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Flirting Tips For Guys

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Flirting Tips For Guys

By and large, guys are pretty bad when it comes to flirting. It's time you learn a few of the basics, so that you can get an edge over the competition. These flirting tips will have you headed in the right direction in no time.

Physical & Verbal cues

1) Posture and Positioning
Your posture communicates everything. You need to arch your back and stick out your chest. Take up space. If you're talking to a girl, stand no more than two feet away. Don't necessarily encroach her space, but stand just a little closer than you might ordinarily.

Maintain an open body position at all times. Never cross your arms or put your hands in your pockets. If you want to test her to see if she's into you, step back a foot and see if she follows. If she does come closer, it's a good sign.

2) Eyes
The eyes can be your most effective tool for flirting. Use your eyes to give off powerful stares of desire. It's possible to make a girl's heart skip a beat by giving her a playful, lusty, or lingering stare. If you're walking by a girl you've got the hots for, give her a 2-3 second stare and then slowly glance away (slow is important). Smile just as you start to look away. She'll get the message.

3) Touch
It's OK to lightly touch her shoulder or arm when you're talking to her. But be careful. Guys have to walk a fine line when it comes to touch. Don't go overboard or you'll freak the girl out.

4) Be aggressive
Women love guys who aren't scared to go after what they want. When you show no fear in your pursuit, you come across looking like a confident man. Don't be scared to compliment a girl...tell her what you think. If she's looking extra nice, go ahead and tell her. Not only will it make her day...she'll immediately realize that you want her.

5) What you should say
To be completely honest, if you're sending out all the right body language, it doesn't matter what you say. Keep the conversation light, nothing serious or in-depth. Bear in mind, though, that it's always best to focus on charming her and being complimentary about her looks. You can also be flattering by telling her how well she did on an oral report or test, a good game, etc. You can even tease her playfully. Just be sure to send out all the other body signals while you're talking.

Mental cues

1) Exude confidence and self-assuredness
It's crucial that you present yourself as a person who feels in control of the situation and isn't nervous. Put on a show of confidence...girls love guys who are secure. Remember, a confident and secure person is a major turn on. This is why girls are always falling for cocky jerks. Exhibiting insecurity and fear is something you should avoid at all costs. This means no...stammering, fidgeting, wandering eyes (off into the distance), wavering voice, etc.

2) Radiate happiness, enthusiasm, & excitement
You've got to be full of energy and in a positive mind frame to be an effective flirt. If you're kicking out good vibes, your target will pick up on it and rise to your level.
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BONUS : Flirting With Married Women

Flirting is a basic instinct, part of a human
nature. It is a universal and essential aspect of
human interaction. We see flirting as a fun thing;
a man flirts with a woman in order to attract
her, to ask her on a date.

There are two reasons why people flirt. Guys
which are flirting for fun do this because they
might seen a beautiful woman and flirt with her,
in order to meet her better, to have fun with her,
but not to start a relationship. The others,
which are flirting with intent, are more
selective about their choice, and want to meet
someone for a possible relationship.

The best places to flirt are parties, bars, clubs,
disco, and at the workplace. The first key to
successful flirting is not an ability to show off
and impress, but the knack of conveying that you
like someone.

However, you are single and you decided to go to
pick up some girls. You dressed up to impress,
smell good and start to flirt with a beautiful
woman from the club you are. After you use non
verbal flirting like body language, eye contact,
which indicates intense emotion, or gestures
which can signal interest, attraction and
invitation, you see that the beautiful woman is
responding you with a big smile and starts a
conversation with you.

After you compliment her and make her feel
special with you, she tells you that she is
married. Is this a big problem for you? If not,
if you want to approach her anyway you have to
compliment her, show interest about her, and be
sincere about it. Jerks hit all the time on
married women. That is why you have to show her
that she is interesting to you.

Married and flirting do not mix well. However,
many people do not consider this wrong as far as
it is just for fun. Flirting is like a game but
sometimes when you return the flirt things go a
little further. Often flirting is spontaneous, it
just happens as a normal response to somebody you
find appealing.

Dealing with married woman is very different from
women that are dating and single; there is a huge
amount of stigma applied by family, friends,
society, in order to try to keep married people

Married women are usually looking to find someone
with whom to talk about their problems, someone
like a friend to understand them. If she really
wants to get into an extra- conjugal relationship
means that she has problems in her marriage, she
is bored of her husband, or she has a husband
that travels a lot and that is why she feels

That is why she might be looking for someone to
offer her what her husband cannot. She is looking
for attention, love, understanding. She wants to
get much attention, time and affection as
possible without having to give up anything, so
you will be in her eyes just a friend. You should
tell her from the beginning that you will give
her all your attention if she would give you what
you want from her.

Usually married woman flirt, kiss and play guys
all the time but without any intention of taking
it further. If it happens to get with her in bed,
remember that a woman who is willing to cheat is
looking for excitement, drama. However, watch out
not to become her toy.

There are married women that need to see if
people are still interest in them. Therefore,
they begin to flirt to find out if they are still
attractive; they lose this feeling because their
husbands do not make them feel attractive anymore.

There are people who consider that flirting with
married people is harmless. Therefore, it is at
your choice if you really want to flirt with a
married woman and if you can handle it.

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