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Get Noticed With Online Dating

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Get Noticed With Online Dating

Make sure you stand out from the dating crowd - with a great photo . . .

Adding your photograph to your personal profile is a great way of getting noticed, but it's the one thing that many internet daters are reluctant to do. Many of the profiles you view will have photographs attached, but that may not convince you that you need to do the same.

People who don't post their photograph often say that they are too shy, or that they are worried about security. Remember that the whole point of internet dating is to attract people you wouldn't usually meet and letting them see what you look like is very different from giving out your address or telephone number. If you're worried that your photo may not do you justice - don't. The photo just gives people an idea of what you look like. It's not meant to be model portfolio or glossy magazine standard - and people who reject you based just on your picture probably aren't worth getting to know anyway.

Still doubtful? Here are some good reasons why you should post your photo:

1. Studies have shown that dating profiles without photos are more likely to get passed over than ones with good, clear photos attached to them.

2. Not posting a photo may lead other people to suspect you have something to hide.

3. A good photo is an attention-grabber. Although most people won't judge you solely on your photograph, it could be the thing that spurs them on to read the rest of your profile and get in touch.

Remember that your photograph doesn't have to be picture-perfect. It just needs to be clear and preferably one that doesn't include other people. In the long run, it could increase your chances of being contacted by other interested daters, giving you the opportunity to show them what you're like in real life!
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BONUS : Get Them Excited On The First Date

When you have been talking to someone online for a time you both may decide to take the next step with a real life date. Online dating can be very beneficial but without a good connection in real life, you cannot move onto something more with long lasting potential. Many people are concerned about moving from online dating to dating in real life. It can be very dangerous. Online daters also need to worry about the other person not being honest about them. The best thing that you can do is to simply give it a shot. In the dating world, you will experience many failures but it is possible to have a good and true relationship if you try hard. The first date with an online friend can be nerve racking so you have to be sure to get the other person excited about meeting you.

First it is a good idea to plan a first date that will take place in a public place. It is easy to lie online and you do not want to find yourself to be a victim of an online predator. To be safe, you need to suggest meeting at the place of the date instead of getting into a vehicle with someone you do not know. Plan a date for the daytime and it is usually a good idea to have very little alcohol involved. If you are still not sure about meeting for security reasons, you should suggest a group date where each of you brings a few different friends.

There are a number of good date ideas that you can use for your first date. You should always have a meal at a good restaurant or go to the movies. However when you are eating or watching a film it is difficult to get to now another person. You can suggest a date based on common interests that attracted you to the other person in the first place. For example if you both enjoy sports, you can go to a baseball game or playing golf. If you like the outdoor adventures you can plan a first date at a rock-climbing place. For more quiet dates, you can meet at a coffee house or listen to a soft music concert.

The most important thing to remember about a date is to make sure that each person is comfortable. If you are both having a bad time and it is obvious, it is not inappropriate to suggest leaving early. However if you both are having a great time, you may want to extend the date to another activity after the first date has ended. Leave the first date open because not every person will have a connection with you. You need to be prepared for both success and failure.

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