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A Disastrous Date Leads To Success

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A Disastrous Date Leads To Success

Sometimes a date doesn't go well. But just because there's a problem of some kind doesn't mean you can't get a 'result' from the date. You know what I mean by 'result', don't you?

I had a date a couple of months ago that went unbelievably wrong, but turned out right in the end.

I met my date for the first time in the car park of a country pub. I followed my usual strategy for greeting a woman to set the right 'tone' for the date.

As you can see from page 158 of my e-book 'Online Dating Tips For Men', if you can get things onto a flirty/sexy tone from the start, then your chances of success are very much magnified.

The pub was nice, but very busy. There was only one table free where we could sit, and that was right up against a larger table where a party of four were eating.

Anyway, I ordered drinks and we sat down and started chatting. Things were going well.

Then, almost subconsciously, I noticed something odd. Whenever I started to speak, a voice at the next table started too, quite loudly.

So, without diverting more than a little of my attention from my date (which is always a big mistake), I listened to the rather booming voice from the table next to us.

Indeed, what was happening was that a large, jowly man, with a nose red-tipped probably from years of drinking port wine, was COMMENTING on everything I was saying! He was clearly the host of his party, with a dominating character that was almost bullying his guests into paying attention to him. They laughed politely at his snide comments, but without enthusiasm.

At this point, my date realized what was going on too. We moved in close so we could whisper to each other. We decided not to make a fuss, which whether or not it shut the guy up would have set a bad tone for the rest of the date.

And I was quite happy to move in close and talk quietly with my date. In fact I couldn't have been happier because, as explained on page 162 of 'Online Dating Tips For Men', talking quietly and closely is one of the best ways of establishing rapport and intimacy.

Unfortunately even though our rude neighbor couldn't hear us, he kept commenting about us and speculating about what we might be talking about. 'Lovers canoodling' was how he described us at one point!

Clearly this was an uncomfortable situation, but I was actually benefiting from it as I was getting closer to my date, and we were sharing this difficult experience. The rapport was becoming intense and we started touching hands.

Eventually the large guy went quiet, but that was quite irrelevant as my date and I were in our own private bubble of intimacy.

In short, it was a fantastic first date and set exactly the right tone for us to progress to the second!

There are lots of things that can go wrong in a date that are beyond control. But often that can result in a rapport and bond being established much more quickly than would otherwise be the case.

Mike Thorpe
Author of 'Online Dating Tips For Men'
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BONUS : A Gift Idea For Your Russian Bride

Analyze and think what can really excite your Russian bride. You can impress her with your present or just can give some feeling of pleasure and delight, or even disappoint her. Anyway, Oksanalove online-dating agency witnessed all the gift ups and downs. So, if you want to learn from others mistakes or follow others success than, here we go!

In our experience of watching after the development of our clients’ relationships we had a case when two people finally found each other. They seemed as they completely felt in love one with another. A groom was on his way to his bride’s home-country intending to marry her. On the first romantic meeting he brought a present with him - some pasta, ketchup, and spam and stuff what made her a bit angry and offended. Then she could just laugh at it asking herself if her man thinks she’s starving, or did he want some charity, may be she’s too skinny for him, etc. All this of course damaged their good relationships and gave the lady a negative impression of the man that she has chosen.

Absolutely ignore an idea of giving her clothes. The answer is simple - you don't know woman’s exact size and style. Besides, Russian style of clothes for women can be quite different from the abroad fashion. So, don't even bother to bring her any jeans, blouse or dress.

It’s amazing how much the presents can impact couples’ relationships! If you not sure you want to make something special for your special Russian bride than just make a pleasure for her.

A low cost and cute little presents:
You can find out how you can bring your girlfriend some chocolates in different boxes choose cute boxes – girls love it, etc. Candies are a nice little present and girls love sweets.

Gifts for women who have kids:
Please, think about things to give if woman has children. Something like cute tennis shoes would be a huge hit. Sport suite with a known brand, t-shirt from Addidas or Nike is also a nice present and will be a huge hit. If you get a heart of your woman’s baby – than you definitely will get your woman’s heart! If she has a small kid, then sweets will work well again.

Wonderful gift ideas for young and sexy women. If you want to make something special for her and want her to think of you more often - get her a good perfume. “BLV” – from BVLGARY suits the tastes of the younger girls, it comes in a blue bottle and absolutely loved by them. It’s a gorgeous and very sexy fragrance, kind of expensive, but very nice. You’ll love your lady to wear it! Besides, whenever she’s going to use it, she will subconsciously think of you in the way she can describe “BVL” odor. The thing is that young ladies like to wear something smooth, fresh, and not too sweet. MEXX woman or Jil Sander’s “PURE” line is also a great advantage.
“Victoria’s Secret” has nice body treatment products and perfumes also, it is not expensive at all but comes in beautiful present boxes and have excellent quality and fragrance.

Wonderful gift ideas if your woman 35+++ years old Chanelle 5 – is very elegant and kind of smart, created for older ladies.

Anyway, if you guys have any doubts or questions regarding the presents don't hesitate to ask Oksanalove dating agency staff. We’ll be happy to help and provide our clients with information!

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