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Dating Personals Photo Tips

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Dating Personals: Photo Tips

You're ready to try online dating. You've polished your profile, and your best friend has concluded that you are so attractive that even they would like to date you. It's come to that time! Somebody online who posted a dating personal wants to see what you look like. What picture of yourself will you paint when you display a photo along with your profile?

There are a few guidelines that apply to online dating photos that you should observe which will improve your profile. These are as follows:

1. Do add at least one photo of yourself to your profile! If you don't, you're seriously putting yourself at a disadvantage. Many people search only for people who have uploaded photos. Still others don't like the idea of a "blind date," and won't go through with a meeting if they haven't seen what you look like.

2. Remember that you are trying to be a salesperson here; you're trying to sell yourself. Look at the photographs of other people on the online dating site. Is yours similar? If so, you will not stand out from the crowd! The photo you post should be good quality.

Do yourself a favour and forget the shot that someone took of you when you were at a nightclub last month, cut off just to one side where your ex was still in the photo. There are tons of photos like this, and they don't make people want to find out more! Your profile will be more attractive than if you hadn't posted a photo, probably, but you're still not going to stand out from the crowd and do yourself justice. Ask yourself what you would want to see if you were a member of the target audience (usually the opposite sex), looking at your profile for the first time, and be critical.

At the very least, have a photo taken of yourself for the express purpose of using with your dating profile. You don't need to have had it done professionally, although it certainly wouldn't hurt! I suggest you find yourself someone who has a digital camera (or have them borrow yours) and can take photos well, and offer them a pint or three to take several photos of you. Get them to take a fair number of photos (20 or so), perhaps on different settings, because not all of them may work well, and because you then have a good selection to choose from.

Choose your backdrop carefully! A nice simple approach is to go to a field or a beach when it's near sunset, and have photos taken of yourself against this background. The background you choose should show yourself in a romantic or fun setting, and your clothes should be appropriate to that setting.

How about an interesting alternative? If you know somebody who is good with art packages such as Paint Shop Pro, have them paint out the background, and change the photo so that it looks like a spotlight is shining on you!

3. It may be a good idea to try and improve the photo, as is often done of photos of models in advertising. If you have any obvious, but small, disfigurements, these could be airbrushed out with a painting package. If you can't do it yourself, you probably know someone who can do it for you. Don't go overboard with this; make sure the photo still looks like you!

4. Don't be tempted to lie by posting a photo of George Clooney or Catherine Zeta Jones, unless of course you really are one of those people! The photo must be one of yourself, otherwise when it comes to a face-to-face meeting, the relationship could be over before it's even begun!

5. This tip is not well-known. Add a border to your photo, coloured the same as the hyperlinks on the target site. The reason for this is partly to make your photo stand out, but also because most photos shown on online dating agency sites are also links to your profile. Your photo will then look like a link, and it increases the chance of it being clicked on. If there is any "outside" to your photo, this should then have the exact same colour as the background of the site. This can be found by using Alt-Print Screen to grab an image of your web browser when on the dating site, then pasting it into an art package, and identifying the colour from there. (Note that some online dating agency sites already supply borders around images; the trick will not work on these.)

6. If you have several photos of you doing interesting activities and the site permits it, post one photo of you doing each activity in addition to your head-and-shoulders shot. For example, photos of you skiing while on holiday; photos showing you braving the rapids in white-water rafting; photos of you doing your favourite sport. They help to prove that you do the things you say you do in your profile, and they make your profile more interesting!
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BONUS : Dating Personals

Can singles make a love connection on dating personals? Yes! Dating personals, it seems, are ideal for single people seeking dates, a romance, and in extreme cases, sexual partners.

Additionally, people who are weary of the local dating scene, are suddenly single, or are caught up in a hectic professional life, are usually the ones who browse through the dating personals as an alternative to meeting people at bars, clubs, through friends, etc. Dating personals in magazines or newspapers or on the Internet allow them to place a personal advertisement that has the potential to generate interest from a variety of people who have something in common with them.

A good profile clearly states the applicant’s individual qualities and preferences, in addition to precise information on what he or she is looking for. The key is to create a profile that “pulls” or immediately arrests the readers’ attention; this necessitates a creative headline and a couple of key points and should end with a flourish. Avoid needy or corny lines like “Are you my soul mate?”. Whether your reasons for placing an ad in the dating personals section is camaraderie, romance, or future marriage, submitting an honest resume will increase your chances of accurate matches; your dating profile must be created just like your professional resume. And, above all, it should be factual.

Most people are a bit hesitant to post personals or meet someone who has advertised in them, fearing that the person could be a stalker or a rapist. Although people have to be careful when it comes to blind dates, those who place personal ads are basically people looking for some company.

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