.
The best place to meet a woman with an athletic
body and in a very good shape is gym.

With the current attention being paid to healthy
lifestyles, fitness has become a very important
aspect of life today. That's why more and more
people decided to go to the gym. Let's say that
you are going to the gym for a long time and in
the last days a new interesting girl is passing
over here. She is very attractive and you would
really like to know her better but you don't know
how to approach her.

Approaching a woman successfully is only one of
the most stressful situation a man must face
because you don't know her, how she thinks, what
she likes, and if she is friendly or not. But,
if you make it carefully and know how to do it,
you may have success. You may use these tips to
approach your crush at the gym.

- first and the most important, if you want to be
flirting with, don't wear earphones, because it
will inhibit her approaching you

- find something that you both do at the gym so
you will be able to ask her advice about, or a
machine that you both use, to have what to talk

- you may talk to her about gym, sports, regimen,

- best way to start a conversation with her is to
go to some machine near by her and ask if she is
using it or not and just start talking afterwards

- first talk to her as a friend to see if she
notice you

- use deodorant to make sure that you don't smell
bad, to not make a bad impression from the

- try to catch her eye every time you see her
and smile

- if she smiles you too you may approach her
because she is interested

- pay attention and if she is having trouble with
a machine or accessing an equipment you may offer
your help in order to start a conversation with

- you should try to get her phone number, but don'
t look too desperate

- also you may try to bring an iPod with you and
ask her if she knows a certain song

- if you decided to go near her and start a
conversation you must know from the beginning
what to say, so think first and then go

- accost her once she has just finished her set
and ask if you can work with her, to make
alternative exercises

- start to make accidental body contact

- when she is leaving you may say to her goodbye
and ask her when she comes again, then she will
have to talk to you next time she will see you

- you may ask her friendly for a cup of coffee
somewhere near the club, you don't have anything
to lose

- spot her at the gym

- another important aspect is that you have to
look very serious about your workout, so don't
stay and stare at girls; if she see that you are
just fooling around she will notice that you are
going to the gym just to date

Remember that you don't have necessarily to
become a personal trainer or to do yoga classes
to get a beautiful lady which you've seen at the
gym; you just have to take it carefully and know
how to approach her.

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