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Empty Profiles The Scourge Of The Dating Website

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Empty Profiles - The Scourge Of The Dating Website

Prior to recently launching I spent many weeks researching hundreds of dating websites, niche dating websites and dating chatrooms, and it became obvious to me that the main problem in trying to create a community of genuine and responsible members is the curse of the incomplete profile.

Many dating sites offer a free trial period in order to give the prospective customer the opportunity to test the facilities available, and perhaps even make contact with new friends before deciding to join as a paying member. The idea works great in theory! But the truth is that when anything is offered for free, it will often attract those who are only partially interested or have no interest at all.

Many of the dating websites I visited as part of my research revealed higher than fifty percent of their membership had neither completed their profiles or included a photo. It is not rocket science to agree that this practice is a complete waste of time, not only for the member concerned, but also for the website owner and indeed the other genuine members of the dating website. There is nothing more annoying than to run a search of the member database only to discover a host of profiles with little or no information about the member, and littered with "I'll tell you later" answers to the simplest of multiple choice questions.

Most dating sites will inform members of the importance of adding photos to their profile, and many, including our own website at offer the facility of password protecting their personal pics so they are able to choose who will view them. However a staggering seventy-eight percent of dating site members we interviewed, informed us that they will only search for members who include a photograph with their profile.

I, personally can never understand how anyone can join a dating website and not bother to fill in his or her profile. How can they ever expect to create interest from other members, and my guess is they will not get a single response in their inbox. After all, your profile is your salespage. An opportunity to present yourself to the world.. describing not just your physical statistics but likes and dislikes, a brief synopsis of your character and a reasonably detailed description of your ideal mate. The addition of a photo or two will definately increase the amount of interest in your profile by three hundred percent at very least.

So how do dating site owners encourage their membership to present a quality profile that will not only increase the chances of creating interest but also enhance the whole website, as we are all in agreement that incomplete profiles are a complete waste of time and space.

Although we have only recently launched we have taken a fair yet strong stance in the problem of empty profiles. We do not believe that nagging the member with a barrage of email reminders will entice them to return to the site, solely to complete their profile. Quite the reverse, in fact badgering would be more likely to ensure that the member never returned to the site again.

We at firmly believe that the process of creating the profile needs to be completed at the time the user registers as a member. In an effort to ensure that the whole process is completed during registration we have introduced an extention to the free membership period for those who create a complete profile at that time. So now, in addition to the thirty days free trial period, we offer a further thirty days to those who complete their profile at the time of registration. And to further discourage those who still decide to display no information, such profiles will auto-delete if not completed within seven days.

Any dating website can only be judged on it's membership, and whether joining as a free member or upgrading to paying member, once you join a dating site you have a moral obligation to create a profile and present yourself to other members who have the same interest as you. Otherwise you will have nothing to offer that particular dating community and there is little point in you becoming a member.

Although early days yet, first signs are encouraging at and we hope this move will enable us to to maintain a dating website with a one hundred percent profile completion, which can only benefit our genuine members.

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BONUS : #experience The Thrill Of A Lifetime With Free Gay Dating Sites

All gay people are welcome to explore the free gay dating sites irrespective of sex. If you are gay and looking for your dream partner, a permanent relationship or even one night stands, an ideal place for you may be a free gay dating site.

Free gay dating sites bring many people to a virtual place where men and women get to know each other in a new and a unique way. The revolutionary technology of the web has paved the way for new relationships between individuals - be it love at first site, love at first chat, short-term dating or a brief sexual encounter. Some free gay dating sites have provisions for premium services, such as increased space for photos and multimedia, but you must pay for these. Decide how serious you are about finding someone, and then dive in.
Most free gay dating sites also consider the individual tastes and preferences that might vary from person to person, and their rich data bank of members is cast in a systematic and logical way to help individuals locate the right partner for the right purpose.
Love is something that makes us feel completely alive, heightens our senses, magnifies our emotions and leaves us with everlasting memories. Everyone possesses the penetrating desire to experience love. You know that somewhere in this world exists your perfect soulmate but finding that person can be extremely difficult.
Free gay dating sites may help facilitate your search for the ideal partner. Many international online dating services offer you an opportunity to spark a beautiful relationship with someone special, and various free gay dating sites are committed to offer you fast and efficient dating services.

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