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Finding Mr Or Miss Right

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Finding Mr Or Miss Right!

Are you currently searching for that special someone? Your soulmate? Mr or Miss Right?

Would you like to know where to find them?

Don’t worry! I’m not going to set you up with some of my friends (sorry Johnno), or give you contact details for the local pick-up joint, or internet dating service.

But as someone who is sharing an incredibly loving and passionate relationship with my beautiful wife Helen, perhaps I can offer some help. (Let’s hope Helen reads that bit!!)

So here are my thoughts below. If you understand these points and take the appropriate actions, I believe you stand a VERY good chance of having your own “love of your life!”


Ladies, you cannot and will not find Mr Right. Instead, become Miss Right and you will attract Mr Right.

Gentleman, you cannot and will not find Miss Right. Instead, become Mr Right and you will attract Miss Right.

Let me explain. We don’t find anyone. We attract people who are a match for whoever we currently are.

If you’re currently not attracting the kind of person you want in your life, perhaps it’s because you’re not the kind of person they’re attracted to? So if you want to attract your perfect match, become someone who is desirable. And then this person will come to you.

Your ability to influence and change others is limited. If you attempt to find the person of your dreams and make them like you, then you’re in for a long and difficult journey. However if you work on improving yourself, then you stand a much better chance of success.

So how do you become this person? How do you become Mr or Miss Right, in order to attract your soulmate?

For starters, why not work on these three areas:

(1) Learn to be happy.

Realise that your happiness does not depend on having this relationship. There is a saying, "Happiness is enhanced by others but does not depend upon others."

If you’re not already happy, then a relationship will not provide you with what you’re missing. If you're already happy, then a good relationship will build on that happiness. So if you seek happiness through a relationship, you will not find it.

You need to get rid of the idea of finding happiness "out there", in your partner, or in the relationship that you share. Happiness is found within yourself, and nowhere else.

So firstly, in order to become Mr or Miss Right, work on becoming happy.

(2) Learn to love yourself.

You can’t have a great relationship until you’re a person capable of giving and receiving love unconditionally. And the first part of achieving this is to learn to love yourself. A relationship is about giving, not receiving. How can you give love to someone if you have none within? How can you properly love someone else if you can't even love yourself? It’s impossible.

Learn to love yourself. Accept yourself for the perfect divine creation that you are.

(3) Learn to love life.

Stop trying to find that person who will complete you; who will bring joy, love, excitement and passion to your life; who will help you “live happily ever after”.

Instead, accept responsibility for creating the life of your dreams. Bring joy, love, excitement and passion to your own life. Live happily ever after anyway. Laugh, play and enjoy yourself. Learn, grow and live with passion in everything that you do.

If you’re happy, and you love yourself, and you love life then you will have so much more to give to others. You’ll have become an exceptional person. Your life will be great. And you’ll attract not only many great friendships, but also perhaps that someone special you’re so desperately searching for right now.

The answer to what you’re seeking is not within someone else, but rather it’s within you. It is your own attitudes and beliefs about yourself. It is a belief in love. It is a belief that you are worthy of love. It is a belief that you are a good, strong, confident and happy person. It is a belief that you have something great to share with someone else.

Once you have this self belief, or self love, then you have become Mr or Miss Right. Then and only then will you attract a relationship that is truly magical.

The hardest part is deciding to make it happen. After that it’s easy. Don’t become overwhelmed by the task ahead. Allow yourself to grow little by little, each and every day. Trust in the process, and enjoy it.

It’s your choice. Mr or Miss Right are found within. Choose to become that person now. Be happy. Love yourself. And love life. It’s worth the effort.

Lance Beggs.

Copyright Lance Beggs. All Rights Reserved.
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BONUS : Finding Women Online

It’s no secret that we now face longer working days and more stressful lives than we ever have. In fact, it has become increasingly difficult to lead normal lives and many people find it impossible to socialize. This lack of socialization cannot only lead to a very lonely life but it will make meeting women very difficult. For this reason it has become an increasingly popular choice for both men and women to join online dating communities in a bid to find that special someone.

Online dating sites do not have the same stigma attached to them as they once did because of the increased popularity they have experienced. There are online dating success stories all over the world and there is a good chance that someone you know has formed a relationship over the Internet.

Dating sites tend to offer the opportunity to post your own profile and search through the list of others that are on the site. By doing so you should be able to find someone who’s profile and picture attracts you to them. Don’t be afraid to make contact, simply put together a quick email that draws a conversation and send it. Don’t forget you are still on the other end of an Internet connection so you can easily change your mind when you know a little more about them.

Don’t expect to meet someone and fall in love straight away and remember when you are looking to meet women online, you should definitely not rush into trying to arrange an offline meeting. You will come across as either being desperate or possibly worse. Let the relationship develop at it’s own speed and course and only arrange an offline meeting when you are both ready.

When you do meet offline, pick somewhere public so you both feel safe and let people know where you are going and with whom. It is possible to meet women online and the most important thing is to start looking.

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