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About Fairness And Female Relationships

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About Fairness And Female Relationships

One of the biggest mistakes men make in their relationships with women is projecting into them their male thinking.

One of the masculine features they usually project into women is fairness.

When this mistake comes back to byte their asses they do not understand what happened, they cannot understand why their girls come back to them in such a self-centered, selfish way in response to their fairness.

Well there is a simple reason fro it:: fairness is - in fact - an invention of men.

Men have been providers to women and children along all the thousands of years of Evolution so they feel terribly guilty if everything is not "shared in a fair way."

This is the responsibility you feel when you know you have the power.

Women are different: their job was for thousands of years to invent ways to have the men give them and their children part of the preys of their hunting, for the seek of their survival.

Being fair was easy to men: they had the power and access to food and resources.Being fair was much more difficult for women under such conditions and could have impaired their own survival and the survival of their children.

It comes out that if you are fair to a woman she will draw a long list of very unpleasant conclusions about you and your personality of which these are the most important:

- She will think about that is you are fair to her it is because you are tired of hunting and want to rest and please her. In a word what is for you a good, noble thing is for her a weakness. She will draw the conclusion that you are less fit for survival than usual and give you the last hit. In fact if you are less fit for survival it may be the last time she gets your preys away from you.

- She will draw the conclusion that she is permitted to steal from you the prey of your hunting and believe me: she will.

Guys listen to me.

This is one of the main reasons for the failure of your relationships with your wives and your girlfriends: if you look backward there was a moment where you started to feel:"This is not fair, I am more powerful, I should raise her at my level".

Soon after you wondered why you get absolutely no "thank you" from her and why she seems to want more and more and more out of you.

Guys tell me the truth: each one of you has been in his marriage or relationship with a woman in the point where he has to ask from himself:"What the fuck is going on here? The more I give to her the more she takes!"

This process went on until.. you were made weaker and she went out of the relationship with you with half of your property.

Or until you had to stop her from doing that in a pretty rough way.

No matter how balanced and sexy a woman is, no matter how great you and she get along she will have to be reminded not to be selfish. She is incapable of what you guys call "altruistic" behavior toward her same-age partner.

She can only be "altruistic" toward her children.

That doesn't mean you can't teach her how to behave to relate with you in a different way. What you need to take out of your mind is that you will be able at a certain point to have her internalize fairness. That will never happen.

When a male perceives himself in a situation in which he is taking advantage of the other person, he tends to feel guilty

He either constructs psychological defenses that allow himself to continue in the one-sided business in which he gains at the other person's expense or, he somehow goes about increasing the gain for the other person while reducing his own until that point at which he feels things are "fair" or "equal" again.

In other words, he somehow tries to build an altruistic balance.

When a female, on the other hand, perceives herself to be involved somehow in a one-way relationship, she recognizes it as such but then doesn't take the next step. Instead, her typical response is to attempt to perpetuate the situation, cause it to continue, figure out how to make sure she continues to get that stuff.

It isn't nasty behavior from her; it is, simply, her own instinct to preserve herself. When her children get messed up she sacrifices herself; but not before that time. Well maybe some modern women not even when their children get messed up.. but those are extreme cases.

So if you set yourself in a relationship with a woman in the position of being "fair" to her in everything she will take out of you everything, even the last penny. Instead the position you need to take towards her is the one of constantly teaching her how to give you things in return for what you are giving to her. You have to teach her that whatever you give to her is not for free. You need to teach her fairness and altruism.

When you do this you achieve her respect: you are showing her that you can hunt around and also hunt her.

How you do that on daily basis? Like this:

- Your leadership over a woman is not for free. Every time you lead her you need to communicate / sub-communicate that you do that only if you are treated well and get something in return. If she stops giving you stop leading. Verbalize this at need.

- Be specific in asking things from her. Women like to take care of you. You can be specific about how you want her to make love with you, in which way you want to be touched, tell her openly what pleases you sexually.

- You can be specific in regard on how you want her to behave socially, how you want her to dress, how you want her to come close to you, of which subjects you want her to talk with you and so on.

When you teach her to give things back to you in return for your existence in her life you are behaving with her like her Prince. Women love to be devoted to Princes because they are usually the best hunters.

Instead if you get into the downward spiral of giving her all what you have for the sake of fairness you will be taken into a black hole, her attraction and respect for you will go down and you will finally lose her.

She will think that you are pleasing her because you want to rest and stop hunting and will behave accordingly by taking all what remains of your prey out of you. An alpha male cannot rest. That is an illusion. If you are alpha you know that you can rest only in your grave.

Put your energy into business, pick-up, seduction and never enter a relationship where you are being made weaker !

To be able to understand the deep differences in psychology between you and women is a very important skill.

If you are a single man willing to seduce women to get a wonderful girlfriend.

Or a husband willing to make his own wife happy in the relationship.

