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How To Achieve Marvelous Results With Women

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How To Achieve Marvelous Results With Women

Their are some of questions you ask yourself and you end up falling asleep with no answer. You go out drinking with your fellow man and what happens leaves your mouth gaped. Your friend goes home with about thirty contacts from women he has just met. He even manages to take a top dancer home at the end of the evening. Your friends have so much success with women it is unbelievable. If you learn some few tricks about women it might end your lonely nights and give you the much desired success with women. Look around my friend and you will realize that the power of attraction is neither logical nor fair. All your "bad boy" friends are selling like hot cakes.

Getting a girl can be very challenging in todays highly competitive dating world, even if you are a great guy. There are some things that you can do to improve your chances.

In this article, I'll give you three great tips that are all important in seducing a woman.

The first thing you can do is improve your social skills. If you are shy and too scared to talk too women you greatly reduce your chances of getting girls. That's why you should try to become a good talker. Just try to be interesting and friendly.

In order to achieve success with women, it is good to understand that women and men priorities differ while looking for a date. Men tend to concentrate on looks than the personality while women prioritize on personality. They do not mainly dwell on looks though they count to a smaller extent. The trick here is to act funny and unpredictable. Arrogant men enjoy success with women. Being nice is a threat to attraction. When you buy gifts, take her to a movie and may be compliment her beauty it becomes so monotonous. Try to be a little bit different since attractive women are being approached by men all the time. All the guys buy gifts and stuff like that so i beg for your uniqueness. When you do all these nice things you appear needy and also appear like you are hiding ulterior motives.

To get girls it is also very important to be confident and feel good about yourself. Show that you are a real man and that you are not afraid of rejection. This really impresses women who will see you as a high value man.

The first impression should give you success with women. If she did not feel attracted to you when you first met, she is not worth pursuing. You cannot simply do anything about it. Once you notice that, stop buying gifts and treating her overly well because you won't succeed. If she feels attracted to you, she can't do anything about it brother. This is the power of attraction. Tease her with hard questions and give her a hard time as long as it is necessary. This communicates your concern and confidence. It guarantees huge success with women.

By being confident, funny and interesting anyone can get girls. You will just have to practice a bit and learn to deal with rejection. While this may sound easier said than done if you are a shy guy it is not that hard. Just approach a lot of girls and talk to them. If they are not interested just move on to the next one. After a while the fear of rejection will disappear and your confidence will increase a lot.
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BONUS : How To Approach A Woman And Score

A lot of men preceive the task of starting a conversation with a woman especially if she is highly attractive stranger a hard and discomforting one. Besides that, they typically take the wrong attitude of being too nice and over openhanded with flowers, paying for dinners and expressing their lack of confidence and low self esteem.

The women on their part are not attracted to unconfident, dishonest, wussy men. They will either decline him on the spot or possibly worse take advantage of the situation by exploiting him to furnish her meal after meal, present after present and usually see other man for real love, romance and sex. In this situation the woman has two men a provider and a lover.

The nice boy, fawning, wussy approach may be observed Whenever a man is requsting a woman to dance or offer to buy her a drink without ever to build the attraction or chemistry.

Is Cocky rather then Wussy is the answer?

The nice boy attitude is not the perfect way as we realized above and being really mean and vulgar won't function either, the correct way that has proven 90% of the times to work magnificently with women is the confident, bold, cocky and funny attitude.

In this approach you build the relationships on a give and take, a flattering remark and a bust (with a smile), you indicate the woman you'r self assured enough to criticize her, you express yourself naturally neer women, you aren't scared of her, you are not caring if she likes you or not, you are genuine and express your opinions openly, you are playing the confident hard funny guy. Now you bring her self confidence to the test, you challenge her, you intrigue her, you build the attraction. Let her chase you! You need to be her prize, a reward for her hard earned efforts for behaving like she should have with you.

For example you start and Say something such as: I like your jacket it's really nice (a flattering remark), then comment: but it doesn't fit so well with your shoos does it ? (a bust), you do it on purpose, you ought to practice on it.

You should tease her like hand it to her and then take it away in the last minute, be spontaneous, unexpected, a teaser and fascinating.

How do you know if she is interested?

Its simpler than you believe and it goes like that: You engage with her: What a beautiful pair of boots you'r wearing , I really like them, She is looking who is it and then say: Thanks. You: arent you melting in them at such a hot weather? (smiling) or are you trying to hide your feet from me? She: (smiling) hell, no, I love them thats all, Ill bet my feet are nicer in comparison with yours, Mr. long nose. (she responded so she is engaged too *-). You: wow, I understand you develop a very good opinion about yourself attractive lady, why wont we arrange a feet contest...

The important thing is to keep it running with light humoristic and fun approach. Without even realizing it you are mutually engaged in developing a relationship and building your mutual attraction.

Whenever you start dating with a woman keep in mind you are not on an employment interview, don't make it sound like questions and answers, don't make it boring, don't try to show off, talk with her just about general things she likes and sympathize with, such as famous Television shows etc, it may look to you at first to a certain extent superficial but this is the way to go. Try to avoid, at least at the begining, talking on your problems at work, your relations with your parents etc'.

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