Or a playboy willing to have a lot of fun.
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BONUS : Accelerating Your Seduction Skills

With what you've learned with me so far, you WILL be able to get numbers from women. Lots of them. Now I'm not saying you'll get the info for every lady that turns your head – plenty of women will be unavailable for various reasons. Some have boyfriends, some are taking a break, some are just in the wrong mood – whatever, it doesn't matter. You know enough to not let the unavailable women get you down, affect your confidence, or change your playfulness. We're not worried about them.

And now that you can get the numbers of TONS of women, my job is done, right?

Wrong. This is just the FIRST STEP and you've got to remember that. Just because you've got a woman interested – and even if you keep your relaxed confidence going – there are plenty of places to stumble.

The Instant Date

Like what? This may surprise you, but you SHOULDN'T take women on dates. That might sound strange, so I'll phrase it another way.

If you take a woman to dinner and a movie, you're asking to be strung along like a knitting club's quilt. You set yourself up for all sorts of mistakes – which I'll talk about in a second – and you're just begging for uncomfortable silences and boring conversation.

Hey, you can make it work. You just make yourself work a LOT harder.

So what should you do instead? Well, best-case scenario you create an instant date. You go from meeting to GOING somewhere, TOGETHER. This can mean moving from the bookstore to a coffee shop, one club to another – or often, to begin, just LEADING a woman from one part of a bar to another.

Create a World

That's a POWERFUL move. Say you want to tell her something (and have something to tell her). Maybe it can be about something you want to show her at your house, like an album or a book (done subtly, this is a great way to lead to a house call). Take her hand and LEAD her to a more secluded spot.

Don't put your hands all over her – you look desperate and pervy. But once you've led her somewhere, you've shifted the world a little bit – you are in it TOGETHER. Maintain strong eye contact. Speak in a quieter, confidential voice (the kind she wants to lean in to hear).

Set yourself up that way, and it should be much easier to get yourself moving to another spot right off the bat. The important thing is that you concentrate not on getting a woman to bed, but on moving to the next step.

Once you've got a connection, the next step is changing settings so you reaffirm and strengthen that connection.

This is good in so many ways. It gives you a chance to get to know the girl quickly – which is impressive when it happens quickly, plus it let's you figure out if the lady is worth your time before you've invested much.

It feels natural – something even the best dates fail at.

It's low-pressure fun – spontaneous, without expectations or commitments.

It's just great. Not to mention it allows YOU to set the pace you proceed at.

Don't Push

Now, this isn't something you ALWAYS do. If a girl is out with her friends you don't want to impose – in fact, for that reason you should always set a time limit when you've started talking with a woman. “I have to get back to my friends in a few minutes, but before that…” or “I have to leave soon, but first…”

If the lady you like seems ready to follow, then you can say “I'm going to xxx, it's a good spot, you should come. SOMEONE needs to teach you what this city has to offer.” (By the way, this is a KILLER line if you're not a local.)

Oftentimes the woman won't be able to join you for whatever reason – could be she's got plans already, maybe she doesn't want her girlfriends gossiping, she might just be shy. That's ok. You can still meet her – but here's how you do it.

Don't Be Ordinary

Don't ask her to dinner. If possible, don't even ask her in advance. A spontaneous meeting at a coffee shop or going shopping in an eclectic neighborhood with built-in conversation is great.

Your call should sound something like this: “What are you doing right now? I'm about to hit Java Joe's, you should come and entertain me.” “I'm shopping for some clothes, and I'd like a woman's opinion. What are you doing now?”

Make sure you're going somewhere fun. The kind of place with strange knick-knacks all around so you're conversation can naturally flow from your surroundings. Why do extra work when you can let the atmosphere help you?

Can't Buy Me Love

THIS is key, and I'll talk about it again and again. DON'T PAY. Especially with a woman you've just met. Paying says all the wrong things.

Women will read it different ways; here's a few.

It says “I'm not interesting, so I'm bribing you to spend time with me.”

It says “I want to prove I'm good mate material by showing off my financial success.”

Or the corollary: “I'm insecure, so like a man with a small penis and a hot sports car, I'm trying to buy myself some confidence.”

Worse still: “I don't really know you, but I think you're hot so I'm going to try and buy my way into your jeans.”

Equally cringe-worthy: “I just paid for you. Now, what are you going to do for ME?”

Oh, let's not forget the classic: “I'm used to paying for women so they'll keep me company. Feel free to take advantage of that and bleed me for all I can handle, regardless of whether you like me or not.”

And of course, with a certain sensitive sect of ladies, you're saying “I'm a sexist pig. Now cook bitch.”

In fact, can you say anything good by paying? Well, you could be saying “I'm a nice, generous man.” Great. We all know by now how sexy that is.

No Early Meals!

This is one of the biggest reasons to avoid the dinner date, at least to begin. In addition to creating an awkward social setting with someone you barely know, you basically force all sorts of uncomfortable thoughts about the money involved.

Coffee? Who cares about a coupla bucks?

Shopping? You're not going to buy her something, are you? That smells of bribery worse than dinner, and you'll just make her uneasy.

Avoid putting yourself in situations where the issue of payment comes up, and you'll avoid this whole can of worms.

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